Choose Your Company, Contributed by @Olawalium

in #friends6 years ago


Friendship is important. Sometimes, it even determines how far we go in life, and this is why we need to be deliberate about the kind of company we pick. We need to be deliberate or intentional about the kind of people we allow into our space. We need to study other people’s content before we feed them into our soul. Life doesn’t come with instructions, we live and learn, so having the wrong kind of friends in our lives can limit us. Most of the time, having the wrong set of people can break us rather than build us.

When we surround ourselves with positive-minded people, there is no limit to how far we can go. They won’t only push us, with their lifestyle and achievements, we can draw strength, and learn how to make it too. Success can be copied. If you learn how someone else achieved their greatness, you can follow suit. With proper guidance and experience from this person, you will also attain.

As earlier said, we need to be deliberate. Destiny is not emotional. If someone is not making you happy or allowing you to be better, let them go. Drop every sentiment and know you deserve better. You need to love yourself enough to know you can’t lower your standard and allow the wrong set of people into your space. Once you allow yourself to be broken, you are the one responsible for yourself.


Judge me by the people I try to avoid. By the set of people you try to avoid and not mingle with, we can easily determine your sense of worth and character.

Show me your friend, and I will determine who you are and who you are striving to be.

A man will remain the same in five years, except for two things; the books he reads and the people he associates with. Your association determines a lot. It speaks volume.

There are people we think are our friends but they are really not, because they backbite, the snitch, they lie, and do all sorts of things that are against our morals. You can’t determine this most of the time, with the first encounter with them, but with time you will see.

Time is always a true test for all things. Face value is false value sometimes, with time, you will know the true value of whoever you have chosen and allowed into your space. When you have seen their content, you can then decide, based on your own values too, what to feed yourself with. If it is against your values, sever the ties, if you know it might lead you to a place you wouldn’t like. You have to know yourself so you can know your limits.

Having the best kind of friends can also be a cure for depression. You would have people who you can easily relate your struggles with, without being the topic of discussion with everyone. If you haven’t found one, be one.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

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The first lesson we should all learn about friendship is that friendship is a choice and not a force.

You have all the right to choose who your friend is.

It is always good to know where you are going and build friendship with those that are heading there to facilitate your journey. Because, If you don't know where you are going , others would take you to where they are going.

Choose the very best friend available and ensure you are the best for your friends too.

Thank you @olawalium and @communitycoin

Absolutely. Look for the best and be the best for another too. Iron sharpens iron. Good one.

That's the spirit and that's the beauty of friendship

The kinds of friends we choose can either make or mar us. Choose wisely.

That's the spirit.....

We are the product of the company we keep.

Yes cutie.

In the journey of life, we all happen to travel with other people. We are social beings and need to be in the presence of others. Many times, however, those who we choose to spend our life with can have an immensely negative impact on us. Therefore we should be very careful when it comes to choosing friends, so that we surround ourselves with those who help us find happiness, instead of those who contribute to our suffering.

We don't have the privilege of choosing we our families are, but we have the full right to choose our friends.
Choosing the friends that are going on the same direction with you is the best way to choose friends, with that, you would help each other to keep going.

Absolutely. You need to be heading in the same direction. Great insight bro. You make so much sense.

Thanks bro, you always make sense too.

I always enjoy your words and contribution. Always practical and full of depth. Good one brother.

Friendship is really important.They determine how far we can go in life.The question is more about the quality of friends at our disposal than the quantity.We should surround ourselves with people of great minds, people with focus and insight. This will determine what life will give to us.When life gives you bitter pill, and you feel down,the quality of friends at your disposal will make you see what you are not seeing.They will let you see potentials instead of limitations. They will help you squeeze the lemon and make it to a lemonade.But with bad company they will blow the sadness out of proportion making you lose the courage to fight.

Powerful post @communitycoin and @olawalium

Woooooooooooow!. This is brilliant. Nothing to add or to subtract. Well done sir. Really love and enjoy this, really. Thanks for this beautiful comment.

True, surrounding ourselves with great minds is key. They'll sure lead us to the right paths, but the wrong friends will only lead us to evil.

This is awesome, their is so much strength in the quality of friends we keep.

