I'm not a fan of the window seat either, but I'll take Gillette over any other razor. Luckily by the sounds of it, I've not seen that advert, or any other Gillette advert in years :)
Just realised that Discording Taraz for his occasional mis-spells could be rather annoying - ' I was doing a free-write it's allowed!', is something he's not said yet though.
Safe trip tio!
Ahaha I still hate seeing them and I don't like making grammar mistakes and shield myself with the it's a freewrite argument. If it's a different kind of post I getting very embarrassed and angry at myself for pushing submit without noticing the mistake!
Oh, you should watch the ad, apparently everyone has and everyone has their own opinion about it. I just know I don't want my shaving company to mess with politics and social issues, I just want then to sell me a freaking razor :P