Relationship mean Trust.
Trust Can be Built and also it is Easy to Earn.When two people approaches each other and decide to create a bond for living together that make a relationship between those two is the 1st most important part of a relationship and all relationships are based on trust and trust is Blind.
These two Factor can make a Beautiful relationship or can make a horrible breakup for two partners.
Let's talk about trust. It is Easy to Built and Earn for the 1st time in relationship. It can be developed with time and experience the Partner behavior needs hope Expectations and requirements. But once the trust is broke by any means life Cheating or disloyalty or disrespect etc to built it again it is very difficult and it depends upon the particular personality in the relationship.

Broken trust is like a broken Ceramic plat that after joints it does not look as it was before.It lost it beauty.
Unfortunately in most cases when two people start living together and trust each other they feel free and think their Partner trust them so they can cheat them easily. And after getting exposed they want to be forgiven and their mistakes must be forgotten.Which is not an easy job to do.Its intensity vary from human to human.
importance Needs:
The 2nd Part is the Importance of Partner in your life.. mostly after marriage two people lost their importance in life as they think now it over we are one. This is so uncommon in most relationships that Partner will compromise on their needs for their love one after marriage or any commitment. Ego is also a big issue for relationship that destroy lots of relationships.

To keep the relationship and understand its importance it is necessary to keep trust and keep the ego a side and compromise on different issues.It is also good that not to discuss personal problems with third Parties and solve the problem by their own.These are some issue that may be reason Behind failure of relationships.
Specially in my side of my country people always in search of a chance to break relations because mostly want to live alone that they cannot link to others and live alone, And if in some work they found anyone guilty they found a solid reason to blame them and to break all relation with them easily, Its a trend now that people are not really interested in making relation and keep the relations ever lasting.
Brother do not wanna keep good relation to there siblings and parents just not understanding why this is going to a trend here and its making things more worse than before , before 15 years people were so loved and they were caring of each others but now nothing is like before every one thoughts are changed and they wanna be alone always.