The Light at the end of the Tunnel / La Luce in fondo al Tunnel - 5 Minute Freewrite Day 112 [ENG/ITA]

in #freewrite7 years ago

light at the end of tunnel.png

Dude had already begun to panic when he thought he saw a light at the end of the dark and long tunnel.
How long had he been in this fucking tunnel, by the way? The stifling, still air was making him unable to think clearly. He had lost track of time, the dirty walls, covered with festoons of spiderwebs, always seemed the same, without reference points. The tunnel seemed to proceed with random curves, always immersed in the deepest darkness, so that Dude no longer even knew how he was oriented with respect to the opening. In fact, he didn't even remember entering.
He licked his lips, confused. The tongue was swollen and kneaded. He was so thirsty that he considered taking off his shirt, glued to the skin by the sweat, and squeezing it into his mouth, to recover at least some of the lost liquids.

He saw a distant glow again in front of him. This time it was impossible that it was a joke of his imagination.
His steps regained strength. He raised the flashlight, whose battery still miraculously resisted, and hurried. His nightmare was about to end. He was about to leave that shitty place, in that he was stupidly stuck.
As it approached, the light became bigger and stronger, even if it seemed to sway in a strange, almost irrational way.

By now, Dude was almost running, and panting. He seemed to notice that the waviness of light followed the rhythm of his strides. Then, a shadow began to take shape behind the light, detaching itself from the shapeless darkness of the rest of the tunnel. A human figure, who was holding a light source. A man with a flashlight coming towards him, maybe a rescuer.

Dude shouted a call, started running at breakneck speed. The other must have heard it because he started running in turn. Dude waved his flashlight in front of him to signal, and the other answered him. Just a few moments, the tunnel seemed interminable, Dude had pain in his side for the ride, but gritted his teeth.

Now little time was missing... but there was something strange. The other man was alone, and behind him there was nothing but darkness. He was also strangely silent, just running, as if he had the devil on his heels. Dude began to have a terrible suspicion, but he could not quite make up his mind, before his mad rush nearly led him to crash.

A mirror! On the wall that closed the tunnel. Dude was seeing himself, the light at the end of the tunnel was his own torch. With a cry of despair, he pounded his fists on the smooth, cold surface. His reflection did the same.

[versione italiana]

Tizio aveva già cominciato a farsi prendere dal panico, quando gli sembrò di scorgere una luce in fondo al buio e lungo tunnel.
Da quanto tempo era in questo fottuto tunnel, tra l'altro? L'aria soffocante e immobile lo rendeva incapace di pensare con lucidità. Aveva perso la cognizione del tempo, le pareti sporche e coperte di festoni di ragnatele sembravano sempre uguali, senza punti di riferimento. Il tunnel sembrava procedere a curve casuali, sempre immerso nel buio più profondo, in modo tale che Tizio non sapeva nemmeno più come era orientato rispetto all'apertura. Anzi, non si ricordava nemmeno di essere entrato.
Si leccò le labbra, confuso. La lingua era gonfia e impastata. Aveva così sete che considerò di togliersi la camicia incollata alla pelle dal sudore e strizzarsela in bocca, per recuperare almeno parte dei liquidi persi.

Vide di nuovo un bagliore lontano, davanti a sé. Stavolta era impossibile che fosse uno scherzo della sua immaginazione.
I suoi passi ripresero vigore. Alzò la torcia, la cui batteria resisteva ancora miracolosamente, e si affrettò. Il suo incubo stava per finire. Stava per lasciare quel posto merdoso, nel quel si era stupidamente infilato.
Man mano che si avvicinava, la luce diventava più grande e più forte, anche se sembrava ondeggiare in modo strano, quasi irridente.

Ormai Tizio quasi correva, ansimando. Gli parve di notare che gli ondeggimenti della luce seguissero il ritmo delle sue falcate. Poi, un'ombra prese a delinearsi dietro la luce, staccandosi dall'oscurità informe del resto del tunnel. Una figura umana, che reggeva la fonte luminosa. Un uomo con una torcia elettrica che gli veniva incontro, forse un soccorritore.

Tizio urlò un richiamo, si mise a correre a perdifiato. L'altro doveva averlo sentito perché si mise a correre a sua volta. Tizio agitò la torcia davanti a sé per fare un segnale, l'altro gli rispose. Ancora pochi istanti, il tunnel sembrava interminabile, Tizio aveva un dolore inteso al fianco per la corsa, ma strinse i denti.

Ormai mancava devvero poco... ma c'era qualcosa di strano. L'altro uomo era solo, e dietro di lui non c'era che buio. Era anche stranamente silenzioso, correva e basta, come se avesse il diavolo alle calcagna. Tizio cominciò ad avere un terribile sospetto, ma non riuscì a formulare il pensiero compiutamente, prima che la sua folle corsa lo portasse quasi a sbattere.

