in #freewill2 years ago
Authored by @@thewarlock



As long as there is no injured party regarding citations write this diagonally across their offer [front and back] in red or blue ink and send it back via registered mail to the district attorney within 72 hours under the rules of commerce [Truth in lending act and Regulation Z] also write:

Special Private Priority

...in red on the right side margin of the presentment/contract and the cover letter...never enter their courts handle your business in private:

Refusal for cause without dis-honor UCC 3-501, 2-207-2 (c), 3-305-1 (i) (ii) (iii)

Keep in mind the above UCC format is the GLOBAL universal version as most corporate governmental agencies have their own version of numbering format i.e. they usually look the same with or without hyphens although some are completely re-arranged consider researching prior to attempting this.

Also if forced under duress to receive a citation make sure you write this above your signature before signing it...keep in mind these policy enforcers are armed they are in theory holding a gun to your head to sign a contract so make sure to write the following above your autograph:

signing under duress
By: John Henry Doe All Rights Reserved without prejudice

The living have autographs the dead have signatures the system only deals with fictitious/dead entities.

Remain in honor at all costs...do not argue with these "persons" they usually know not what they are doing and in most cases "just following orders"

...let them know you do not consent to their offer immediately although once in the beginning is enough if they precede [which from my experiences they mostly do] just stay in honor and accept their forced citation.

"initially of coarse" then follow the above instructions...

It also helps to add a cover sheet stating at the top as a header:

I claim common law jurisdiction and waive all benefits. All rights reserved.

Then proceed with a short explanation including whether you are a foreign national or not...

Be sure to include these corporate governmental agencies DUNS numbers to bolster the fact that these are Crown Inc. foreign subsidiary for profit corporations trying to contract with you...explain how you did not nor have you ever intended to contract with (insert DUNS corporate name) corporate DUNS number (insert DUNS number).

Hint: DUNS corporate name listings are usually different from what you may be familiar with.

It also helps to remove any adhesion contracts you may have allowed yourself to keep in your possession...ie anything that can lead them back to the fictional name that resembles yours...aka "the franchise" of the beast $Y$TEM.


We have the unlimited right to contract. The $Y$TEM knows this. Good news one can rescind any contract.

Equity will not come to the aid of a volunteer.


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