Day 318: 5 Minute Freewrite: Sunday - Prompt: The sky is clear

in #freewrite6 years ago


Let's Do Community!!!

I am asking you to give as much of your votes to @cefralelo until she can afford the surgery she desperately needs!

Here is her post explaining the situation

This post has the English translation (google translate)

As many of you know, we have a Spanish speaking Freewrite effort going on. The fearless leader is @latino.romano who is putting a lot of effort into building the Spanish language community. Thank you!!

But that is not what I want to talk about today. I want to talk about Venezuela.
If you listen to the news at all, you know that the country is having a lot of difficulties right now - and many are suffering.

I know that we can't change the country or help all that are suffering right now. But we can help our Freewrite Community members - at least a little bit.
Please, upvote the following people as often as you possibly can!


And try to sponsor them into SBI.

Also, if any of you know about a way that we can take school supplies and clothing to the children in need, let us know. Many minds can come up with some solutions!!
Does anyone have a lot of bonus miles? Want to take a trip? I am sure you would be welcome in one of our friend's homes.

I will be traveling and am scheduling the Daily prompt posts. I am going to do my best to comment but do not know how much time I will have. I am going to have the post go live at 7 AM Pacific Time. If for some reason, there isn't one - someone who has my phone number, please text me.

Check out the Freewrite house for new contests

What are you waiting for? Rush on over to the Freewrite House!


click here to enter the Freewrite House

Watch this space for Freewrite House News!!!!


Prompt: the sky is clear.

  • Set your timer for 5 minutes
  • Start writing
  • Use the hashtag #freewrite and #freewritepoetry if it turns out to be poetry
  • Publish your piece (include a link to this post if you wish)

Copy and paste your URL into the comment section of the prompt post.

If your freewrite turns into a poem, please use in addition to #freewrite also either #freewritepoetry or #freewritepoetrydigest so we can find you!

  • Or, if you don't want to publish your freewrite, just copy and paste as a comment under the prompt post.

If you don't know what a freewrite is, here is a link to the introduction post.

Here is @snook's excellent tutorial on how to join our freewrite adventure

And @improv's input:

Two things I do a little differently. I just type "timer" into google and it pops up a 5-minute timer. I also type directly into steemit. I also rarely use a photo, don't I? So that's three things.

Please read, comment and vote (if you have voting power) on each others freewrites as much as you can. Especially if you are new to the platform, you will be surprised how many friendships are formed by reading and commenting on each other's work!


We are thinking of doing a collaboration workshop on how to get a manuscript ready for publishing. Let me know if you are interested - both, to either share your expertise and/or to learn...


If you have a business on Steem you want to share, let me know. I will start a dedicated section in the resource portion of the prompt posts.

A Contest I found You Might Want to Enter.

  • An easy contest to win SBI. Just leave a comment. It is called: Steem Basic Income 72h Raffle and repeats on a regular basis. Visit @elleok and find the latest raffle.

Contests by our Fellow Freewriters

If you are running a contest let me know, I will list it here 😄

  • is hosting an ongoing writing contest on zappl!! If you don't know what that is, here is your chance to learn another application to the blockchain. Please check his profile for the latest contest post.

  • @improv is the master of puns! Enter his Punday contest at his profile @improv. This week's post

  • The Constrained Writing Contest by our fellow freewriter @svashta is on! Check his blog for the latest contest.

Ongoing Contests by supporters of the Freewriters


Remember to check your voting power. Do not vote for a while if you are under 90! or use

If your vote is below 0.03 - this is a must read by @thedarkhorse. Vote Dust

This is an initiative called @dustsweeper that is helping all of you [who deal with vote dust](Here is an initiative to help all of you who are dealing with voting dust. find the details here)

Here is an excellent article explaining how to maximize your vote by @taskmaster4450. It helps you to grow to vote wisely!! And a more recent one

And here is a counter opinion on voting by our freewriter @improv

This post is talking about using your vote for maximum curation. Thank you, Asher @abh12345 Read the post here

Bandwidth Problems

I know that many of you are very new to the platform and your wallets are pretty empty. Believe me, we all started there!! Here is an excellent article which explains what bandwidth is and why you might have a hard time logging in some days - or posting. Thank you @jrswab for this explanation

There are many contests on Steemit. From art to music to writing and everything in between. Enter as many as you can!! And take advantage of the free money people give away I listed in the money section below.

Spanish Freewrite Initiative

The Daily Prompt is now also being published in Spanish and a Spanish language community is forming.

