
in #freewriters2 months ago

In a warehouse someplace that is filled with wooden crates,

A crate begins to move and jump as if something is alive on the inside of it. It shakes as it sits on top of a stack of several crates until a voice can be heard on the inside.

Voice - Let me out of here! If I catch who put me in here, I will flay you alive and put your skin on like a costume while you watch!

Eventually, there is enough shaking and bouncing that the crate falls off of the stack of crates and as it falls, a singular word is heard shouted.

Voice - Exradico!

“Zolothach” Tabitha Osborne lands on her feet on the floor of the warehouse, having transformed the crate that imprisoned her into ashes with a flash of light. She looked around to see if there were any people around.

Tabitha Osborne - Where am I?

She looks around at the different crates around her, the warehouse is full of such crates and seems to be massive.

She thinks back to the last things she heard before being bashed in the back of the head by some unknown people.

“We’ll have top men look after you and your new home. Top men.”

Tabitha looks around before making her way around the building in an attempt to find her way out.

Tabitha Osborne - I have a match coming up. I may have missed it though.

She follows the red glowing Exit signs to a door that leads out, never having run into any workers during the process. She tries the door - locked.

Tabitha Osborne - This will not do. Spiritus malleo!

She holds out her right hand palm out toward the door and a beam of energy blasts the door off of its hinges. She walks out with a smile, looking around. Once she is out of the building, her phone rings. She frowns at it for a moment before answering.

Tabitha Osborne - What do you mean congrats at winning my first match? I was kidnapped? For starters, my name s not that. It’s Zolothach. I am no Viking warrior. So that’s who popped me in the back of the head and took my place! I can be in the International title tournament? I like the sounds of that. Who do I face first? Richard Drake? I only ask so I know who to look up when I get the chance. Thank you for the info.

She hangs up the phone and looks around again, sighing when she sees that she’s at parking lot with no cars. She does see that there is a bus stop and upon checking her pockets, notices that her attacker left bus fare for her. She walks over to the bus stop and waits.

A few days later, Tabitha is at a hotel room, sitting on the bed. She uses the remote to turn off the television.

Tabitha Osborne - Richard Drake. You have a number of nicknames, but no past. Sounds like a deliberate act to me. You want to throw people off when they face you, having nothing to work off of. I have heard that you have started on my past to discover who I am. I wonder if after finding my childhood home if you went out back to the wrestling ring that I’m sure is still in the building behind the house. Did you see the bloodstains where my own father spilled my blood in trying to dissuade me from becoming a wrestler? Did you go into the house where in the front room, I took my family apart a piece at a time? No?

She looks down at the remote for a moment as if contemplating something, but doesn’t say what that it might be. She looks back to the camera with a smile.

Tabitha Osborne - Did you travel through the twelve states I went through before they captured me in Texas and condemned me to die at St Dymphna Home for the Criminally Insane? They used me there. Fights with other patients, used by paying customers and workers, and beaten because I might be violent. Oh, but I was. How many people did I condemn to Cthulhu’s waiting arms while I was at the asylum? Many. I sat in a cell that was carved into the island bedrock so that I could not escape.

I don’t kill anymore. It’s all thanks to a friend of mine who is no longer with me. Not that he’s dead, it’s just that we’re on different sides of the world. He was a drunk, but he was nice to me and so we accepted each other for who we were. Just think of all of the ways that I could hurt you without killing you and the true depths of pain that you will feel.

Tabitha forms her hand into the shape of a hand gun, the tips of the index finger and middle finger starting to glow. She swipes her finger through the air.

Tabitha Osborne - Ferrum spectris!

A quick wave of energy streams out from the fingertips in an arc that slashes the television in half. She laughs as sparks fly from the severed parts before it goes dead.

Tabitha Osborne - I’ll be seeing you soon, Richard Drake.