What is a Freewrite? Tell Us Your Take and Win.

in #freewrite7 years ago (edited)

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Day 2

Freewrite and Win

Today, we are going to talk about the 5-Minute Freewrite. Then, you are telling us in the comments for a chance to win a Steem basic income membership. More on that below.

Many of you have probably been part of the Freewriting adventure for a while. But just in case you never went back to the introductory post, here it is for your reading pleasure:

Introduction to the Daily Prompt 5- Minute Freewrite
Freewrite - what the heck is that you ask. Well, it is the opposite of a well thought out, highly edited, and grammatically correct piece of writing.
Freewriting is to set a timer for a certain amount of time and write. Without stopping. Without correcting anything. Without worrying if what we write is good or bad. Nobody cares.
The point of the freewriting session is to get out of our heads and tap into our creative self - allow things to flow. Sometimes, great writing will result. Well, and sometimes - not. The point is to get into a daily (or however often you can) habit of writing.

And that really is what a Freewrite is. But - and here comes the great but - our version of the freewrite is just a tiny bit different.

Our Interpretation of the 5-Minute Freewrite

Maybe saying that our version of the 5-Minute Freewrite is a tiny bit different is a tiny, little lie. Actually, a big one.

Over the past 150 days, it has become more and more clear that the emphasis is on FREE not so much on the 5 minutes, or the not editing.
What is unchangeable, we insist you do is this:

Without worrying if what we write is good or bad.
That worry kills any kind of creativity and we are all about exploring freely and encouraging abundantly.
We all started somewhere and the more we write, the better we get.
So, in our version of the freewrite, some do write for 5 minutes and stop in the middle of the word if the timer goes off.
Others take the first five minutes of just writing to get an idea on paper and then spend hours turning it into a story.
Or we start with the intention to stop after 5 minutes but just keep going after the timer dings - because our story is asking to be finished.
All is good and all is encouraged as long as it works for you.

A Special Gift from @fireawaymarmot

Here is an example how incredible the Freewrite community is. One of our freewriters is a gifted artist. Before I go on, I highly recommend you go to his profile @fireawaymarmot and check out his ongoing story based on the daily prompt.

Every episode, that is every freewrite based on the prompt, also features an original illustration. It is truly an experience.

@fireawaymarmot has been so kind to make this beautiful graphic for all you freewriters. Please use it as you wish and make sure to drop by his profile and say thank you.


You Tell Us for a Chance to Win a Membership in Steem Basic Income

Steem Basic Income
Steem Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a basic income to as many Steemians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Steem Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content.

This is what you have to do for your chance to win a membership: Leave us a comment
Which has something to do with this post
Is at least 50 words

Today, we like to know if you have had a Freewrite experience and if yes, a little bit about it.

We will let you know if your comment is accepted and give you a number.
At 5 PM Pacific time the day after publishing of this post, we will close the contest and draw the winner through a random number generator. This will give you almost 36 hours to post your comment.

Update: 5:39 PM Pacific Time. 3/17/2018. The contest is closed now. Last entry was # 30.

The winner will be announced and sponsored the same day.

Watch this space. There will be a daily chance to win for the next 13 days - and maybe longer.

Join the Freewrite daily prompt here

And join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


Where to start and where will it end? Those questions ran through my head again and again. Many moons ago I dreamed of becoming a writer. I started a novel on Steemit a year after joining but ran into a block with it. Then I happened upon the freewrites. It gives me courage to keep going and see where my imagination takes me. The more I do the freewrites, the more I hone up my writing skill....But don't worry @freewritehouse, if you let me into your home, I will use washable ink on the walls. :-)

22 pixiehunter

You are in the drawing - and of course you are in the house. don't worry about washable ink. The house has magic walls which just grow if someone needs more space to write on them 😉

Sweet :-) and good thing they can grow. Have you seen how much @felt.buzz writes? He may need his own set of walls. :-)

I remember creating either poetry and stories on my freewrites. I can't remember everything I created to be honest. But my experience in most freewrites I make is to think of what kind of story or topic I should input before typing. Then I will type in impromptu. There are times when I already started a story, but it shifts to another story in the middle. Our minds can be weird at times. The fact that I am using the The Most Dangerous Writing App, thinking of what to type may not be easy. There goes my weirdness. Whatever comes to my mind, I just type in.

23 iyanpol12

You are in the drawing. When you use the app, it makes you just go, go, go!! No thinking lol. It is a great way to tap into the subconscious.

