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RE: Inappropriately dressed (Day 731: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday Prompt)

in #freewrite5 years ago

Oh my goodness that teacher was so unkind! It would have been her I never wanted to see again.
Nice memory of the woman who was watching over you like a guardian angel.

I'm here to deliver the Tuesday prompt so please write us another!

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Thanks so much for reading my post. Yes, she was not what I expected to be, on my side. I can still see the white house with the large yard and chain-linked fence with shallow steps going up to the front door in my mind. I'll never forget. It keeps me grounded and remembering where I came from. Hoping to get to today's prompt, but had an emergency break-down. Not in my mind, lol, but my fridge. Been busy all morning removing food so it won't spoil. Just when you think you got a free day to be creative...bam. Life happens.