Hope the New Year, is good to You and Deb and that some of your Dreams come true and others turn out better than you hoped! I am totally exhausted New Years Day Afternoon our Dogs got out, i recovered Rogue the Female Pit Bull, but no sign of Loki, the cross Bull Terrier. He is a very Friendly Dog, Hopefully he turns up, O K. The Local Idiots have been setting off Fireworks every night since Old Years Eve!
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Yeah, it seems every neighbourhood has Yahoos. I think Loki will find his way back once the ruckus calms down. I know that feeling, Alan, when a pet goes missing --so sorry you have to go through that. Our pack has been very calm lately, probably because it was such a dead New Years Eve. Maybe you should put apple air tags on your dogs - they're fairly inexpensive and they really do work - I know because Deb can follow me on her cell whenever I take Abbey out for a walk. Good thing I don't mind being found, lol