I thought you meant razors for a minute and it was like, what? I'm very glad they're not the metal kind!
Isn't time eerie, the way we never know when the last of anything is going to be? But then, too, I guess it's a comfort as well.
I thought you meant razors for a minute and it was like, what? I'm very glad they're not the metal kind!
Isn't time eerie, the way we never know when the last of anything is going to be? But then, too, I guess it's a comfort as well.
Yes, time is eerie. Strange how it stops and rushes and melts and bends.
They're called razor clams because they have such thin shells and dig down, so when you're digging them it's not uncommon to cut the tips of your fingers--wounds that are quickly filled with salt and sand.
Thanks for reading :)