@latino.romano is the leader of the community and I am sure, he would love for you to stop by and say hello - in any language. If you are bilingual, please feel free to publish you freewrite in both languages and drop the link at both Daily Prompt posts.

Está publicada la versión en español de hoy @latino.romano

Writing help

  • A free app: Grammarly. A lot of us are not native English speakers and I am finding it a helpful app. It will underline spelling and grammar mistakes. Just remember that is is not always right -especially if you use complex sentence structures. Here is the link

  • Remember The Most Dangerous Writing App. You set the time - 5 min - and start typing. Don’t stop!!! It will destroy what you wrote if you stop for more than 3 seconds - and backspace does not count as writing on the app. If you are prone to stop and think - this app forces you to keep going. You can make corrections after the 5 minutes are over.

  • A timer. Egg timer is a free tool you can use on your desktop to set a time. This is useful for our freewrites or if you want to work in blocks of time and then take a break. Here is the link

  • I found this app through @emwalker. Use it regularly and it will help you type faster and more accurately. 10 fast fingers

  • @ntowl has started a new business here on Steemit you might be interested in. She is offering editing and formatting services for your posts at a very reasonable price.
    If you want your posts to shine, @ntowl can help.
    Check out her post here

  • Our fellow freewriter @arbitrarykitten has a business here on Steemit. Several editors are offering to edit and format your post for a small fee. Check out their intro post

  • Our discord channel Isle of Write has workshop rooms for fiction, non-fiction, and poetry where some of the experienced writers might be able to give some tips. Join with this link

  • If you are ready to get serious about improving your understanding of the English language check out @majes.tytyty blog. He has lots of useful information to understand words and their roots better. If you have questions or need help, leave a comment on his blog.

  • If you know of other helpful tools or people, please share with us!


There are several people who offer SBD for free on this platform! How great is that!!

Here are a few

  • @scrooger has a great "help the minnows" project. It is so easy!! Visit his profile for details.
  • @fisheggs - follow this account and you get upvotes at random times.
  • @sydesjokes - he rewards his followers with SBD for any kind of interaction with him- comment, vote, resteem.
  • @danielsaori - he does a comment contest. A new challenge every week.
  • @rexusmo - I think a few of you have started to leave links to your post. Every day, he has a cheering up post. You leave a link to a post you are proud off and you might get a reward. Keep trying!!
  • #newbiegames takes you to all kinds of games and competitions @newbiegames

These options cost you a little bit, but your return is manyfold and I highly recommend that you consider them.

  • @qurator is an initiative to support steemians who post good content. There is an initial sign up fee of 4 Steem. Your account will be checked and if approved, you will make that 4 steem back in the first month through qurator upvotes. Check their account and discord for more details.

  • @thundercurator is a human resteem and upvote service. Your upvote will always be more than the amount you send to them. Right now, the transfer required is 0.150 and you get at least a 200% upvote. check out their posts for more details.

Steemit Tools

This is the most comprehensive list of applications on this blockchain I have seen. I highly recommend that you bookmark it!! I also will include it in the growing resource section in the future. Steemit Tools

Staying Legal

This is an excellent article by @dmcamera on how to use images legally. A must read!!


Remember, we have our own room in the Isle of Write Discord! Join us now!!!

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

If you like this and want more people to come out and play - resteem!

Also, I would love it if you all check out each others #freewrite and spread some love :)


Join us for the daily 5 - Minute Freewrite. Check my profile for a new prompt every day.


All images are my own unless otherwise cited.




#SoCalSteemit is building and supporting the Steemit community of Southern California. If you are from SoCal and are into creating quality content here on Steemit, we'd love for you to follow us @SoCalSteemit and join our group on Discord!


art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


Award by @japhofin8or


Thank you @enginewitty for the banner

Join Us On Discord.


Click on the graphics to vote for Enginewitty as a witness

Join us at the Freewrite House for fun and games!!! Weekly drawing for SBI memberships and so much more!!


Other ways to earn cryptocurrency

I will benefit if you use my links

Join Mana - Universal Income Project:
Listen to and earn Bro:
Want to earn sweat coin by walking outside? Join here

Listen to the Sustainable Living Podcast here!


Hello @mariannewest ,happy Sunday for the whole community, God bless you for all your support for the community of Spanish Freewrite, your good deeds will be engraved in golden letters in our hearts, Regards

Thank you so much!! Hopefully, we, as a community, can always come together to help each other...

Glad that you used esteem app. Keep eSteeming coz @good-karma wants to spread his votes far and wide to all good content producers (like freewriters, ahem) as the horizon of the clear sky. Hehe.

