NDAA 2017: Removing Free Speech To Keep You Safe

in #freespeech8 years ago

The NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) came about as an extension of the Patriot Act, a knee-jerk reaction to the false flag 9/11 attack. The Patriot Act gives government almost unlimited power to ward off supposed acts of terrorism from foreign governments or organizations. It effectively negates Posse Comitatus (1878), a law that states basically that the military cannot be used against American citizens except in the most dire circumstances. It came as a belated reaction to Lincoln's negation of Habeas Corpus during the Civil War when he imprisoned over 400 newspaper editors that disagreed with his draconian policies.

The NDAA 2012 gives the president even more power to be used at his own discretion. The government, under the NDAA can control ALL public services, water, electricity, sanitation, gasoline...everything. Moreover, it negates habeas corpus, any citizen can be placed under military arrest without trial, or even charges being brought. In other words, under the NDAA, you have NO Constitutional rights.

The 2017 NDAA extension looks on the surface to be a funding bill, but underneath hides something very sinister....the loss of your right of free speech, particularly on the internet- the last bastion of unfiltered news. Under the guise of keeping the internet free of foreign (Russian, it states so in the Act's language) influence, the government would be able to control the content of what is put forth on the Net. They alone would be the arbiter of what is "foreign propaganda" and what is not. If they don't like what you say, they can say it contains propaganda and remove it. The House of Representatives has passed it already and if Ratified by the Senate, there is almost no doubt Obama will sign it into law.

The 1st Amendment guarantees free speech. Little by little the government has successfully whittled away at what we can and cannot say. If this bill succeeds in being passed we will have government controlled speech, the opposite of what the Framers envisioned and intended. High Impact Flix has put this video out outlining what will happen if the bill passes. There are some links to the content as well that I will include.

This criminal's donors: https://www.opensecrets.org/politicia...
Zero Hedge Article: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-12...
The Bill: http://www.portman.senate.gov/public/...


our government is now populated entirely by traitors. they should all be put in prison, now.

I couldn't agree more...what do you have in mind?

people will become more conducive to actually holding their rulers accountable as they get hungrier. there are things the individual can do, like having off grid supplies and sources of necessities. find ways to pay the government as little as possible. cease to support people in any way, who support the government, ideologically or physically. i would recommend some "outside the box thinking" for self defense purposes. we will shortly be deprived of our firearms, once our freedom of speech is gone. there are an enormous number of ways to cripple the system of control, sand in the gears, so to speak.

What firearms, I DON'T HAVE ANY FIREARMS. I've got food and water for about a year. Never underestimate the power of a bunch of pissed off veterans whose only ideology is survival and are experts at it. Many know enough to come together in a common cause and have already organized. Good luck to everyone else when the SHTF!

that's what i'm looking for. when the mass of the people finally wake up, the control structure will find itself being devoured alive. one way, or another, these people will stop trying to control everything.

Great points!

Calling the NDAA a knee-jerk reaction to 9/11 is like calling making this post a knee-jerk reaction to having written it. :P

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