Day 79, Prompt: Books - 5 Minute Freewrite Challange

in #freewrite7 years ago


Growing up I was a bookworm, I still am.
Books give me hope, they give me an escape. I read to break free of my world and jump into another.
Books transport me from my bedroom to Hogwarts, to an adventure across the ocean, or back in time to World War II, they take me to wherever I want to go.

They make me feel like I'm the main character and that I'm actually living a double life.
When I feel down and alone I have my books to keep me company. I can't explain what books did for me personally but they pulled me back from a very dark place.
Writing is a passion of mine and I hope to one day write a book that'll inspire people and make them happy, just like books did for me.

I hold onto books like they're treasure, never letting go of them. I keep them on my bookshelf, in my room, all over the house, wherever I can find any extra space, they're there.
They're a reminder to me of the place I was in and the places I escaped to.
No matter how alone, depressed or angry I am, books take me away and remind me that everything's going to be ok.

To some it'll sound silly but to me I couldn't live without books, it's as simple as that.

This post is in response to the #dailyfreewritechallenge posted by @mariannewest & @improv. Today's prompt was 'Books' If you're wanting to give the #dailyfreewritechallenge, just follow the link:

Thanks for reading.

Until next time,



This is a great #freewrite that really speaks to the power that books (and words) can have on us. Thank you so much for sharing.

There were so many topics to choose from for Day 79 of the #DailyFreeWriteChallenge, but I decided to use "Warrior" as my prompt. I'd love if you checked it out and let me know what you think! =)

@mkkenny it's amazing what they can do!
Of course, I'll check it out now :)

I just wanna buy you a book now. Great job @mel1ss

We'll put all of our sbd

Haha thank you @jbcoin!!

Nice. I really like the bit about how they are a reminder about the place that you were in.
Reminds me of my record collection.

It is so true...if I pick up a certain book, suddenly the room smells like it did the first time I read it, and whatever emotions I was having flood me over. It's like two gifts at once.

@freedomtowrite it's like going back in time!! :)

Thank you @mr-neil :)

I totally agree! Books transport you to a world movies and video games never can because it is a world in your own head and imagination. I remember reading Harry Potter and having the whole world in my head, then watching the movie which barely came close to the magic and wonder from a child's imagination.

@chuazm it's amazing what books can do :) Definitely better then movies!

So glad to find another lover of stories and adventure! A life without books would feel empty. Keep writing every day and you'll have more inspiration for your novel than you'll know what to do with!

Today I'm performing as a Marianne marionette. Frolicking stringless as I bring today's prompt to you.

Wonderful story! Books hold a similar meaning to me as well (and probably all of us who enjoy writing, no doubt!) Great job.

@saryn thank you! :)

Great freewrite. I think you're getting the hang of mariannewest idea. Keep up the good work.

@wonderwop thank you! :)

Thanks for inviting me over, I loved it! You mentioned Hogwarts and WWII...those are my favorites! I took a look at your bookshelf, and I feel like we have so much of the same! You would probabaly be a great person to ask...I just put out a video asking help from all the readers out there for a new book idea! What would you suggest?

@freedomtowrite I'm glad you enjoyed it! ah that's amazing.. at the moment I'm reading 'The Choice' by Edith Eger and it's an autobiography about how she survived WWII it's really worth the read, I'm finding it hard to put the book down!!

Quite enjoyable!

One suggestion? Don't line-break at the end of each sentence, only at the end of the paragraph. The short stubs of the ends of longer sentences make the post harder to read, at least for me.

Thank you! Great, no advice is bad advice haha I'll definitely take that on board :)

Couldn't agree more. Some books have changed my life.

Great ur work
Good luck 👍 @mel1ss😉

@samer484 thank you! :)