I plan to use it daily now. I really appreciate the support and I love working in it.

Your posts are making me want to start writing again... I've been meaning to post a poem I wrote a long time ago when I was into that kind of thing. I haven't found it since the move. Maybe I'll go look for it.

Yes!! 5 minutes is all it takes. There are some who do more - like look for pictures or make graphics, but some just set the timer, write, maybe fix spelling, maybe not - and post! do it!!! :)

That's kinda what I do already. Just my prompts are chickens or plants or water lol

Thank you so much @mariannewest for your freewrite initiative and challenge. It's the first time for me, Yay! I love to write in English although I am German (more a child of mother earth actually ...), so it was a real challenge ... in 5 minutes ... mission accomplished :)

Welcome to the freeewriters!! I am German as well - but have been in the US for a long time now. Lebst Du noch in Deutschland?

Wie cool!!!! Traveled around the world for quite some time, now finally, I have found home .... lebe jetzt in Malta. Wi haben so wunderschoene Inseln hier und die Energie hier passt besser zu mir, als die in Deutschland :)

Anyway, I'm a child of mother earth <3
Endlich mal wieder deutsch schreiben ... wie schoen... :)

:) Ja, du kannst einen Freewrite auch in Deutsch schreiben 😄 Es sind viele Deutsche hier an Steemit aber ich habe nicht mit vielen Kontakt. Fuer mich is es einfacher Englisch zu schreiben. Aber eine Deutsche Freewrite Gruppe waere auch toll. Wir haben eine Spanische 👍

Ich habe Deutsch auf der Uni studiert, und in 1979 habe ich als Au Pair in Deutschland gearbeitet. Seitdem habe ich sehr wenig Deutsch gesprochen oder geschrieben, und ich habe vieles vergessen. Aber es freut mich, dass ich immer noch lesen und verstehen kann!

Das ist ja toll!!! Unsere Pfade treffen sich ueberall! Erst Chinle und jetzt Deutschland 😘

@scibblingramma wie schoen, noch jemand, der Deutsch versteht. In welcher Stadt hast Du damals als Au Pair in Deutschland gearbeitet?

Liebe Gruesse!

Lintorf, in der naehe von Duesseldorf.

Es war fuer mich total ueberraschend wie schnell ich so viel Deutsch verlernen konnte ... bei uns hier wird ja auch primaer english gesprochen. Ich habe letzte Woche versucht mal wieder auf deutsch zu schreiben, mein Ergebnis war eher maessig :)

Eine deutsche Freewrite Gruppe waere super!

Even more you should use eSteem mobile app. Convenient and you get upvotes too. Sorry can't help but I love the app. :)

Is eSteem similar to partiko?

Both are similar as they are application need to be installed whether via mobile or laptop.

But if use eSteem, then will have upvote by @good-karma and his curation team for good original contents. I see every freewriters content worth the upvotes. :)

That sounds cool. Partiko drops their tag with every comment, but e-steem doesn't ...
I am going to go check this out
Thank you so much @iamjadeline 😊

I haven't started using partiko so I am not sure about it also. :) anyway can give esteem app a try then you will know the difference as you will be exposed to both apps.

You've convinced me, but I'm trying to log in on my phone, and it's just showed me a thinking kind of yellow circles for the past 10 minutes... maybe the first time you log in it takes a while?

Hmm... The app never did some thinking on me when I log in. Perhaps your level is too high. By now, successful yet? If no I try ask the technical team.

It was not successful. What does it mean that my level is too high? It's also possible that my phone is just not good enough. Also, I'm using the QR code option. Is it possible that that's the problem? It doesn't seem like it's the problem, 'cause it's just doing this thinking thing, not telling me there's an error.

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by mariannewest from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, someguy123, neoxian, followbtcnews, and netuoso. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows. Please find us at the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.

If you would like to delegate to the Minnow Support Project you can do so by clicking on the following links: 50SP, 100SP, 250SP, 500SP, 1000SP, 5000SP.
Be sure to leave at least 50SP undelegated on your account.

I do like getting these out earlier in the day. I think I am more imaginative. I've got to find the best time for me to write.

I'm late... I just hit post, and refreshed my feed to see the next prompt. Anyway, here is a freewrite, I have been neglecting these lately so have to get back into it.

It is never too late :)

Sorry for the late free write- my days are off.

no worries. You write whenever you can. Just drop your post under the latest prompt - no matter which one you wrote - so people can find you...