I had a freewriting experience once, but I actually got paid for it because it was so terrible that my mom didn't want to hurt my feelings by critisizing it and instead, bought it from me to boost my interest in writing...That made me so happy that I began to write on everything around the house; toilet paper, paper towels, bath towels, the bath tub, walls, ceilings...everywhere...hoping to get more money from mom.

When my mother woke from her nap, she screamed "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE...???"and fainted. So, I wrote on her that I was sorry.

I hope

That is hilarious! I especially loved it when you wrote on your mom that you were sorry! So funny! : )

Thank you, glad I gave you a good laugh...

15 averageoutsider

You are in the drawing. That was funny!!! do you still write on walls once in a while? You are welcome to write on the wall of the Freewrite House any time!! We actually like it. Find the link to the daily prompt in the post or visit @mariannewest. Come back here every day for a chance to win. At least for a while.

Oh...I'm so glad to have given you a laugh. Yes, I still write on walls when the urge strikes and paint pictures too...I have added you to my 'follow' and shall click the link provided. Thank you.

I would have been sorry too, just as soon as Mom woke up and found the fly swat! 😮

Ouch...I would have dived under a big pile of laundry to hide (the whipping belt never found me there)

"What is Freewriting?" they asked. As they leaned forward in unison, the seat made a noise that sounded like a fart. At least I thought it was the seat that made the noise... but one - I think it was @mariannewest - looked a bit shifty, (I suspected she had been eating too many fresh vegetables from her garden). The bare light bulb swung above the chair and I could barely see make out the faces of my interrogators. My wrists were sore from the ropes that bound them, and I was thirsty. "Errr," I croaked, my mouth sticky. "The first rule of FreewriteHouse is you don't talk about FreewriteHouse?" I ventured. I got a slap for that. "Don't be so bloody stupid," one of them said. "We want everyone talking about it! We want to rule the WORLD!!!!" and all of them started laughing like the mad, deranged fools they all are. I will die in this FreewriteHouse, I realised. And no one will ever find my remains...

We may need a different tactic with this one. Perhaps a little: good freewriter/bad freewriter?

4 felt.buzz

You are in!! The drawing lol
You made me laugh so hard I am snorting and tears are running down my cheeks. 😂

Yes, you would be laughing "like the mad, deranged fool" you are! ;)

Oh, you know me so well!!! Too bad you came into the house. We got you now!!! 👽

Yes!! Haha It reminds me of the meme I made for the freewrites...

LOL! I remember that one! :)

My experience with freewriting...it would look like a child who was terrified to speak for first time, taking a deep breath and singing out loudly!

I've been so scared to share the stories inside my head, or create new ones that lived in secret in my heart. My biggest fear has always been rejection, so the first time I wrote for the freewrite prompt my adrenalin was high and I bet I was shakey! But as I prepared myself for zero upvotes and no comments...but what I actually got was amazing feedback, full of support and more upvotes than I ever expected! This has changed my views on writing, and it has freed me from so many insecurities!

16 freedomtowrite

You are in the drawing. Almost teared up here. We are so glad that you feel safe writing with us and that it opened the door for you creativity to come out and be shared with the world. So glad that you are Freewriter living in the Freewrite House.

The five-minute freewrite is my first experience with freewriting. Without exaggeration, this exercise has completed changed my writing habits (and possibly my career)! My method:

  • View prompt, get inspired for story, character, plot twist, or even just a setting
  • Set my timer and write for five minutes
  • Sometimes, I write beyond the dinging of the timer but sometimes, I must finish a story!
  • Make sure there are no spelling, grammar, or formatting errors - but otherwise, no edits or embellishments.
  • Find an image on Unsplash or from my photography archives to accompany the piece.
  • Publish and let it rip!

I've now collected a list of literary journals, online fiction and essay-focused spaces, and a smattering of high-reaching writing opportunities for which I will prepare pieces! None of that would've happened without the freewrite community, which is part of the Isle of Write community, and now my new connection (through this freewrite) to the Writer's Block community.

11 ameliabartlett

You are in the drawing! We are so glad that the freewrite gave you the inspiration to reach far and high! Hopefully, you will come to the Freewrite House a lot. FYI. We are not associated with the Writer's Block - many of the freewriters are, but the Freewrite House is its own entity.

