Free Speech Friday 7/20/18; Walking Away rant...

in #freespeechfriday6 years ago (edited)

So apparently the new thing going around today is this new fad making videos telling the world why you are "walking away." Walking away from the democratic party.

Oh, and before I forget! Today is Friday. It is Friday, Friday, Free Speech Friday! I started doing this on my youtube channel a year ago. I was inspired by my activist friend there in Portland @sonofhightower. Every Friday, no matter what the fuck is on your mind, or what the fuck is going on in the world, you just BITCH! Let it all out! Whatever stupid shit you believe in, SPEAK UP!!! Make a video celebrating your freedom of speech. Dipshit Democracy! So if I can inspire the rest of you all out there reading this to post your own Free Speech Friday rants, that would be great! Let's get something started shall we??? Bitching is the most healthiest thing in the book I think. What better way to bitch a little and then make a little money while doing so!? Huh? Remember! Don't bitch for free...

Now back to this "Walking Away" bullshit I want to bitch about on this lovely and beautiful 101 degree day...

Instead of making a video I'm just going to write this. Truth be told, I suck at improv and am a better writer then a performer. But I do like making videos too and I do plan on making more.


I "walked away" like 15 years ago or so...

No wait... I think I was a teenager. Growing up I always questioned things. I was always a free thinker. I remember Freshman year, I had one teacher, Coach Beaus (Boze). He was the P.E. coach and Life Management Skills teacher. Coach Beaus was mad! Hilarious, but mad! Everyday in class he would rant about corrupt secretive shit the government was doing and how our education is fucked, blah blah etc. A very disturbed awakened soul. I remember him talking about the face on Mars, aliens, government spying, secret tunnels hoarding bombs and weapons, and ranting about evil Bill Clinton. This was after all, the late 90's during the impeachment. The following year, I remember Coach Beaus was fired. He apparently pissed off too many kids and parents LOL. He wasn't afraid to cuss out a snowflake HA HA! The man had balls risking his career as a teacher as far as I am concerned. SMH I never knew what happened to old Coach Beaus.

After that was the 2000 election. I wasn't old enough to vote then but I wanted Gore to win the election. I was 16. I remember staying up all night on election night. I was glued to the TV! I couldn't believe Gore won but they let Bush steal the election. I was still living in Florida too at the time. How ironic! Florida was the big state Bush stole. So of course you can imagine why I was up all night on this night. I still remember when they called Florida for Gore. Then like an hour or so later SHTF. I don't like Al Gore anymore, and at the time I wanted him to win because I still was dumb enough to like Bill. Being a dumbass teenager at the time I thought it was funny Bill got busted with the whole sex scandal. Something in me I knew then that politics was a joke and all but the fact remained, Gore won. We should of had a revolution then but the libtards, the shitizens, went along with it, just like they went along with it now with the whole Bernie Sanders thing. Seriously, Trump winning the election has brought out the FUCKTARD in people this last two years. SMH

Then of course came 9/11 right after Bush stole the election. It was my senior year of High School. I mean come on, how obvious right? They had to make sure Bush was in office in order to pull off such a terrorist attack on 9/11, of all days right? Of all days... Hmm... So right away I think we all knew that 9/11 was an inside job.

I hated Bush then like I still hate Bush now and want to see him hung along with the rest of his entire criminal administration. So right away I started becoming an activist. I got involved with the Kerry Campaign. There was no way I was going to let Bush steal the next election. So I became a libtard thinking that this was the only way to take our country back from Bush. I was a part time student going to the University of Arkansas at the time. So around campus I was chalking sidewalks, posting flyers, protesting, and cussing out Bush supporters like the College Republicans that would always show up to our Young Democrat parties.

After Bush stole the 2nd election I was really losing it. I knew something was up. I was radical then like I am radical now. I couldn't accept the fact that I had to endure 4 more years of this asshole. I knew there was some sort of "deep state." Early 2005 I started slowly drifting away from the left. Their parties started to suck! They became all depressed after the 2nd loss like they did 4 years earlier.

I started looking into the actual political issues and discovered I disagreed with pretty much both the left and the right. On everything pretty much. I only cared about removing Bush from office that I overlooked all the issues. I remember I was dumb enough to wonder why guns were even a political issues. I was so naive then to still think we lived in a gun culture that it wasn't an issue. I was wrong. I remember at one of our parties one of the College Republicans showed me his conceil carry card. He said, "This is how pro gun I am" showing it to me. I remember thinking... so you need permission to put a gun in your pocket? I thought that was a right not a privilege? I thought that then, like I STILL BELIEVE THAT NOW!!! Because I always thought the 2nd Amendment was our permit? This guy is an idiot! Then it occured to me, he thinks that I'm a libtard and libtards are suppose to hate guns. The democrats hate guns and republicans think you need permission to own a gun and put it in your pocket. That was when a light bulb in my head went off. That both sides of the political spectrum are FUCKED!!! It isn't left vs right, it is the state vs YOU!

