do you believe in free will, and why/not?

in #freewilllast year

black jesus.png
tldr -
The text discusses the concept of free will and its relation to determinism and causality. The author experiences the consequences of not having a belt, illustrating how seemingly minor factors can shape our conscious experience. They suggest that true free will may only exist within the realm of ideas, influenced by various external factors and shaped by the collective knowledge and history of society. The text touches on the idea that our choices and actions are predetermined by factors like genetics, culture, and language, creating a metaphorical "prison" for the mind. It also delves into the nature of time, suggesting that moments exist uniquely in reality and exploring ideas related to accessing previous lives and time travel techniques.

do you believe in free will, and why/not?

i lost my belt, i cant seem to find it. i have looked everywhere. i had to walk to the shop without having a belt. this made me constantly pull up my pants. eventually i just walked with my hand in my pocket, constantly thinking about my pants falling down.

something as small as not having a belt, or fitted jeans, created a tiny universe, where the belt becomes the most important thing. because if i had a belt, this universe would not exist. it would not take up any amount of conscious energy.

does determinism vs causality make you believe in free will?

i feel like even the freedom to deviate is not really freedom because having the idea to deviate wasnt an original idea. your quantum self decided to deviate long before you consciously decide to do it. there are reaction experiments that show our brains decide to do something up to 13 seconds before we consciously think about it.

it touches on descartes i guess. where he concludes i think therefore i am. with the added footnote that he thinks he thinks because a good god wouldnt deceive him into thinking he's thinking.

he didnt know about atoms tho

or that the evil god thats making him think is just himself

himself as billions of atoms. lul

i think a better way to think about free will is to use information theory

which works a lot like electronics too

it says that there has to always be a loop

i think therefore i am therefore i think

like in my story. the belt creates the conscious universe which creates the belt

not to say the thought creates the thing, physically. but on a fundamental level it creates the nous or the idea of the thing. without the idea of a thing, the thing is just a thing not a belt

within the idea is the only place where free will can possibly exist. we can perhaps shape the idea enough, consciously. but even that has like the re-described worldly shapes influencing you to think a certain way.

shapes and ideas that were set by your ancestors and their ancestors

with all of these things, you cannot claim your mind is free

your choices arent your choices

your actions are just predefined reactions to a prison

a prison that's constantly trying to kill you

the prison wasnt created by some supernatural entity either. it was created by us, by our parents and their parents. and by books. and by history. and by language. especially by language
just to make it clear. lol

i dont want some cult to start worshipping the almighty prison guard

it is interesting that an atom or the observing of an atom is actually just a slice in time. like taking a photograph of empty space. a very tiny photograph of a very tiny part of space. and once we catch something within that time it becomes as infinite as things can be. both in the fact that we will keep records of it for 1000s of years, but also because in that moment when it is captured, it is actualized in a completely new part of space that will never again exist.

i once heard this OG rabbi speak about death and he said its not a real thing. you either are alive or you arent. it relates to a previous conversation where i mentioned eternity is in the moment. every moment takes up a completely unique space in reality. it never stops existing, we just cannot access it once we pass it. we probably could if we had big enough engines though.

some new agers claim they can access previous lives
perhaps time travel is something like that

if you've ever heard of the gateway experience, or if you follow ufo cults, there's this beta wave technique where you put your mind into a guided meditative state where you can jump out of this reality and travel to other planets like walking to the shop

it's pretty hardcore stuff though. i suggest mastering lucid dreaming 1st

that way you know when they're fucking with you