Oh my goodness @ameliabartlett! I've been planning to reach out to you for the past week from a recommendation from @borrowedearth! She was telling my husband, @freedompoint, and I about how you are converting a bus to a rv, which is what we are planning on doing! But what I think is fantastic, is that I found you here in the freewrites. Our process in how we freewrite is the same! I do want to check out picture site you referenced, I haven't heard about it before!

Hello there! Yes, reach out if you need any advice on bus conversion! I'm smack in the middle of one and learning more every day. 😂

I loved the biopic Hemingway & Gellhorn because in it actor Clive Owen, as Ernest Hemingway, brought to life a story about Hemingway and his writing routine. Hemingway stood at the typewriter and just poked out anything on his mind. He would freely write at a darting pace until the page filled with words. Then, he would rip the page out of the typewriter and toss it away. I always heard this was how Hemingway primed the pump and it was fun to see the story come to life on the screen.

The Freewrite 5-minute prompt works in the same way. Sometimes a full-scene comes to mind. Most often, the prompt forces me to just fill the page with dribble and see what comes of it. Freewrite equals freedom. I love the opportunity to just be free with my thoughts.

Writing this way allows me to be creative. The flowing words feel like paint: I am free to just dab those thoughts on paper and see if they resemble anything.

3 wordymouth

You are in the drawing. Freewriting is a little bit like painting. Just allow the words to flow and see if they from into a picture - or not. All good - that is the best part about it.
I bet you if someone had all those tossed away pages from Hemingway - they would be rich now LOL

Freewrite is as its name implies is writing freely what comes into your mind. I've been doing freewrite for a while now and its been fun. Do I just look at the topic and jump into writing? Nah, I don't do that. Do I also overthink? The answer is still no. Ive had a thing for writing, but it usually takes me a whole lot of time to write a story, most of them I don't end up finishing. they just lie in my pc, never to be opened again. But freewrite gives me the opportunity to turn any prompt into a short story. I look a the prompt, and already stories I could write with them starts popping up. When I select a story, thats when I then set my time. With freewrite, I've written more stories than I actually post on my blog. Freewrite help build our creativity. I wouldn't for the fumigate prompt. Out of nowhere I had the idea of a radioactive spider. Thanks to @freewritehouse for this opportunity and also thanks to @mariannewest for freewrite initiative.

7 pasaift

You are in the drawing.
It is so interesting to hear about the different processes people do for their freewrites. And oh yes - radioactive spiders can appear from nowhere with the right prompt.

More contests! I'm in for this.

At first, a freewrite was difficult - I keep hitting backspace to edit without wanting to. At times, I am unhappy with the work so I let the timer on the app run out and restart (although this was only done first week). What's beautiful about freewrite is that you do not look for the perfect word or for the appropriate name for your characters, it just comes. If it's a weak or weird word, it's what you have to use. Sometimes, I do go + or - 10 seconds, and rarely do I make exceptions to this, unless I really need to add a paragraph to a story I am adoring.

The favourite freewrites are the weekend freewrites as they provide twists that I am not expecting. When you think you have already defined every character and a random Lillian appears. Who is Lillian?! Overall, I took my freewriting experiences (over 30 now) and adapt them into my work - I start with freedom and no inhibition, and I get to edit my poetry/fiction later. No need to get it right the first time. The creativity and engagement can be there just from the first freewriting draft.

2 poetrybyjeremy

You are in the contest!

you have already defined every character and a random Lillian appears. Who is Lillian?!
Love that!! And you really got the spirit. Freewriting is not about being perfect but letting the ideas flow. Editing comes later :)

"What is Freewriting?" Well it seems to be when someone gives a prompt and members of a group then write something having to do with the prompt. It can be poetry or prose, unless specified. Freewriting can lead to publication of a book through the creation of an idea. Or through a collection of Freewrites. Yet it's greatest advantage can be found in blog creation and bringing writers together. Writing can be a very lonely profession in the classical sense. Only Freewriting can bring a diverse group of people to express different ideas on the same topic. Everyone can share their writing at the same time, while we cannot all speak at the same time.

18 cyemela

You are in the drawing. You are so right!! Freewriting can do all those things you mentioned. I think for most of us here it is the friendship and community which has resulted from the freewriting :)

When I was a teenager I belonged to a Queer youth organization in my city, and they partnered with a local non-profit called Write Around Portland (WRAP) to host a weekly writing group. We met every friday for 10 weeks, and did various writing exercises. Sometimes we free-wrote. Then we shared our work with the others in the group. After 10 weeks, we were able to submit some of our work to be published. We did these 10-week workshops several times, and it was participating in these that really made me into the poet I am today.