By summer 2005 I left the democrats "walking away." Of course you know me, I didn't just walk away, I said a few mouthy adjectives like "FUCK YOU!" Then I walked away LOL. I remember I joined the Green Party for a short time. I was really starting to call myself a Green Anarchist because I still supported guns and the Green Party was FULL libtard and hated guns more then the Democrats did. I was done supporting the Democrats though. They pissed me off and plus the Greens actually went out and protested and stuff. And me, I was ready to start a revolution then like I am trying to do now. Seriously! I'm sure you remember the bumper sticker, "Quit bitching and start a revolution!" Well, that was me. I'm your huckleberry HA HA!

By Fall 2005 I found the Red Pill. I say I found it because by now I was hunting for the damn thing to take LOL. I was on a TRUTH mission! I started with Alex Jones and infowars. I hadn't seen ANY of Alex Jones videos because I refuse to pay money for this information thinking that if he is trying to make money with the truth then he is just another scam artist. Either way, I ended up making a new friend named Nick who gave me a stack of Alex Jones DVDs for free. Nick found me on myspace at the time. Yes, I was an early blogger at the time ruining my life with this new bullshit called social media (only to "walk away" and join Steemit 13 years later rolls eyes). He gave me a stack of DVDs full of the Alex Jones videos, Loose Change and several other 9/11 videos as well as Jordan Maxwell, David Icke, Anthony J. Hilder documentaries. In a short while I learned everything from who killed JFK, HAARP, chemtrails, to the fact that everything our government has been doing has been illegal going back all the way to the Civil War. Changed my whole life. I took for granted just how evil these sick and depraved Oligarchs were. Now I know. They are all baby blood drinking pedophile Satanist pieces of fucking shit!!!

I sooned learned of other activists, and political prisoners out there like Alex Ansary, Michael Tsarion, Phil Schneider, and Fritz Springmeier. I remember when the Alex Jones creation, Mark Dice, was still calling himself John Conner from the Resistance and storming colleges with copies of Loose Change. He would then call up and harass Sean Hannity on his show LOL.

I remember getting together with Nick on several different occasions to make and distribute tons of DVDs. We would then go out late at night and put the DVDs on people cars. Usually on the driver's side in the window. Sometimes under the windshield wiper. Hoping that people would bring them home and watch them. Just doing my part to try and wake others up. Support your local patriot! HA HA

I remember giving my old Young Democrat friends copies of the DVDs. I was ostracized immediately after that. Now the Young Democrats hated me and avoided me. I remember I started finding people deleting me on facebook and myspace because I really started getting mouthy LOL.

This is me in Spring of 2006 protesting in Fayetteville Arkansas on Dickson St. My hair was short and I was the only one protesting trying to expose 9/11 being an inside job.
theo protest.jpg

After watching Jordan Maxwell's video, "The Occult World of Commerce" was when I start diving down into the whole Sovereign free man on the land thing. How to "non-violently" resist the lawless tyranny taking place in America. I got no help or support from my family. I was all by myself with my activism. With no money and no help I didn't know what to do. How could I live free and off grid being broke as fuck? Sadly it was 2012 before I started making videos for youtube.

In late 2006 I couldn't afford to live in Arkansas anymore so I had to move back home to Florida to live with family. Family I still resented. Family that still didn't give any kind of a shit about me. Family of shitizens that could give a fuck less about helping me figure shit out for myself. By 2008 I couldn't deal with living with family anymore so I said FUCK YOU to everyone and bought a sailboat. Living back in Florida, it was the only way I could figure out how to live free and off grid without any help but my own. This was my first attempt at getting off the grid. I was going to sail to an island and live on it. FUCK THE WORLD! Giant Metorite, Yellowstone 2008!

Long Story short, the boat dream didn't work out and lasted a whole two years. I couldn't afford to make the boat seaworthy. Later, in 2012 I left Florida to live on the west coast in Portland, when I started making videos for youtube leading me to where I am at now here on Steemit. What started out as a joke 6 years ago became the foundation for my activism. I was starting my own Political Party, The TRUTH Party which I coined the acronym: The Radical Underground Tyrant Haters Party! Promoting my idea I call the "NEW" West. All inalienable Common Law rights recognized by the Constitution are reinstated. If you want to open carry with a fully automatic machine gun be my guest :-). Eat shit snowflakes! It is Judgement Day for all of these sick and depraved baby blood drinking reptilian pedophile satanist fucks!!! They want to give us all a genocidal death sentence... Then I'm the next shot heard round the world! SHTF mother fuckers!!!

