The New Fresh Five Delegation for Curation Initiative! Help find great new Steemians and be rewarded with SP!

in #fresh57 years ago

My New Initiative to help Alleviate Bandwidth Issues for new Steemians!

One of the problems that new Steemians run into is the inability to Post, Comment or Vote due to the Bandwidth issues that the platform is dealing with due to the increase in users. Because new users have a very low initial SP, they also have a lower initial available Bandwidth than more established users.

There are two ways to deal with Bandwidth issues:

Do Less stuff on Steem. For Younger Steemians this typically is going to mean Less upvotes. We tend to get started and not understand that we can't just go around upvoting everything. We have to keep our voting under control so that we have enough bandwidth to do stuff like posting and commenting. The things that other Steemians can give us upvotes for to increase our own vote values.

Buy more Steem. You can invest in your own Steem future and buy Steem that you power up, this will increase your Bandwidth and allow you to do more on the platform. But lets face it, a lot of people here can't afford to buy Steem for one reason or another.

@timcliff wrote a pretty good article about the Bandwidth issues, and is a really good follow for information about this and other issues facing the Steemit Platform. Here are some of the keys from Tim's post:

The keys right now are to know that:

  • Every user has a limited amount of bandwidth.
  • Most of the time this should not affect users.
  • Sometimes (usually during busy times), users may run into limits if they have been transacting a lot.
  • If users wait for a little while, their bandwidth should recharge, or their limit will go back up.
  • Users also have the option to buy more SP if they want increased limits.

See his full post here:

The Fresh Five Delegation Offer

Here's what we will be doing. We are asking Steemians to go out and go through the Introduceyourself Posts and bring us new Steemians we should highlight in our Daily Fresh Five Digest. Each week there will be a new "Curation Post" where you can share the links to posts that you feel deserve to be included in the digest. @aussieninja and I will go through the links and choose if there are any of the new links shared who ought to be in the digest. My hope is that there will be such a great collection of new Steemians brought to us that we have the opportunity to do the Fresh Five Digest twice a day sometimes!

At the end of the week, Adam and I will go through the posts that were curated for us and pick the Three we are most excited about and award the Steemian who brought us that content with a 50 SP Delegation for 3 weeks. This small delegation should be enough to help new Steemians avoid most Bandwidth issues when used within reason.

How It Works

Go Out into the Introduceyourself Tag and find a great new aspiring Steemian for us to highlight.
New Steemians are defined as a user with Reputation under 35, who is posting to the introduceyourself tag for the first time.
Posts should be under 24 hours old.
Posts should stand out from the rest for their uniqueness or effort. We are looking for exceptional people we want to really foster to stick with Steem and grow with us.
Bring the link to the post you wish to nominate back to this post and comment below. You can just drop the link, but a short explanation of why you feel this particular Steemian should be featured will certainly help your cause.

All are welcome to participate, but only Steemians with under 50 SP of their own will be eligible to receive the delegation. If we feel one of the best nominations of the week comes from a Steemian with more than 50 SP we will allow them to gift the delegation to a Steemian of their choice with under 50 SP (Maybe they choose to nominate the new Steemian whose post won them the delegation rights).

Please limit yourself to one nomination per day. We want the best of the best. You need to weigh which new Steemian you find really surpasses all the rest.

But you Said 600 Steem Power!

I Sure Did! But Three winners a week, with 50 SP each is only 150 SP! Also True!

Here's how it plays out. To maximize the effectiveness I could have for each Steemian, and still have weekly awards, this is how it works out to my SP -

Week 1 - 3 winners - 150 SP out
Week 2 - 3 winners - 150SP + 150 Week 1 SP = 300 SP Out
Week 3 - 3 Winners - 150SP + 300 Previous = 450SP Out
Week 4 - 3 Winners - 150SP + 300 Week 2 & 3 winners, Week 1 winners drop off but SP goes into 7 day recovery. 600 Total SP Out
Week 5 - Week 1 SP recovered and given to 3 new winners, Week 2 SP goes into recovery.

So there's how it goes. Bring us your new Steemians to feature! We want to highlight some awesome people coming on to the platform!

This will act as the curation post for week 1. Post your links below, and look for your favorite introduceyourself post in the newest version of the Fresh 5 Digest!!!


Well, let's say that she got me right from the start! Love the opening and the way she wrote her story :)

I'm really enjoying all these new steemed ethos themed initiatives! This is a great idea to build a strong and well-educated community.

Massive thumbs up guys! Upvoted and resteemed :)

Thanks Thomas! We're trying! Of course, it's super easy when super talented Steemians like you pop up creating amazing cryptocurrency documentaries

Hahaha we all stand on each other's shoulders my friend. I would not be here if somebody else hadn't paved the road for me 😉

I just hope we can maintain the purity that gave birth to this amazing technology and culture.