I thought at first that this was my first experience with freewriting, but I'm remembering now that my elementary school teachers used to have us freewrite. They gave us little books with our names on them, and we would write in them for 15 minutes every morning, and then the teacher would read them and leave us little comments. I think a lot of kids used to just write about their lives, but I used to write little stories in mine. One of my stories was about a group of kids who find a monster's lunchbox, with sandwiches made of spiders, and some kind of pink milk in a thermos (I didn't know about yak milk then, which makes this kind of funny in retrospect), and then the monster comes along and eats the kids. Then I wrote a sequel about the kids inside the monster's stomach, and their attempt to get out. My teacher left me very positive comments about my creativity, and one of my stories was printed into a little spiral-bound hardcover book in the school library, which I think my mother still has. And a writer was born! Heh...

I kept freewriting after that, often in the context of school English classes. I wrote and illustrated stories throughout elementary, middle, and high school, and began to write poetry in high school as well. Sometimes a whole poem comes out at once, well formed and in need of only a few tweaks, and sometimes I slog through and revise it endlessly and toss most of it later. But it usually starts with a flash of inspiration and a freewrite.

19 tessaragabrielle

You are entered in the drawing. Thank you so much for sharing your free writing journey!! I love the monster stories! And the workshops sound fantastic!! I think one of our dreams is to have local groups get together and do this kind of workshops. The free writing we have done now for 5 month has created an amazing community. And to bring that off-line as well would be fantastic. So good to hear that it was a pivotal experience for you. Welcome the the Freewrite House!

FREE in every sense of the word. Try it and you will see, what it is like to write, when you are completely free. : )I didn't even know what a freewrite was until I read about it on @mariannewest's blog. I decided to give it a try and I was hooked. Reading what others write using the same word still blows my mind and I have been blown away at times with what I wrote. I say, "Whoa! Where did that come from?" I stuck to the 5 minute rule like glue at first, but now that goes out the window when I want to finish my story. I never read a freewrite with a new prompt until after I write mine because I don't want my mind to be swayed. I want it to be completely open, and I always polish after I am finished. By reading @deaconlee's freewrites, I copied 2 things that I liked. When I go over 5 minutes I write, "Disclaimer: This took me more than 5 minutes to write," and I put the prompt in bold letters in each story. Thanks @deaconlee for the neat tips and thanks @mariannewest for letting us be

20 whatisnew

You are in the drawing. I am so happy that I introduced you to the freewrite. So cool!! And you are writing some wonderful stories!!!

Well would you look at this. A free went group. What would you say if I told you that all I do is freewrite - to a degree. I set a timer and I write for what ever set amount of time had been selected. It started because of an injury that affected my short term memory. I found it hard to recall things after short absences of thought. I had to write notes but that only helped when there was context. Which led to notes about notes. I've been writing for about 15 years. Be for the injury I could have 10 stories on the go at once in my heard. There was a 2 year gap where I never wrote a thing. Then after an experience with ayuasca I had a vision of someone that had a stammer singing beautifully and another who had dystonia but their muscles relaxed when they ran. I came out of the trip picked up a pen an wrote 87 pages in 7 hours. Never breaking my train of thought. I just rambled and went on and on. The 87 pages were edited down to 45. And then 27. The story that remained is the best thing I've written and through doing it I've almost completely cured my slef of my memory problems.

We're at about 4:15 and I figured I'd tell you that everything I've just said was a complete lie. Or maybe it wasnt. Does that even matter. Does any of this. I'm feeling pretty free now.

21 emwalker

You are in the drawing 😄 Lie or no lie, that was a pretty good story! and as my husband says: "All Writers are liars." You are in excellent company here. and if it was the truth - good for you!!!

Awesome! Thanks guys - Good luck to everyone else. The day I cashed my first check ($25 ) related to writing fiction my dad called and said congratulations now you're a "Professional lair". It felt really good. Might be my favorite memory of him.

I have to point out for the record. Ive got huge fingers and a tiny phone - auto correct is the devil. The first line lol come on.

Screen Shot 2018-03-17 at 3.53.54 AM.png

Also I really think it's awesome that you took the time to write personal responses to everyone. Very kind.