Mad as Hell.jpg

It was 2013 before I found real Sovereign activists like @deanclifford, Ernie Tertelgte, Randy Stroud, Winston Shrout, and Santos Benocci. In 2014, for my 30th birthday, my present for myself was getting my first Sovereign documents signed and notarized. Leading me to where I am at today. Two years ago, 2016, was when I discovered and signed up for the World Passport. Eventually I do plan on going full blown Secured Party Creditor with my activism. In fact, I am one of @druanna students (Druanna Wales).

Long story short, as of today, right now, I'm just another political prisoner in training LOL. I've walked away from the entire establishment as a conscientious objector. FUCK CORPORATE FASCIST AMERICA!!! I'm stateless! Free men don't have no government issued form of identification. Free men don't need permission to put a gun in their pocket. I try to lead by example. With that being said, stay free govern yourself y'all! I will end with an Oscar Wilde quote...

"If you tell the truth, make them laugh or else they will kill you." ~Oscar Wilde.

Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read my story about how I took the red pill, walked away, and became the angry radical all rainbow wearing "hippie with a gun" I've become today LOL.


Stay Un-Tune-Ed...

Join the TRUTH party, The Radical Underground Tyrant Haters Party!
Comedy through activism, activism through comedy.

Welcome to the NEW West!!1
We are a dipshit democracy. FUCK Amy Goodman!
Rainbow Man meme6.jpg


Wow! My own awakening is way different. I gotta say thanks for letting us get to know you a bit better. That was very well written too.

Thanks man! It could of been longer but I summarized a lot of stuff to try to make it shorter. Funny it still turned out to be a long read.

Duuuude! I'm resteeming this! Free speech fri!

Awesome idea!

(Love the "9/11 was inside job") heh!

Thanks bro! I figured today being Friday, why not make it a Free Speech Friday rant LOL. I hope I get something started too... Make your voice heard.

Count me in next week! #FSF just gonna let it rip!

Good for you!!! That's the spirit!

Long read, but the boat idea was a good one. Rely only on yourself, and you will be free, as long as they can not locate you! I intend to make my mailing address a box at a store 20 miles from my house, just to mess with them, LOL! :D

Guess who bought him the sailboat? The family he hates and that he said didn't support him. Hah! He made some of the mistakes that made boat life a failure but he was one happy guy living on his boat...and he had a lot of family support he chooses to have forgotten

Every person has a different view of the identical same circumstances.

That said, Family is forever, and sometimes there is friction. I hope you can get closer, family remains important; an irritant sometimes, but always important!

Yeah my story is a long one. The problem with the boat life is you are at the mercy of the sea. It is all Murphy's Law. Rainbow Hats off to Joshua Slocum and the rest of those successfully living off grid sailing around the world living the boat life.

Nothing is perfect for sure! I was thinking a larger island, dock the boat, move ashore as building construction completion permits. :D

I was at anchor out in the bay. I had row to shore in my dingy to shower and stuff.

That's dingy, LOL. I was headed for an empty island, avoiding others I guess. ☆☆☆

Long read but worth it! Great story done with your usual flare. The honest truth. There were so many catchy phrases here. I'm a political prisoner in training too. :) I'll have to remember that one. I feel I know you better as well. I hope this story inspires others. Great job!

"It isn't left vs right, it is the state vs YOU!" This would make a great bumper sticker, T-Shirt, Mug, etc. This is the piece of truth people need to see like right now dude.

Freedom For The People!

"It isn't left vs right, it is the stat vs YOU!"

I had the sticker over 12 years ago from Liberty stickers.

The best most dangerous stickers you will only find there. I got a lot of them for when I get another truck again. Oh I can't wait to make that video HA HA! Take 2!!! I've been visualizing it for awhile now.

too long man but I'll come back, wanted to show my support!

Howdy Jonboy! Yeah it is lengthy one but it could of been longer. I really left out a lot of gaps to shorten it.

ok, did you think about breaking it into 3 posts, a series or every Friday do a section? I'm not saying you should or saying it's too long, I was just curious because if you're like me you are trying to find things to post about, but that might not be a problem you have.

I'm thinking every Friday ranting about something different. I'm not consistent so it doesn't have to be every Friday. Just every Friday that I remember to rant about something hoping others will share their rants too.

that sounds like a great plan Rainbow Man!
you could change it up to and do the Friday Rant on Tuesday and freak people out.

I like the friday rant day (freespeechday) Get different points of view. Learn from each other. Truth Party also good idea. Very hard to know what the real truth is.. The facts never seem to stand still. Liked you posts with Papa Pepper. Enjoy the rest of the Summer.