This is indeed awesome, I wish I had this opportunity when I started on steemit, but notwithstanding, I would be on the watch for the best newbies.... Thanks guys, you are doing an amazing job.

Thanks for all your support! Keep an eye out!

I will definitely do that

I happily choose @Peacedonkeys, aka, Lee. She's brand new on Steemit and the moniker she chose is what got me to click on her #introduceyourself post. It's a wonderful choice, because among her talents and specialties, Lee also trains donkeys. (Donkeys are sweet; my brother's was the angel looking after the other beasties in their family corral.)

Thanks for the fresh five love! I wanted to pay it forward, so I found an interesting story of a dedicated girl who is working and putting herself through school while supporting her siblings and elder mother.

Amazing musician @atgc has beguiled me with his passion for music and what he's up to, plus he shares from his music vids:

@thefreshfive, thanks for your New Initiative to help Alleviate Bandwidth Issues for new Steemians!
The link above is a link to a girl's funny introductory post. She is a writer; she could write the world back to life. She knows how to put a smile on your face in your saddest moments. She is a Nigerian; she is a student. She is also fair in complexion. I'm glad to announce the fact that she is my little younger sister in whom I'm well pleased. We are siblings, so I've decided to use her introductory post as my entry. What a ribs-cracking post from her! Her introduction simply deserves the top. That notwithstanding, once again, thanks for bringing up a new concept like this; it shows that you care. It will go a long way in encouraging new Steemians.

You along with @aussieninja are doing a great job for newbies. Your effort is laudable. I wish you all the best for your noble work. Off course it will help newbies better growth in this amazing community. Thanks for your effort @thefreshfive

I don't understand how this works as I can't see anybody dropping links. Please a lil explanation will do.

no one is taking advantage yet. Take a look at the daily Fresh 5 digest, those are the type of people we are looking for. Go find more of them, and bring links to their posts here. Lot of introduction posts out there to be discovered. Easy pickings!

Amazing work and initiative! @greetersguild is behind you guys 110%! Looking forward to working with you by sending exceptional new users your way!

Thank you very much for your support with the new Steemians ( including me hahahaha )

Kasia (@voitakjewelry), is an artist from Poland. She introduced herself to the steemit community today with a gorgeous post featuring her work. She tells how she discovered a jewelry-making technique called 'Soutache,' and decided to give it her own touch by choosing cord of all the rainbow hues.

She also shared how as a teen she expressed her emotion through her murals which cover the walls of her room. You have to see them, I'd love to have that beauty in my home.

Now as wife and mother, she sketches portraits of her new and extended family members. You can feel the love she pours into these works.

I look forward to Kasia's future posts as she shares her artistic journey with us. Here's her first post:

New steemian Jordan Byers aka @americantraveler shared her first post today. In it Jordan shares a variety of things about which she feels great passion. Beginning with her deep love for her home town, Kansas City, Missouri USA. She may have lived there all her life, yet she's still finding new places to explore. If you've never visited Kansas City, you'll feel as though you have when you see some of the pictures she both curated and shared from her own stock. I look forward to having a good peak along with Jordan as shares her finds.

She's also a student at Rockhurst University where she studies nonprofit management. Currently she's a social media and marketing intern for a Kansas City nonprofit. Here's something interesting: did you know that Kansas City is home to over 7,000 non profit organizations? I didn't until I read her post. Easy to see not only how this has positively impacted her study and future career choice, but has given her an opportunity to learn first hand about this field. And its right within her backyard.

Yet Jordan doesn't stay put just because she lives in a city she loves. So Kansas City and her internship adventures aren't all there is to learn about and from Jordan. She's a world traveler. Check out her lovely travel photos and teasers about some of her experiences abroad.

Family is important in her life, and though she says her immediate familial circle is small, it's "blended" enough to include extended members. It both sounds and looks (just take a look to see the love in the photos) that she is a giver and wise receiver of that support.

To top it off (and this is what captured my heart) she says she has "a briefcase full of stories" to entertain folks. Which I sure hope she will do for us, on steemit. Visit her post and say hello to Jordan!

great idea guys, thanks for helping us newbies out :)

this is a big motivation to keep going!!!

I think this guy should be one of the fresh five for his unique introductory post. Even as a medical student he engages in alot of hobbies like hiking, photography, travelling and lots more. He's not fully a newbie but after loosing his last account he didn't give up but came back and needs to know what next to do.
I guess he needs thumbs up for the great shot he took while hiking at sunset.

Are you still doing this project? Not the contest, but still supporting what others bring you? If so, I would like to be able to bring my daily posts of the introductions I find. Here is my current post:

We are also going to every real introduction and posting a welcome post. It contains information that explains what RC is and how to vote. We have had a great reaction to it by the introductions and hope to do more.