Hahaha, yes, that's a bit strange opening, but it evokes (?) attention, I enjoyed reading your post. :) Good luck to you too!

I saw it lol. That kind of thing happens to me all the time 😁

I have posted in #freewrite at least weekly since a few weeks after it started. I was skeptical about it and tried it because I know @mariannewest from tsu and other places and wanted to support her effort. She was a tiny minnow at that time and I did not give her a lot of chance to succeed. I've seen many other initiatives fail when they are not supported by big people here.

But surprise! Freewrite has flourished and helped so many get started steeming.

Key things I like for about freewrite for steemit in general

  • People can start just by posting a comment to the post. This is so helpful in the first weeks when simply making a post is so hard
  • Marianne's daily post gives all kinds of help and links so minnows can succeed
  • Freewriters support each other and actually visit, upvote, and comment on other freewrites.

Key things I like for about freewrite for me specifically

  • When I am brain dead and want to post something - I can freewrite.
  • When I freewrite I get new ideas for my other posts.
  • I see how others freewrite and get inspired.

I'm so happy to see this new effort and hope for support from above. Steemit is a hard place to succeed and freewrite is one of the bright spots.

24 fitinfun

You are in the drawing. Thank you so much for your kind words!! You have been a mayor supporter to the free writing community! Thank you!!

So glad to be here and thank you so much!

What is a freewrite?
It is grabbing a prompt, a thought, an idea. Hold on with both hands and visualize with a picture to match - then bungee jump!! For five minutes just watch on while the fingers come to life and decide what is to be said. Let images fly past, let ideas land on the paper. What you may have thought at the start is never really what you end up with.
At the end, you may take a minute (or two lol) to finish the sentence and check that disgusting spelling (there is some pride in me - that I should let go of!!)
The best freewrites are the ones where the writer truly lets go. There are no bars and no barriers - anything comes out. That is where a writer can truly tap into their inner creativity and discover the true potential!
It is so much more - an expression of self, an outlet for inner angst and stress, a communication board; it provides a means for others with the same desire, gift and ability to get together and appreciate each other's work. For that I am truly grateful!!

25 mysecondself01

You are in the drawing. I love the bungee jump analogy!! Freewriting is like that lol. And it really allows us to deal with all those feeling lurking in the subconscious.

Nice @freewritehouse... Of course, I want to be in the running :). So here's my one and only experience with freewrite so far. A couple of weekends ago, I came across @mariannewest's weekendfreewrite.. Now the weekendfreewrite has 3 parts/prompts. You go through them one by one without knowing what's coming. And you are given 5 minutes for each. So, my daughter who volunteered to keep me in check and I got started. . At first I was nervous but ended up laughing so hard with my daughter. Because I was racing against time, my fingers were flying and some of the words that "they" were typing, and the way the story twisted and turned surprised me. It was so much fun!! The story surprised the writer hahaha and I loved it!!! My fingers had a mind of their own. I'm definitely on board for free write and can't wait to see what else will come out of these fingers.

27 kaerpediem

You are in the drawing. Isn't it fun when our writing is surprising us!! To many more freewrites and laughter sessions with your daughter!

Hi, let's see. What shall I tell you about freewrite?
Here we go:

Freewrite is a great way to increase your posts each day. I wish this was done by our own posts and a link as well but I understand that it is easier for the admin to do it in comments.
I have made some cool friends through freewrite. I look forward to seeing their take on the daily prompt.
I missed freewrite when I started a contest and didn't have time to write but I'm back now!
I've been sponsored twice by friends for Steem Basic Income but nothing ever happened. I was never upvoted by them so I'm trying again with this chance.

28 deemarshall

You are in the drawing. Now, that is strange. If you didn't get an upvote, please contact Joseph. If you go to one of their recent posts and leave a message or find him on discord. They publish who is in. Let him know. I always got the votes.

I always write my freewrite with the most dangerous writing app. Timer set to 5 minutes. It depends whether my writing has finished within the 5 minutes or not. If it's not, I will normally add another few minutes extra to finish my writing. And then another extra few minutes to add in photos and edit if there's any spelling mistakes. Finally copy and paste my footer and tags and submit. This is my freewrite experience.

29 elizacheng

You are in the drawing! Thank you for sharing your process!! We always love your freewrites!!

