Kronin's UOW chronicles, Chapter 5

in #freewriting2 years ago

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Kronin prepares for Ultra Slam 2 and adds a new job to his resume, a story by:


Kronin’s hotel room, 06:30

Kronin was awake, a cup of coffee in one hand, the morning newspaper laid out before him on the coffee table. “You’re serious, Cass?” The A.I, who was standing next to him in her holographic mode nodded. “Yes. I can translate.” She said, making a motion of snapping her fingers for effect. As Kronin looked the words on the newspaper seemed to change from Spanish to German. He whistled. “Wow… can you teach me other languages as well?” Cassandra shook her head at this suggestion. “No, this is not the Matrix. I can not just beam information into your brain, but I am fairly certain I could perform the functions of a universal translator, translating what people say into the language of your choice and translating your words into their language. That is obviously something that will need to be tested first. Spoken speech is much faster and fluid than translating writing, after all.”

Kronin nods. “Well, that makes sense.” He said as he took a sip of his coffee. “Oh, how did my teams do?” Cassandra closed her eyes for a moment. “Dynamo Dresden was defeated and eliminated from the DfB Pokal by Beyer Leverkusen by a score of 3-1.” Kronin groaned at this and kept listening. “Borussia Dortmund was defeated by Bayern Munich 3-0.” Kronin shook his head. “Team 3?” Cassandra paused here. “I’m curious. Did you enjoy your time as a player for St. Pauli?” Kronin raised an eyebrow at the question. “Why would you think I didn’t enjoy playing football?” Cassandra shrugs. “FC St. Pauli is based in the so-called Red Light District in Hamburg. They are a very left leaning club noted for many charity and social outreach programs. Given your experiences under the communist East German regime, it is logical to assume you do not have much love for left wing policies.”

Kronin smiles. “Know what I liked? Helping people who needed help. At first I… was not happy with the trade. Drug addicts, prostitutes, the dregs of society.. Freeloaders. Then I stopped and thought. I remembered when we East Germans reunited. The West Germans said the same things about us. ‘Freeloaders. Bums. Dregs of society. It’s unfair we have to pay for the East Germans' failed policies.” I remembered how unfair I thought it was to paint people with a broad brush so… I helped out. My first week at St. Pauli, I helped at a soup kitchen. Feeding people who needed it. So yes. I enjoyed my time there.”

Cassandra nods. “They lost to Hamburg by a score of 2-0.” Kronin punches the air. “SchiBe! ….Fuckin Hamburg.” Cassandra raises an eyebrow at this. “I believe that is the first time I have heard you use the ‘F’ word.” Kronin lets out a small laugh. “It probably is. Alright. Well football break is over, back to the task at hand. Have you analyzed it yet?” Cassandra points to the TV and turns it on, the screen showing a replay of the match. Bold is fighting with Kara. The two are in a close grapple and.. Kronin tilts his head to the side. “Is that son of a bitch biting my sister?!” Cassandra mimics the move, tilting her head to the side as well. “It would appear so. You know, during the fight, I did monitor that Chuulain Bold’s physical attributes increased by the following. Physical strength increased by approximately 80%. Stamina increased by approximately 75%. Speed and Agility increased by about 25%. He recovered from injuries and fatigue during the match at about twice the expected rate.”

Kronin crossed his arms over his chest as he thought about this. “Hmm. I noticed he definitely hit harder. Stupid question. Can you-” Cassandra cuts in. “I need to see Kara before I can scan her. If you want me to check for an infection, I would need a sample. Preferably a blood sample.” Kronin nods. “We can do that when she comes over for review and planning.” Cassandra continues to look at the frozen frame of the match they are in before looking back to Kronin. “Do you have a plan for the upcoming match? There is a chance you and Kara will have to compete against each other.” Kronin nods. “This is true. But I think we can work together. With luck, get into a spot where it’s just the two of us. But we’ll see. It’s definitely hard to plan for the chaos of a battle royal.”

“Yes. I have your odds of winning at 25%.” Kronin looked at Cassandra as she spoke and sighed, nodding. “Your confidence in me is touching. Truly.” Cassandra looks at Kronin. “Most competitors do not even break 10% odds of winning the match. Also, judging from past performances and our win-loss record.” Kronin nods, finishing his coffee. “Don’t remind me.”

