Choosing Homelessness
Sometimes we're forced to make radical choices that feel very risky... hell, what am I saying, that feel terrifying.
I made a decision like this in October 1999 when I made the choice to leave my controlling ex-husband and my home. I was leaving home and almost all my possessions but for clothes for me and my two sons, a few mattresses and sundry housewares.
My temporary home was a shelter for battered women in Erie, PA, 1/2 hour away from my home. I would never return to this place and the accommodations ahead promised very temporary.
Have you ever stepped off of a cliff and wondered if you could fly? The choice to close that chapter and walk away with nothing but my sons and become homeless in word and truth was the best choice available.
I had no income and no other option left, but hope and a prayer pushed me into the path that brought freedom from abuse and the world lay before us.
I would be stalked and harassed through the next two years before I was allowed to divorce, riddled with nightmares and poverty, but never once have I questioned this choice.
As I pulled from the driveway after 20 long years in a Ford Explorer my exhusband would confiscate later I never looked back. Homelessness is not nearly as loathesome to a prison like the one we fled.
homelessThis is my 5 minute freewrite hosted by @mariannewest. The prompt is
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art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

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Yes, have seen this happen with friends. The mixture of fear with exhilaration drives one forwards. Thanks for sharing.
Upvoted, resteemed and has been added to the latest MAP Upvotes post.
Yes, there are times that we are faced with a rock and a hard place and you choose the rock. Thank you so much for the feature and resteem. <3
Thank you so much for honoring us by sharing your story. Your strength for going through that and surviving is amazing. It really shows you what you're made of when you're given a choice between two bad options and you have to pick one to save yourself. And your children, I would imagine. You are an incredible woman, and I hope you remind yourself of that every day. <3
Your comment touches me deeply and I appreciate your kindness. The fear that felt like paralysis was the highest wall Iv have ever scaled amd I hope maybe one woman who reads will say.. "I can do this, too." hug
Oh man. That was tough! You are a brave strong woman @wandrnrose7 ! God bless you!
Thanks so much for your kindness and support. We do what we must, just as you two are doing. hugs
You made a bold and right step by leaving, its better to be single than to tarry in a toxic relationship expecting the other person to change.
Thank you for your kind words. I tarried far too long, but so glad that I got away.
You are such a brave woman and I am so glad that you made that choice!! And it must have been scarier than heck - if that is an expression...
Hugs to you!!!
so long ago, but you never forget the night terrors and fearing that you will be found again (I'd been trying to get away for many years). The biggest fear was he wanted to take my sons away. I had a protection order (again) and hid out but eventually located us. (Abusers break the orders constantly and he had in the past). Those were stressful times.
I am much happier today, as you can well imagine. <3Thank you, @mariannewest. It was
Yes!! And I am so happy for you!!
Hugs ❤🤗
so long ago, but you never forget the night terrors and fearing that you will be found again (I'd been trying to get away for many years). The biggest fear was he wanted to take my sons away. I had a protection order (again) and hid out but eventually located us. (Abusers break the orders constantly and he had in the past). Those were stressful times.
I am much happier today, as you can well imagine. <3Thank you, @mariannewest. It was
Bravo @ wandrnrose7! from the deepest part of my heart, I congratulate you for that great and correct decision you made and that shows how brave you are ... God, always illuminates our path and more when it comes to good people ...

These are the stories I like to read and listen to, with happy endings and with great teachings. Thank you.
Thank you for your kind words of support. I have been blessed so much by taking that huge step.
Hungry, no posessions - but free of oppression. It's a no brainer for those with a strong-enough glow inside them and a clear sight of it. For those who can't see their true worth, they choose a self- destructive path. Material things do not reflect people's state of being. So glad you made it out of the darkness, my friend. Many of us find ourselves there at some point. How beautiful it is to be here today!
Thank you for your kind support and I am forever reminded of what this choice did for me and only good has followed in spite of that loss.
I admire your strength and courage to do what you did. Leaving an abusive relationship is one thing but taking two boys with you must have been really terrifying. You are now on the other side, no need to look back but forward to a much brighter future.
Thank you for your support. It was terrifying. I can honestly say it was a huge leap of faith, but I found strength and help in the world when I acted on that faith.
This post has been deemed resteem & upvote worthy by @ecs creator & community leader @chelsea88.
Thank you for your support and Resteem!
I suppose that leaving home where a woman has lived for several years with her husband, should be one of the most difficult experiences that can be lived. But I also agree that nothing compares to freeing oneself forever from the nightmare of abuse, supported only by prayer and faith. Excellent example for all the mistreated women of the world. Excelent topic.
Thank you for your kind words and support. I've followed you.
thanks friend
My pleasure <3