About the real life usage of cryptocurrencies, by now I only see steemit to provide a real life usage opportunity. Beside the replacement of fiat currencies, which is a goal that I find really difficult to imagine, I think crypto and blockchain could provide us with reliable, quality services like social networks or content platforms. The problem is that the well-established companies seem not to care too much about this opportunity. For example, Spotify could create a crypto and provide us with a crypto based solution to pay for the music we love; this would even reduce piracy. Through exchanges, one could even buy Spotify crypto through for example steem dollars so enjoying good music without spending money but providing users with quality content. And both the platforms could gain value thanks to this. I wonder why the trend seems not to go this way
I agree with your points. However, I think because major companies are not risking their business due regulations. Not to mention, if cryptocurrency is used more than fiat, that would cause instability to fiat, which something that the legal entities wouldn't be happy about.
The last point is the one I'm most afraid of. The old (and inefficient) fiat would suffer a lot from a rise of crypto usage.
Regarding the first point, do you think there will be a fair regulation soon?
Honestly no. From what I gather, a lot of countries are imposing ban on cryptocurreny usage. However, they are open for it to being commodities/stocks options. On another note, if you notice the trends on Fintech, most companie are introducing the idea of token to the mass; think it's an attempt to familiarize the mass about e-money. Hence, there probably still is hope for cryptocurrency. Perhaps, in the next 5-10 years.
I have the same feeling, especially regarding the fact that the Fintech giants are introducing the concept of tokens.
Thank you for your opinion