its hard though! Sometimes I feel like if I'm not working towards making money, I'm wasting time. I don't want to be in the infancy state of business forever. But Ive also realized that if I put too much pressure on myself to complete a ton of shit in one day, I just shut down and get nothing done.
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Do you know how much money you need to live the lifestyle you want? A lot of people recommend figuring that out before you do anything else. I’ve never tried, but I think it makes a lot of sense. I’m not sure if there’s a formula or a cheat sheet to make completing the task easier, but it’s something I’ve been thinking about trying for a while now and haven’t. It seems like if you had a ballpark figure to aim toward, you could supplement yourself now with some of your savings and have a clear goal to shoot for. I would think that might lessen your money anxiety.
A million dollars a year? HAHAH. That's hard to say, really. I've always made whatever salary I was making work for me, and still be able to save money while I was at it. I bought my apartment when I was only making $28,000 a year and they should not have given me a mortgage, LOL, but its what I wanted. I've always had caviar tastes but regardless of how much extra funds I have at the moment, never wanted to spend my money on what I really want. that me being realistic to my situation? Punishing myself secretly by not allowing myself to have the "best"? Or am I just getting to be an adult where I realize that spending $1000 on a purse is not a good idea no matter what my bank account looks like? I actually dont think I need a lot to survive, or even thrive. Cover my bills and I'm happy. The one thing I would want to do more of that costs money is travel. Ironic isnt it, when I had a job and plenty of money I never had the time, and now that I have the time....I'm afraid to spend the money!
I am going to give this some serious thought though - work out how much I need for bills, how much savings I'd like to put away for the year and how much "fun" money I really need at the moment. That should give me at least a ball park figure to shoot for every month. And maybe not even the entire thing in sales - if I know I am dipping into savings for a certain percentage each month that might also help me relax about how often I have to tap into it.