If you are blessed enough to have a special friend, who will do anything for you or go through any length for you, stick with them and look for ways of making them feel loved and appreciated. Also, seek ways of helping them too, reciprocate that gesture in areas that would mean so much to them.
It is not about doing tit-for-tat, but about placing appropriate value on those who mean so much to you. If what they did means a lot to you, then their person should also mean a lot to you, and how do you show that their person means a lot to you? You show it by how far you would go to make them happy too and to also let them know that you appreciate them, and you would always be readily available for them.
The language of friendship is appreciation. What you don’t appreciate, depreciates.
In friendship, you should also be willing to let things go quickly; forgive easily and don’t forget, your relationship should be the type that pushes you to be better, only then can you overlook some excesses and address it. The other party must be willing to learn and do what it takes to make it work if they actually place an appropriate value on the friendship.
Friendship requires a lot of sacrifices. This is why many people give up on some because it is one-sided and appreciation is not being given. As much as I hate people telling me “thank you”, I value it when people show appreciation by taking things about me seriously, like checking up on me if I was down, like being there. When you do these things, I take it like you appreciated me enough to be there for me, not just in saying multiples of “Thank yous.”
I stop replying when people tell me "Thank you," hahaha, or I change the topic to something that will switch your focus from it. I believe even if you must, once is enough, but then, I can injure you with “Thank you” when I say it to you. Trust me, I go to several lengths just to show my gratitude in words and in deeds.
Most people resolve to only using words of appreciation in friendship, and not in deeds. Deeds should match up with your words, only then would your friends know you mean what you say, and you say what you mean.
Look around you and examine those who matter to you, then reach out to them. Value that friendship that means so much to you, and don’t make it seem like the world revolves around you. As they have been of value to you, look for ways of becoming a value to them. Let your actions and words weigh so much that your friends would think twice about “discarding” you (letting you go). Do everything with the whole of your heart, your heart is involved too.
Thank you for your time and following through this series.
My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.
Still me,
Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.
Having a boom companion wasn't easy to find, if you have friends that so enough love and care about everything you do, always there for you when you are in tight situation and always provide a sense of relief to you, you really have to show such friend the best they deserve, don't always let the care or attention be one-sided so that you will surely have no course for alarm when you needed help from them since they will always look out for you. There's this popular saying that respect is reciprocals; judging from this fact you should always be there for the people that values and ready to do anything for you in keeping the friendship so that the intimacy would be so strong and lasting.
Placing appropriate values on those who loves you and care about you will go along way in building long lasting friendships. Appreciate people who stretch forth a helping hand to you because if you have problems they will always be there for you, cherish people and appreciate them and don't be a fair weather friend who only take delight when the going is beneficial.
Building a perfect relationship you have to remember this to err is human and to forgive divine, don't hold on to past and always forgive and forget, it is normal to be angry with your friends when one did something wrong but always talk things over and let go easily. Take no joy in your friend setbacks.
Remember this action speaks louder than words, if you wrong your friends and you are truly sorry it should be shown in your behaviour and attitude, "not like sorry now " I have been begging you since morning. Always take responsibility over any of your action.
Appreciate people that appreciate you, respect people that love you, take delight in assisting in friends in need, as they say a friend in need is a friend indeed, I rest my case.
This got me. One sided friendship is crazy. It hurts so bad.
May God deliver us from wrong frienships
Amen, sister. it is better not to have friends at all than fall victim of wrong friends #bad company.
Another amazing comment. Respect is indeed reciprocal and we should always take responsibility for our actions. Thanks a lot brother.
Even if they don't appreciate you, try be good to them, you will win their heart with your good deeds
Friendship can make people happy but also can make people suffer. What happens to a friendship will have a positive impact on our lives.
Then whether friendship can be likened to a friend? Actually when taken in a simple sense of the two things can be equated. But if taken in a more profound meaning, they are actually very much different. Someone could be our friend anytime, anywhere, and in a short time. If we meet someone somewhere and we get acquainted with him, then he automatically becomes one person on our friends list.