When I start freewriting, my wife would know. That's because of the preparation that needs to be done. The five minutes is crucial, everything has to be ready... Stopwatch, check. Triple shot Americano for crazy fast typing, check. With a deep breath, the typing starts, no planning, just pure madness of life, such as, zombies, aliens and ghosts. Anything is possible, nothing is off limits. That's what I love about freewrite.

26 alvinauh

You are in the drawing. Now I know your secret!!! Triple shot Americano!! That is my kind of a drink :)

My first freewrite-type experience that I can remember was while I was in college. It was in an education class, and we took turns presenting a lesson to the rest of the class as if we were teaching a class in school. One fellow was planning to be an English teacher, and he gave us an opening sentence to a story. I don't remember what the sentence was or what I wrote about, but once I got going I had so much fun with it, I was giggling. Other classmates were glaring at me. Hee hee.

30 scribblingramma

You are in the drawing. I love that you were giggling while writing!! The best ever!! Loved to have seen this :)

Free-writing means; living a scene, writing a serene exposition of self. Finding a shelf, to place an uninterrupted interpretation of today.

Finding a way of expression. Making a recipe for levity, or placing a strong, unyielding draw of gravity. I found my place, in the freewriting communtiy! A trace, of every story that just needed to be said... in 5 mins, no judgement, no expectation, only constructive reaction to my unedited refraction... of the mind. Sublime mind-splurge, a surge of creativity, a place to start and sometimes a place of to find an end! A freewrite!


17 raj808

You are entered in the drawing. Thank you so much for such sweet words. It means so much to us that you are writing with us!

Hi @freewritehouse. Both myself + pixiehunter have the same number, 17. Just wanted to check this wasn't going to be a problem? Thanks for this amazing opportunity :-)

I don't know what it is with you and me - I seem to always make a mistake.... But the good thing is that you are catching them!!! I am so sorry and thank you so much!! I changed pixie's number to 22.
I always need an editor!! Thank you!!

No worries @freewritehouse. I'm guessing maybe this is Marianne with a new account? I am going to do a few poetic freewrites this week as I feel like my poetry is suffering from a lack of expression. Thanks for always being there with amazing prompts :-)

You are guessing right. And there are a few more of us - but I am the one who is goofing things up here :) Glad you caught it. And make sure you enter every day for another chance to win - at least for the first 14 days of this new enterprise :)

Cool. I entered day 4 and am going to enter each day with a comment and do at least 2 freewrites this week + the weekend 3 prompt one at the end of the week. Can't spend all my time mentoring + curating ;-)

I could spend an hour staring between the blank word document on my screen and the plaster of my wall. Freewrite looks like good training in breaking the cycle of blank mind looking for ways to procrastinate. Although, if I was to participate, I’d give it a go on my commute to work each morning. Not only would it break the boredom, but it’s also a creative way to start my work day. I work with software. I love my work, but I love to write creatively. When work gets busy, the writing gets neglected. Maybe these little achievements is what I need to be reminded to finish my project. Warm thanks for the opportunity — I might actually jot down my own 5-min snippets anyway! :)

12 linnyplant

You are enrolled in the drawing. Many have found that the daily prompt is helping them to keep a daily writing practice. And since you are on Steemit now, you do want to post something on a regular basis. Also, the freewrite community is so supportive and positive. You find the daily prompt on @mariannewest profile and also linked in the posts here. Check back every day for more fun activities the @freewritehouse will present.

I never heard of freewrite before I got to Steemit. If it wasn't for @taskmaster4450 introducing me to @mariannewest I may never have found you. I've never been a big writer, much less a reader, so punctuation, spelling, and grammar are not my forte. I came here for the freewrites but I stayed here for the friendships. Plus I make you guys laugh! 😂

13 wonderwop

You are in the drawing. You make us laugh because you are funny!!! And your writing is getting more and more adventurous. Hopefully we make you laugh too!! 😧 Come back tomorrow for another chance to win!!

I freewrite at least once a week in my electronic journal I have kept on Google Drive since November, 2012. The journal is simply based on my raw feeling on whatever is going on in my life at the moment (typically I come to write when I am upset, but sometimes I'll come to document a really exciting moment as well), and so therefore I couldn't give a shit what I say or how I say it, because essentially it is my own diary. (Oops are we allowed to curse here? Welp, I can't edit it, so there it is).

It's actually pretty awesome. I love going back and re-reading sometimes to see just in fact how insane I am.


14 pragmaticpassion

You are entered in the drawing. Thank you for sharing your freewrite experience with us. If you like, join us in the daily prompt. You find it linked in the post here or you can go to @mariannewest profile and find it every morning. Remember to come back every day for a new chance to win.

