Good evening everyone. I present to you my cake with a special design.
Decorated star wrapper cake
250grams butter(1)
1measuring cup of sugar
3measuring cups of flour
1 tea spoons of baking powder
1 cap full of vanilla essence
3 caps full of liquid Preservative
Mixed fruits
Carrots(as desired)
Place all dry ingredients together(flour, baking powder, powdered flavours and carrots)
1)Add granulated sugar to butter and mix till it's fluffy.
2)Add flour and other dry ingredients alongside and cream, add whisked eggs and cream. Keep adding in bits until all ingredients are exhausted
3)Add mixed fruits and liquid preservative
to the mixture and also mix thoroughly
4)Grease desired cake pan with butter and put the mixture into the cake pan
- place cake pan in pre heated oven and bake for about 45minutes
Fondant Icing
To prepare fondant, add a teaspoon of CMC powder to icing sugar. Boil water and put 5 tablespoons of hot water into a plate. Add 1 table spoon of gelatin and dissolve properly. Add 1 tablespoon of glucose to the gelatin mixture and dissolve all together.
Pour mixture gently into the icing sugar and cmc mixture and knead gently. Continue until mixture is properly kneaded.
Decorate as desired.
The cake as well as the costume are beautiful
My darling @farida, I like the match of your dress and cake. You are a pretty girl too 😊. It's amazing how creative your young mind is. The sky is your limit. Keep expressing your creativity.
@maryfavour & @redfishpillar.
I sure will😊😀😊😀