But it's different with friendship, someone can be a friend not in a short time. It must take a long time to be a friend, because in the sense of friendship it takes the name of trust, loyalty, thought, honesty and also other things that can be material to build a true friendship.
What we experience for friends is sometimes exhausting and annoying, but that is what makes friendship beautiful. Friendship often presents some trials, but true friendship can overcome that ordeal even grow together.
Friendship is not automatic but requires a long process like iron sharpens iron, so friends sharpen his friend. Friendship is colored with a variety of experiences of joy and sorrow, consoled, cared for-rejected, heard-ignored, assisted-rejected, yet all this is never intentionally done for the purpose of hatred.A friend will not hide mistakes to avoid disputes, dare to rebuke what it is.
Friendship indeed requires a lot of process. This is powerful. Thank you for this. So much to pick from here.
Poetry inspired by the post part 3
Uhm, I love this, it is really inspiring, lovely lines with powerful rhythm in between. I'm singing the stanzas already.
Really inspiring and powerful
Thanks brother. You’re appreciated
This is beautifulMr Poetry... #smiles
Awww thanks so much sister
Hahahaha I was expecting this. You never disappoint. Thanks a lot for this, brother.
Taking a moment to give gratitude for things in and around your life is so easily forgotten. Reminders to do this are so important
Failure to do this may makes you to loose those you call friends and It's hard to experience a life without friends it's like living without love, it's simple isn't possible
Friends are the one who become a part of our celebration when we rise in life, and they are the one who become our support system when we fall and go through tough time. So we need them around, and not just only us, we need to render the same service to them, because we need each other in friendship
Thanks for sharing @olawalium
This is a very great wisdom in expression here. It's just too awesome
thanks for your comment
I totally love this. Thank you for sharing this. Really appreciate your time and comments bro.
anytime brother, thanks for your comment also
Appreciation is also an important element of effectively dealing with the stress of challenges and uncertainty that so many of us are facing these days.
yap you are absolutely right friend, thanks for your comment.
Let me quickly ask you this
What do you value most about your best friend? What is it about your kids that you really appreciate? What do you love best about your spouse? How does your co-worker or your boss make your job and life easier and more fun?
Expressing our heartfelt and genuine appreciation for the important people in our life is magical and it’s essential to our ability to create happiness, fulfillment, loving relationships, healthy families, successful teams, and productive communities. Appreciation is also an important element of effectively dealing with the stress of challenges and uncertainty that so many of us are facing these days.
I like this. I have truly learned to focus on what is present as opposed to what is absent or missing. The only time I need contemplation, is when I must consider whether the appreciation I have for someone’s qualities or being, overrides the unacceptability of the severity of their less finer qualities. If unacceptable behavior is paramount and persistent, I must set boundaries and/or remove myself. However, it is highly possible to maintain appreciation for their finer qualities, even then. This is a state birthed from self-love. How I appreciate myself is exactly the level at which I am able to appreciate others
Thanks for sharing this @olawalium and thanks to @communitycoin also
I totally love this. Yes, how you appreciate yourself is how you appreciate others and setting boundaries is actually very needed when the other person isn't appreciating or reciprocating your gestures.
You always speak deeper, I like it. Well done. Thank you for this.
Hahahaah thanks for your comment bro, that's just the fact,how you appreciate yourself is how you appreciate others,
Absolutely. Thanks a lot.
Excellent post, Friendship is one of the most important values you can have in life. Good friends are to have fun but also to help us in the most difficult moments. Friendship is a mind in two bodies.
You are absolutely right, good friends should always be there for one another no matter what happens. Staying close all the time keep the friendship rather then the distance, we should learn to reach out to our friends whenever there is need for it.
Sure, distance is never a barrier to true friendship. Its always alive
True friendship is like brotherhood. Always together through thick and thin
Absolutely. Good friends should be there for us in key moments that matters to us, as we should for them. Thanks a lot for this.