Yep already followed! :)

Thanks for this opportunity! 😊 i've been into freewriting ever since I joined steemit. It gave me something to think of and allowed my inner creative writing to take over.😊 free writing had helped me improve my focus and sense of direction specially because I'm mostly lost in my own thoughts😁 At the same time I'd like to be part of the Steem basic income group and get to meet all you talented steemians! I can't wait to be inspired by your free writing poetry, stories and basically anything you guys could offer. 😊actually I just finished my today's free write😁 I wrote about how I managed to look into the brighter side of waiting for almost an hour and half for the public transportation😅😁 It has been a exhausting week but a fun one still. Thanks very much again for opening this kind of contest! All the best to you all!😁😊

1 stephey

You are in the contest. Glad you are free writing. Maybe some day you want to write with us. A daily prompt is available every day at this profile @mariannewest. Here, we will have lots of fun activities planned. Welcome to the Freewrite House.

I'd love to free write with you guys!😊 Thanks again!!😁😁 Have a nice day ahead!😊

I love the initiative! This post was upvoted by the cryptkeeper17 steemauto curation trail.

Thank you so much for the upvote!! You can enter in the contest every day - but we need 50 words about today's theme :)

Certainly! Here you go...

Oh, I know we are difficult. But we need a response to this post here - you telling us something about your freewrite experience which is at least 50 words long. You can do that in no time lol.
This response to you is already 50 words long. That is easy 😉

Freewrite is fun. That is the golden rule. Apart from that, I think everyone has their own way of approaching each prompt. That is how it should be. I have taken different approaches. Sometimes I have dived straight in. Other times, I have waiting for an idea to form in my head.

As for the 5 minutes. I believe that as long as the spirit is there, to write freely and quickly, I'm a bit flexible on that one.

I write the story freely. Sometimes the intended plot or ending changes midway through. That is the bit I love best. In fact, one such story changed completely after the first paragraph and it certainly is one of my favourite stories.

I read back and edit. I'd rather call it a polish. I make sure the essence of the story is still there. I'm really just changing the language to make it more accessible, especially for those where English is not their first language. Nor, English English (re. Austin Powers).

I had no creative writing experience before I started doing the freewrite. Sometimes, I think I am the freewrite gatecrasher. I mean that in a good way.

I said that the most important thing is to have fun. It is. Enjoy the journey. The other important thing that has kept me doing this, is the support from others. Encouragement goes a long long way. I wish I could read more, but my job as a teacher is a busy one.

5 mr-neil

You are entered into the drawing.
We are so glad that you gate crushed! LOL It is so fun to see the creative writing spirit develop in people who haven'g dabbled in creative writing! You The Freewriters are in Peril Story was great!!!

Thank you so much, that was great fun to write. It is the feedback and encouragement from people that keeps the story going.

I have had freewriting assignments in English classes and in writing seminars. It was presented as a tool to brainstorm ideas and perhaps find some good tidbits to explore. I have not made it a part of my daily writing exercises until now. Today I followed the prompt to freewrite about potatoes. Although I didn’t come up with any earthshattering ideas, (just a little craving for mashed potatoes) – I was able to knock off 122 words from my daily word count goal. That is a win in my book.

6 ghostsinahatbox

You are entered into today's drawing.

Many of us encountered free writing for the first time in school or in a writing class. It is such a powerful tool. As you write with us, you will see very soon that most use the freewrite as a starting point for all kinds of creative endeavors. Glad that you are writing with us.


I have ZERO freewrite experience! ☺️ Well, that is not entirely true. It’s been a looong time. Like everyone i attended school. Back in the dark ages I was a good writer. I won a short story competition in grade school. I used to write a lot of poetry and took journalism classes through high school. Now I have been out of school for (gulp) for almost 25 years... I am out of practice. Engaging writing requires practice. Maybe a little freewrite fun will be just the practice I need to oil those squeaky wheals.

Thanks for the opportunity to write & for a little extra income on top.

8 dfinney

You are in the drawing.

The freewrites are a good way to get back into writing and keep going. Hope that you will write with us. the link to the daily prompt is in the post above. Hint: It is potatoes 🥔 😉

Well I freaking love potatoes 😃 ❤️

hahaha same here 😊

Thank you for this. Quick question -although might be obvious - so the basic income you are referring is connected to the Steem Basic Income steem account? Or there are others?

