You can't move forward in this life if you believe that failing is an end. It isn't and it has never been. Failing is a learning tool and nothing more. You may do something wrong a thousand times but you can't give up. You have to work to succeed. You have to stay positive and believe that you can achieve your goal, whatever it may be. Positive thoughts and actions create positive results. It is difficult sometimes, especially when others tell you that you can't. Don't listen to them. Push forward. Do you see the yellow ball in the graphic above? That is you! You have a problem in that picture: you are surrounded by negative people. If you can't change the people around you then you have to change the people around you. What I mean by that is if the people in your life are telling you that you can't be better then it is time to find new people for your life. We should all be trying to build each other up, not tear each other down.
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resteemsupport (-10)(1) 7 years ago
Reveal Comment