If you work with brave warrior, you are not afraid of battle, if you work with timid friends on the other hand, you surrender even before the battle.

Friends we keep can determine how far we go in life.

Friends are essential in life. Neutrality takes the path without friends. But if the friend is not good then because of not being a friend is better. Because the poet said the omnipotence with honesty was defeated with dishonesty. So I will say that friends should choose good friends during the election. Life Impossible Without a Friend

the omnipotence with honesty was defeated with dishonesty

Copy that! Rhema!

Hello Dear, I have not written a copy either, or the language of his mind and language of mind is one. I think that's normal.

We can't do it all alone absolutely. We need friends. Sweet comment my friend.

Very true we must choose our friends very well.

No doubt. Thanks a lot.

The power and effect of friendship can not be underestimated, but a kind of people we choose as a friend will determine how we enjoyed the friendship.

There are so many people in our lives we can regarded as friends. But the question is, "are they all friends ?"

Yes, they are all friends. Depending on the definition of your own Friendship. Friendship is not by quantity but the quality. A single friend with so much to offer better than hundreds of friends without benefits.

You said and I coat "we have the responsibility to choose who ever we want to walk with " there are some mistakes I have made that caused me so much by walking with some people early in my life. But whose fault?

The company or caliber of people we choose to be with can have effect on our career. Imagine someone planning to be a doctor but choose thugs as friends.

We can determine how we want our lives to be by determined a kind of people we walked with.

Thank you so much for sharing @communitycoin and @olawalium

Great wisdom in full expression here..

It is always good to know where you are going in life and choose those that are heading towards the same direction, because if you don't know where you are going, others would take you to where they are going.

Friends are many, but true friends are scanty.

Yes boss, that's just the hidden facts behind it. Even if we will have to bend to other people opinion, it must be the one that will have positive impact in our lives.

Like I said, it is easy to have hundreds of friends. But few of them are real or can be called true friend.

Very correct bro, thanks for the insight.

Hahahaha if he choose thugs as friends he would have so much patients. Hahahaha.

Thanks a lot for this. Really enjoyed it.

This remind me of my secondary school (high school) days that my male friends can't think straight without thinking of a lady to make sex with, I know most of them didn't have a long way to go, I had to turn them down and make ladies my best friends cos ladies are the best students in our school and my friends never think about how to become best too

Most of them now have family they are not prepared for

I choose ladies as my friend and it really helps my career

Lol, such a wise lad from such a tender age.

You just exercise the power of choice in choosing who your friends are.

Hahahahaha they have families they are not prepared for. Hahahaha.

I am glad you know what direction you want your life to go, so you chose your friends carefully. That is important. Well done brotherly.

There are many factors that influence one's success, one of them is a friend. Therefore, from now on you have to sort a friend to climb the ladder of success. Having a supportive close friend when you are in difficult times is important to success.

Having a quality friendship will make a person have stronger psychic resilience. Good and strong friendships will be a protective mechanism that can help each other through tough times.

Supportive friendships can be an important point that keeps a person growing.

Good friendship is like a circle. So, each individual must be able to do the best for the friendship to be solid. Such friendships can also be a worthwhile investment.

Consciously or not, the presence of people around you will have an impact on the quality of life. Starting from family, spouse, friends, to ordinary friends. Therefore, try to always be in a positive environment that gives good impact for yourself. Because true life is too short to spend with friends who sucks.

In dealing with others, you can say hello or get acquainted with anyone. But good friends business, it could not hurt to choose people like what you will make a friend. Because this will give a big influence to the life and quality of self.

Friends definitely and truly determines our level of success. You nailed it right there. As much as we look forward to making good friends, we should be one too. Friendship requires mutual efforts.

Thanks a lot.

A man can be taken out to see his friends and friends around him. If the friend-friend is bad about him, then he would be worse. And if Jadi is friendly with her then she is bad and she will be better with her friend-friend around. The people go to the reading of the book, because a person reads the books and he gives his mentally as gay. So, we should have a good writer's book to be a good person.

Lol what if he doesn't have friends? what if a man is lonely 5 years ago and still is lonely, will he still change?

I think so!

Friends don't necessarily change a person, at least from my perspective it's actually the decisions he makes it what defines a man.