Kronin’s hotel room, 08:00

Breakfast plates of now eaten food rested on the room service cart. Kronin was pacing about the room and let out a sigh. “She’s running late.” Cassandra looks at Kronin. “The fight was tough on her. Maybe she needs a bit more time to recover.” Kronin nods. “Possible. I suppose we will find out when she gets here.” Cassandra is silent for a moment. “I know how this will sound, but I do not require sleep as you know.” Kronin nods. “Right.” Cassandra nods. “And because of this, I spend a large amount of time consuming media.” Kronin nods. “Is this leading to something?” Cassandra nods. “Bold’s behavior in the match, the biting motion he made on Kara and her inexplicable interference with you do fit in with the Hollywood and Hammer Film ideals of the vampire myth.” Kronin raises an eyebrow as he regards his AI companion. “You’re telling me you believe a vampire bit my sister?” Cassandra is silent for a long moment. “I am not sure what I am saying other than it fits the pieces. The confusion comes from the fact that how movies present vampirism is likely not how it would actually work if vampirism were real.” Kronin taps the bottom of his chin thoughtfully. “How do you think it would work?” Cassandra’s holographic form shrugged. “Like an virus or infection. Probably similar to rabies, another disease commonly transmitted via bite.” Seeing the look on Kronin’s face, she continues. “There is a silver lining here. If we assume I am correct to label vampirism a virus, then it follows that, unlike the movies, Kara is not doomed to become a vampire. There is a chance her body will fight off the infection, either on it’s own at which she becomes the proverbial ‘lucky survivor’ whose blood might then have the antibodies needed to formulate a vaccine, but she might also survive the infection with the aid of antibiotics and other medicines designed to help her fight off the infection.”

Kronin debates this and nods. “This will get above my paygrade very quickly. Is Samantha free?” Cassandra is silent for a moment and nods. “She is on her way.”

08:30. Samantha Topher arrives at Kronin’s room:

Kronin opens the door after he hears the knock and Samantha walks in. “I’m touched you thought of me, but Valora might be better for this. She did go to med school and she was talking to your sister last night.” Kronin raises an eyebrow. “Yeah?” Samantha nods. “Kara was suffering from insomnia. Couldn’t eat anything but very rare meat. Valora plans to try and get a blood sample, rule out some type of anemia or iron deficiency. So. how can I help you?” Kronin is thoughtful for a moment. “First off, we’re not crazy. I hope not, at least. But-” Cassandra chimes in. “We were considering the possibility that Chuulain Bold has been infected with vampirism and that he may have passed said infection to Kara.”

Kronin nods. “Basically. Cassandra was explaining how it might work, theoretically, and it was getting above my paygrade so…” Samantha nods. “So you dial up the MIT scientist to help you figure it out? I’ll give it a shot.” Cassandra repeats the information she had previously given. Samantha listens intently, adjusting her glasses and nods. “Well, I’m not anywhere near an expert on infectious diseases but.. I am a sci-fi and horror nerd.” Kronin blinks. “How does that help us?” Samantha smirks. “Are you aware the CDC has published a report on how to survive a zombie apocalypse?” Kronin rolls his eyes. “Only Americans…” Samantha sighs. “Ever hear of mad cow disease?” Kronin nods. “Of course… everyone has.” Samantha nods. “If that were to infect a human you could end up with something very near a zombie. Nerds like me think of shit like this not just to pass the time but because what’s fiction today might be reality tomorrow.”

Kronin nods. “You’re right. I apologize. So then.. What are your thoughts on Cassandra’s hypothesis?” Samantha nods. “I think she’s on the right track, which is good and bad. Good in the sense that the more data we have, the more we might be able to do. Bad because there is a very small window during which rabies can be treated. After a certain point.. The person is done for. The thing we need to figure out is what that point is. Is it physical? Mental? Is there some type of supernatural component to it?”

Kronin looks at Samantha, taking a moment. “What do you mean mental?” Cassandra cuts in here. “Physical means immune system. Mental could mean it works like a mental illness or, more likely would tie in with the perceived supernatural aspect. In many vampire myths throughout human history the victim becomes a vampire when they ‘give in’ sometimes that act is represented by drinking human blood. Sometimes, that act is meant by killing the victim and drinking the blood.” Samantha picks up here. “I don’t know you or your sister very well, but she seems to be a strong willed person. If there is a supernatural component of submitting to the corruption of this illness, I feel very good about your sister’s chances of getting through this with her humanity intact.”. Kronin laughs a bit and nods. “Well, we Germans are a stubborn bunch. Assuming this more like a normal virus?” Samantha clears her throat. “Following the rabies model, your sister will need medical treatment that doesn’t exist yet as the majority of the modern world has not encountered vampirism yet. If she doesn’t get the treatment in time, and Cassandra is correct in stating that vampirism is comparable to rabies, then I’d be worried about what will happen to her.” Kronin nods. “Well then, I suppose step one is try to figure out if we’re right, or if we’ve all watched one too many horror movies.”

