A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words: Bunny Ears

in #freewriters2 years ago

"I have noticed that this bunny’s ears are up and erect mean that a rabbit is alert to noises and sounds, they were rarely stationary."

I was born in the Chinese Year of the Rabbit, 1987. A rabbit personality is considered a calm, reserved, intro- perspective and thoughtful. I considered to be too sensitive for the world around me. I have a hard time thriving in competitive or aggressive settings, and get anxious when others force me to take risks.

Mentally, I have panic disorder and anxiety. This means that whatever sound that I heard, I got panick so quickly. I tend to get so anxious when people talk behind me. I rarely, go out and mingle with friends. I am curious and cautious sometimes, well often times. I am silly and naughty. Well, nobody is perfect!. I never lose hope instead, I look things in positive way.

I used my time doing as a moderator in discord server and in here. I am just like this bunny.

I am a rabbit 🐰
I am silly and shy a bit
I am timid and high spirited
Regardless of my sex or any breed

I can show my affection!
I can show you luck!
I wanna caught your attention!
Climbing at your back or nimbling at your sock.

Run, run, jump and jump!
Someone is gonna catch me up
Hiding in a tall greeny grass
I'm gonna rise my fury ears, atlas!

This is my short story.

To those people who has this kind of mental illness. Never surrender. Just always see the possibility and positivity. There's always a rainbow 🌈 after the rain. Stay happy 😊..

Thank you for the opportunity!! 🔥


It is good you understand your personality from the start. That would really make you know how to go about improving on your being. Thanks for sharing.

I love your entry. There are so many rabbits. You gave them hope and showed what is possible.

Thanks for joining pic1000.👌

That's my interpretation. You enlightened us to produce, original story.. You gave us hope too. |Thank you!