Belt. A Five Minute #Freewrite

in #freewrite7 years ago (edited)

He took the belt to her. Again and again. It pained him only a little to do so; she did, after all, ask for this. It hurt him inside only because she forced him to do this.

She should know better. He wondered if her mother had instructed her in the ways of a woman.

He had certainly tried.

She was his wife. She had duties to uphold. He didn’t ask for much.

He was not without sin. He knew this. He chastised his carnal flesh nightly in punishment because of it. He was brightly aware that he would never be welcome in the Kingdom. He would suffer in the eternal fires of damnation. Yes, he was damned. And he knew he would never be able to rectify his wrongs.

But that didn’t mean she should ever be in the wrong.

With every smack of the belt on her back, he visualized her sins floating toward the heavens. With every welt that sprung angry against the pale of her skin he knew she was realizing her place; ever closer to the perfect wife he took into his home and heart.

She would love him. He would be sure of it. With every belt welt she grew closer to him. His belt was the instrument that would make it so. He enveloped her further into his heart with every cry that never escaped her lips and held her close.

She had nowhere else to go after all...

Freewriting today!Belt. Inspired by the spectacularly stunning Ms. @mariannewest and her daily 5 Minute #Freewrite challenges. Grow as a writer in many ways- start

Image via Pixabay

Belt. It is a spectacular film. Dark, but terrifically made. If you haven't watched it yet it's definitely worth it :)I was engrossed by the film Brimstone yesterday; this apparently inspired todays #freewrite as I could not think of anything else after hearing the prompt word

What if the last person on Earth was the one you hated most? Dead i. A Steemit Original Fiction Series. Episode 3 is out now! & start from the beginning with Episode 1 Prologue and Episode 2

My real life horror- the accident and PTSD

Trigger warning- graphic and raw.

Thank you for your support, I love you guys ♡


With Love, Positivity and Good Mojo Light,
May Your Days Be Always Happy and Bright!


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If you found this post after day 7 please consider upvoting a recent article ♡


Bravo @arbitrarykitten! I love your writing style, very fluent, and the way you described the encounters with the belt and her reactions.. keep it going! Loved the last three lines.

This is the story I have to catch up with;) I have also written a free write, do check it out here:

I like that you write from the viewpoint of the abuser. It doesn't make it ok, but I get into the mindset and rationale.

Wow....this is beautiful....i have just been seeing so much concerning writers and poets today... I will definitely join this...

By the way, i have really missed your blog, it been a long while

I was in a pretty serious accident last week. Then it took me four days to travel across the country. I have been writing about it... But that's why I was gone for a week. I missed you!!!

Oh my!!! I am so sorry!!! I hope you feel much better?? I would go and read about it now...

Oh my I love the twist of this story. Love that is full of pain. Interesting way to write You are indeed a writer ☺

That means a lot <3 Thank you

Ouchh.. Deep hurt. You got me into your story. Pity her so much neither her husband. He knew where he is heading afterdeath. Eternal fires of damnation it is.


Why, thank you :)

lovely story. touch my heart. carry on buddy. best wishes for you.

I wish you well as well...

my pleauser


I like that the words can cause such a physical reaction :)


Oh, its too painful fiction story but quit heart touching..
I read your previous story in free time :)

wow...great post i like your post to much thanks for share the post.

Glad you enjoyed it!

I was engrossed by the film Brimstone yesterday; this apparently inspired todays #freewrite as I could not think of anything else after hearing the prompt word Belt

Havnt seen the movie. Is it a 2017 movie?

This seems to promote domestic violence against women. What exactly did the woman do wrong to warrant such torture. Dis the woman enjoy the fact that she was being chastised ? I really don't get it...

It was filmed in 2016. Set in the Wild West. It is really a messed up movie but you have to consider how men were raised to view women then and the fact that women had nowhere to go- they were raised to obey their husband, but the film was very well done. Dakota Fanning plays the lead, and she cannot talk in the film, so her acting was all facial and in the eyes... What I wrote is from the viewpoint of the extremely mentally ill abuser... He thought it was OK to beat his wife. His mind told him it was the right thing to do...

😥 but it is so wrong...

I agree my friend. I definitely agree it is so wrong, on many levels...

Short but really deep. I could even feel the pain while reading. Great writting :)

Thank you so much!

Sorry about the accident.... Thank God you are fine..sorry for the property loss

I appreciate it <3

As free flowing and descriptive as can possibly be. Its a good read.

Meanwhile i am delivering today's prompt from @mariannewest.

That gripped my heart and my stomach and squeeze it hard. Literally, I had a physical reaction to this. I so can't stand abusers.

Me neither. Do not watch the film that inspired the freewrite- It was like a two hour accident scene- horrific but I could not look away...

I'm speechless... while I'm reading it, I caN feel the pain of my friend from your words, my friend has been through a lot with her partner... 😔😔😔
But I really admire your works ms. @arbitrarykitten 😘😘❤️

Oh no. I hope she can escape and find peace...

Thank you hun <3

Praying for that... 😊❤️

I so enjoyed this ...

I am so glad you enjoyed it. It was difficult to write, especially considering what I have personally been going through with the pain from the accident...


Beautiful, I hope you're feeling better. Take care of yourself, everything will be ok.

Great story and a pleasant coincidence that we both should write on the same theme for the same prompt.
Nice to see the story from the abuser's POV even though I seriously frown on domestic and won't tolerate any excuse for it.

She had nowhere else to go after all...

I like the ending too and I'm glad my own version countered the abuser's thinking as regards that.

Thanks for an entertaining read.

PS: Sorry about the accident. I wish you speedy recovery of what you lost.