
upvoted and replied ;) What happened to your reputation ?

I don't know. I have approx 32 reputation and suddenly after 1 minute I have 16 reputation.

Okay... this happens when you get flagged (downvoted)... check out your puplished posts and where ther is a "-" instead of a "+" in front of a vote (just click on the "vote" field in your post to see list of voters or check out [click] there you also can find out who downvoted you ;)

If you found out who downvoted you tell me than we try to find a solution ;)

Okay. Let me. CHeck it out. Thanks for your support

Yes - do so ;)

I found a down vote and I up votes on that post the minus sign is removed. But my reputation is not comes back.

Guess there are more downvotes then ? and if you upvote the flag is not removed, just one upvote more... you should find more downvotes and try to contact the downvoters that the remove their flags and axplaind to you, why you have been flagged... sometimes it is just because posting under wrong tag for example

Great! A wonderful start!

Following, Upvoted, resteemed