09:00, Kara’s room:

After some more planning, Kronin and Samantha made their way to Kara’s hotel room, Kronin knocking on the door. After a bit, the door opened to show Kara, looking pale, sleep deprived and skin that appeared clammy. Samantha stepped forward immediately and felt her forehead, than her cheeks. Kara nodded. “I talked to Valora last night. She said-” Kronin pushed into the room, Samantha following him as she closed the door. After helping Kara sit down, Kronin nods. “Did Bold bite you?” Kara nods. “Yeah… why?” She thinks for a moment and looks at Kronin. “Really? Fairy tales?” Cassandra’s holographic form appears. “You were bitten. You reported after the match not knowing why you distracted Kronin. You didn’t want to, didn’t plan to but did it anyways. You were unable to sleep at night and felt the need for bloody, rare meat.” Samantha shrugs. “We live in a world where a wrestling federation has 2 cybernetic wrestlers, one android wrestler, a wrestler who believes he is a knight, Oh, and let’s not forget Warhammer, a corporation rumored to have magic users and actual freaking monsters. Still wanna say vampires couldn’t possibly exist?”

Kara looks at Kronin “Scheiße!” She said before punching Kronin in the shoulder. “You’re supposed to agree with me that it’s crazy! I’ve been worried about this very thing since Valora left! Since before I talked to her!” She sighs and sits back down, Samantha walking over with a bottle of water taken from the tiny fridge. “Here.” Kara takes the bottle, downing it in one gulp and nods. “So.. do we have an idea how to beat this?” Samantha nods. “Well Cassandra has a theory drawn from various vampire myths that would seem to indicate willpower will beat this. That you need to avoid drinking human blood and/or killing a human and then drinking their blood.” Cassandra adds in. “If I’m right… this will get…very unpleasant. You will likely experience symptoms close to starvation. I imagine it will be maddening.” Kara nods. “I… understand. On the other hand, I could go undercover… I mean if we’re going to really beat this, we need to find out whose behind it all, right?” The three other people in the room exchange worried glances and Kara looks to Kronin. “Kronin… this is what I do. I went undercover in the Baader-Meinhof gang. I went undercover in neo nazi gangs. I’ve gone undercover a number of times.” Cassandra steps forward. “This time it will be hard for us to know when to pull you out, if you get in trouble.” Kara nods. “I know. I’ll think about this, come up with some code phrases, make a plan. Look into options.” She looks at Kronin. “You need to get ready for the match.” Kronin nods. “If we’re in the ring at the same time?” Kara smiles. “We work together try to be the last two standing.” Kronin nods. “Works for me. Is Valora coming back?” Kara nods. “ Yeah. You’re right about her. She’s a good person. The baffling thing is she seems to hate herself for being a good person.”

Kronin nods. “She’s definitely an interesting case study. But she’s had a hard life.” Cassandra looks at Kronin. “I have heard it said you used to consider her a ‘garbage wrestler’ I am not familiar with this term.” Kronin smiles. “Valora started off as a hardcore wrestler. Weapons and such. It’s high risk, reckless, and usually a short career path. Some technical based wrestlers tend to look down on it as ‘garbage wrestling’ because anyone can do it. Samantha here can grab a baseball bat and beat someone bloody, it doesn’t take talent. But, while hardcore wrestling doesn’t take talent, Valora definitely has a talent for it. I’ve not seen one person come up with so many different and unique ways to hurt someone. I swear to god she could probably pull off the whole killing 3 men in a bar with a pencil trick.” Kara smiles. “I’ll be fine, brother. Go.. Get some training in. Prepare for the match. We can talk later.


Kronin had finally made his way down to the gym. As he walked into the gym, he took note of an interesting group of people. One tourist was trying, and mostly failing, to keep up with the treadmill. A very pale, very gothic looking woman was up near the front of gym area, enjoying a drink and keeping watch on the people working out. Two other female tourists were doing the same. Apparently, this was part of what it meant to be on vacation. Once Kronin stepped up and began lifting, he was aware of the women that had been there before, plus 2 others now taking a look at him. Kronin decided to give them something to look at so power lifted one more, bringing the weight from the floor to his chest, to over his head,. His muscled body getting more than a few looks of appreciation, whistles and even a few propositions. Kronin went about his work out While he did so, he spoke to Cass. “Goth girl.” He muttered under his breath as he ran the treadmill. Cassandra replied back. “Picture taken.. We can check with our allies later and see if we turn up anything.” Kronin nods. “Anything else?” Cassandra nods. “ Very low rate of respiration. Every other member of your fan club had reactions I would expect. Respiration, flush of arousal, increased heart rate. Our gothic friend, not so much. There could be a number of legitimate explanations of course but it is still something to be aware of.”

Personally, Kronin couldn’t agree more.