Thank you for sharing your personal experiences with depression and how hard you worked to come through it! Anxieties take their toll and without some way to let them go, they do a lot of damage to our minds. Writing is so therapeutic and I'm grateful that you've taken to time to let others know what you've been through. This will be so helpful to others who are suffering through depression, to have someone let them know that how they feel isn't strange or unusual. tip! It's awful that mental disorders are treated as a taboo. So many could be helped if the mindset of society would change.
Beautifully put that none of us is nothing! I love your reminder to everyone to not lose hope and that they are the light in someone's world.
Friday's prompt is brought to you by one of our resident Trolls, Bridgewaterer. He's traveling the town of Freewrite, doing community service as reparations for skimming profits at the Troll Scouts Bake Sale.

Thank you for taking your time to read this. I also hope that this really will be helpful to those who needs it, especially if tehy are just experiencing it. I didn't know much about this when I first had it and I really wished that someone who went through it could help me. No one taqlks about it here so I had to rely on the internet and read people's experiences. I was really glad that they shared it as it was really helpful for me, so I'm going to pass it on.
Thank you for the tip.