Uno specchio! Sulla parete che chiudeva il tunnel. Tizio vedeva se stesso, la luce in fondo al tunnel era la sua stessa torcia. Con un urlo di disperazione, batté i pugni sulla superficie liscia e fredda. Il suo riflesso fece altrettanto.

This post is part of the 5 Minute Freewrite Contest.

Image prompt by @the.artist-98


Hello you wonderful Encouragers & Prompt Deliverers!!! First of all, each one of you ROCKS!! 😁 Thank you so very much!!! I'm grateful to be in a group with people who take time out of each day to help their fellow freewriters (insert your pat on the back here would you please)! 🤗

I've attached an editable spreadsheet (Ugg..yes I know - I groaned making it LOL!😂) to help organize our deliveries.
It is also pinned in the room Marianne's Plans on Isle of Write's Discord Channel. Please feel free to message me if you'd like a link to the room.

Many of the Encouragers use the room to leave messages for the others so as there isn't any overlap in delivering the prompts (time is precious and who wants to double back?⌚ ).

Please check the schedule to see if there are others slated to deliver prompts for that day. If so, it would be great if you would message (or leave a comment for them on a Freewrite in case they are not on Discord) prior to beginning and then put that on(update) the spreadsheet. This way, each one of us can check our messages and know who starts where and when. (Again, to prevent two people delivering prompts to the same freewriter twice).

If you have any questions or would like me to adjust the sheet, please let me know.
THANK YOU ALL!!! You're doing this is truly appreciated! 💙
(Sorry for leaving such a long comment!)😿

Thank you @brisby, this is so much useful! And thank you for your words, you rock too, you rock more! :D

Great work! I'm a sci-fi author, so I love seeing other writers like me share their work on Steemit! Keep it up!

Thank you! I love sci-fi! Chek the #freewrite contest linked in the post, you may find it of your interest! ;)

That is very good!! I knew it. That would be terrible!!! Thanks for sharing.

Thank YOU for reading! :D

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This post has received a 1.96 % upvote from @boomerang thanks to: @marcoriccardi

OMG! I could feel his pain, his sweaty hot body, his thirst, his wekaness, and I was pushing so hard to get him out with all of my strength, and hoping that he would be rescued. And he was only seeing himself through a mirror? Damn...I sure wasn't expecting that either! This was awesome!

Thank you! Your words push me to write more and better! :)

I don't see how you could write better than you already do, but more? Yeah buddy...bring it on! :)

I know! Me too!

you SWORE!!!! I'm telling!! :D Great Freewrite!!

I'm hopping from Freewriter to Freewriter dropping the prompt for the day!

Day 113: 5 Minute Freewrite: Friday - Prompt: ski

I didn't swear, Dude did it! Ahahah!


Oh, right, right. What we can get away with when we write fiction....

Wow, Great job!! I'm impressed! I loved the ended! I wasn't expecting that!

dude It's extraordinary, good job

This was creepily delicious!! Poor guy! Now, I am going to dream about running toward the light.....

To be entrapped in a maze is one of my many fears. In the end, all we write is part of what we feel. ;)

or what we can imagine :)

This was creepily delicious!!

Good description. I second that.

I'm impressed with the dedication of English AND Italian! This is a great ongoing story! Keep up the good work, bro. I love the little details you put in.

Thank you, your appreciation means a lot for me. I read something yours, and you're very skilled!

I love the end!

This is like a nightmare, at a point I understood what was the end for the poor guy.. very well written and I love you writing them in Italian. Honestly I read always the Italian version because your have a real mastery with our native language :-)

Oh, really? I wasn't very fond of this particular story, in my opinion I could have been more original.
But it's a fact that sometimes we're not the best judges of our own work... I had a lot of hope in the poetry contest, but this week I didn't rank among the winners. ;)

Well maybe it's not the most original of all, but i liked it. In fact i told you i got the end a bit earlier..however it creates a dreamy and tense atmosphere.. i wouldn't judge it for the plot but for the vibes it gives. We should write more poetry, should be relatively easy to get placements..

Marco, @marie-jay also wants to help with the prompts today. Maybe the two of you can figure out a system that you can share the load.

That would be great, expecially because my Monday has been hectic...I'm starting to dig in to the freewrites now...

Muchas veces la luz al final del tunel depende de nosotros, pero estamos tan agobiados por algo que no nos damos cuenta... muy buena historia!

Yo creo que tu tienes la razon, pero muchas veces podemos quedarnos atrapados en un tunel mental y no encontrar la salida sin una aiuda que venga da lo exterior