When I choose to do things for friends and people I just met. I do it wholeheartedly, I got friends that I can go any length for just to make them happy. And some will do the same. Friendship is worth more than a gold mine.
That's the true value of friendship... Nothing added and nothing subtracted... Smile
Yes!. Balanced.
You are awesome, a boom companion indeed, always take delight in strecting forth a helping hand to one's friend is the best. Friendship comes with a lot of sacrifice and one must be willing to contribute one's quarter in order to make the moving beneficiary.
Friendship sure comes with a lot of sacrifice. Its a give and take thing. Even though you shouldnt expect too much from people.
Most people expect too much, and it is not a crime, but to someone who expects too much, should also be willing to give too much. It works both ways.
Sacrifice is the word. Nice one bro
We sure need to all learn to do things freely without expecting any favours back. If not, one will just suffer unnecessary heart ache.
You see it takes the kind hearted to do what you do.
Good friends are better than riches I agree with you my friend. You’ve got a kind heart
And you should notice someone else help you heartedly ,it may not be the person you did things for but someone else. Life is like karma
Absolutely. It has to be mutual and both ways. Love it. Thank you.
I said I got females as my best friends in the last one you posted "when you have one ii"
I appreciate what they did me, how they transformed my life to the best one I wanna be so I do help them In making things I know they can't do like carry heavy things or fetching water cos I believe there is a limit female has power, same applicable to guys too but females strength is lower than that of the guys so I Always help them and by doing that, they appreciate too, they could do anything for me
Appreciation follows appreciation, when you appreciate your friends,they would appreciate too
Yes, it has to really be mutual and friendship goes both ways. Always look for ways to be relevant to your friends, then it spreads from them to you too. Thanks brother.
Write cards of gratitude – letting the people around you know what you appreciate about them and how they have impacted your life this year in a positive way. Express your appreciation genuinely, specifically, and personally – in a heartfelt way.
Giving something specific that someone really wants will have them feel appreciated and valued. Thanks @communitycoin
There are friends who stick closer than brothers and if you dare lose them.... You lose them for life
Absolutely, it only takes Grace as extra efforts to get them back. We should guard and guide them jealously.
Remember what most people want, more than almost anything else, is to know that they are loved, valued, and appreciated. Appreciation truly is the best gift we can give to the people in our lives I love this post by @olawalium
It delights me to know you do. Thanks a lot. Yes, people gravitate towards affection and love. We should always place appropriate value on those who are of value in and to our lives.
Thanks a lot for this.
The blessedness of having friends is easily being defeated these days.
We stay so close, yet far away and forgetting that the memories we have with each friend cannot be enjoyed with another friend.
Thanks for this
friendship is all about sacrifice and showing concern to each other, true friendship never die and true friendship never lie. well explained and analyzed post about friendship @Olawalium
Thank you so much for that. Really appreciate your contribution. Yes, it never lie and never die.
Wow... So true. Thats why its called true friendship and not just friendship.
True friends never die only when you or your friends didn't try to kill it
I really enjoyed the part 2 ... I just could not wait for this part. Very inspirational. God bless you.
God bless you too brother. I always appreciate your contributions.
I couldn’t have said it any better.
Yeah and do you know why?
Because it was perfectly said by one of the best writers you can find on this platform
Thank you sooooo much brother. I am so happy to hear this and it means a lot to me.
Thank you so much sir.
friendship is gr8 for everyone...but not easy task to find out gud friends...they are very lucky how has gud friends.
Its not easy at all. Its easier to find bad friends than the good ones.
It is not easy and a good way to make good friends is to become one as well. It is not easy but never impossible. Thanks a lot.
U r rite..
Thank you.
falling in love with his own companions and harboring flavors over the years. Simple premise experienced by many people. So some say that mate not far away, could be even the closest person.
I lost a friend once because I didn't recognize the fact that I had to appreciate her as a friend... Learnt my lesson now tho
The friend is that who is lonely in a cheerful company without you.Good post/