And in terms of RULES, it is great to have them, but also great to bend them a little bit. I like your approach and the "do what feels right" kind of attitude. I think I do worry too much about quality and opinion of others, so I never publish anything and even stopped writing. Starting something and being bad at it is a difficult place to be, ever if one rationally knows that it is how it is and you need practice to get better. I've been reading some 5 minute stories and I really like the concept, I am willing to try :)))

9 cyoadventuregame

You are in the drawing.
To answer your question. Yes, we will buy a membership for the daily winner from the Steem Basic Income initiative. Or sponsor them in - however you want to word that. That gives you an ongoing upvote one your posts.
We are glad that you are going to try the freewrite - you will see, it is a lot of fun!

Thank you for your reply and also for introducing me to the Steem Basic Income, it's a great experiment in many levels, I like it! (And I did my first freewrite, it was fun! I can see myself freewriting more. I think I'm at the right place! :)

We like that!!! to many more freewrites and basic income sponsorships.

I just started doing @mariannewest five minute freewrite recently and it is the ultimate ice breaker to get on the platform and not worry about "having to" come up with something every day, because the freewrite has become my writers block insurance policy. I like the efficiency, and the ability due to the brevity to catch up on what others are reading, kind of like a mini writers workshop offered every day with a great bunch of people. I am glad my friend @gjones15 told me about your program, now we have another outlet as well in my hope with many of the same people and some new ones as well!

10 cryptkeeper17

You are in the drawing!! Thank you for posting this and sorry that we were a pain in the you know what 😪
But you know how it is - we need to be fair. Good luck!

Lol, ha that's nothing. I am usually a way bigger pain the backside than that! No worries here, thanks!

Glad to hear that!

love these freewrites, (haven't done an official one)...although 1/3 of my poetry on here is just that , lol ;)

Glad you stopped by!! But we need a minimum of 50 words in your comment for and entry into the drawing.

Steemit Writing Contests: Issue #50. The list is updated on a daily basis and your contest will remain on the list until its expiration - there's nothing you need to do.@moneyinfant has added your contest to the list

The list was created to save writers the excessive amount of time spent searching through the #contest tag for writing contests. Now they can just come to the list each day, see new contests and use their time doing what they love - writing.

If you'd like to help spread the word about the Steemit Writing Contest List I'd really appreciate a resteem, but it certainly isn't necessary. The project is simply meant to help writers save time and contest creators attract more contestants.

P.S. If you know of any contests I've missed I'd love to hear about them. Thanks!

Thank you!

No, thank you for all that you do!

I use the Freewrite prompt as a starting point, something to wrap a story around. Usually, I write about the first thing that pops into my head unless I can see that this first idea is heading toward a dead end or a book. I totally disregard any timers, if it takes 5 minutes or 5 hours to get out what I want to say then that is what you are going to get. When I found Freewrite I was searching for just the right thing that would help me to make at least one substantive post every day. At the time, I was doing the colorchallenge which I really enjoyed, but I was running out of interesting things to photograph without traveling around some, and I'm a homebody! But Freewrite touched on something that I have always enjoyed but kept pretty much to myself, writing! With Freewriting you can just do the 5 minute write if short on time and be done with it, or you can sit down and write a saga if you are feeling the creative juices flowing and have a lot of extra time on your hands. That made it the perfect choice for what I was searching for.

Most of my Freewrites are short stories and I wait until sometime during the day when I have a chunk of time free before I sit down at my computer and look at the prompt. I try to sit and type out the story all at one sitting without taking any more breaks than what is absolutely necessary. When I finish I read over it and correct any obvious errors, and I have made several that would have really taken away from the story if I had not caught them. Even with that quick once over there will still be some errors, but hopefully, they are of the not too distracting variety. It is not until after my blog is complete that I go out reading and commenting on other Freewrites, and now that there are so many I can never get through them all.

I am really appreciative of @mariannewest for creating this community, and I try to give back whenever I can. I have met so many great people and made wonderful friendships here, it has become a second home for me now. I think that communities like @Freewritehouse are what Steemit should be and I believe that this is exactly what it will be in the future. I believe that we are helping to lead the way into the planned Steemit Communities update and that this little group has the opportunity to become a major force of influence for the future of this platform. 🙂

Love it and thank you!!

It is past 5 PM Pacific Time now. The last entry accepted was # 30