I Make Stupid Memes That Get Fact Checked by Facebook

in #freespeech5 years ago

We're headed down a fast moving path of Censorship in mainstream social media. The most bizarre part to me is the intensity of the need to censor very specific topics: 5G, Bill Gates, anything non-fear mongering COVID-19.

Its the intensity of the outrage and hate that makes me curious

Why are these topics so dire? Why does anything negative about Bill Gates or 5G result in an instant backlash of hatred and censorship? I would never give any serious consideration to "conspiracy theories" surrounding any of this if it wasn't so bizarre, how conditioned people are, trained by mainstream media to attack on command. If I mention "lizard people" silence, no one cares. If I post a funny meme about Bill Gates or 5G, it's like I've ignited a nuclear fire in-between their buttcheeks. So Bizarre. So, I make more and more memes to see what ignites the nuclear buttfire and what doesn't. People react intensely where they feel something needs to be protected, something is at risk or most intensely when at risk of being caught.

The Same People Who Spent 20 Years Telling me "Bill Gates is the Devil"

The Same People Who Spent 20 Years Telling me "Bill Gates is the Devil" have suddenly adopted this, completely conflicting, messiah / master of all "Trust him or die" type of mentality.

It is weird

It is concerning. It's a great opportunity to mess with people really easily and just watch the bizarre reactions.
So I make these stupid little memes. I post them on Facebook and I see what happens.

Some themes get this:


Other Themes or Topics Do Not

The themes and topics that don't get censored have reasonable explainations. The themes and topics that are Censored, tend to have information available that someone is trying to keep people from knowing.... and the people play along. It's become their virtue. It's become "what makes them better than you".

I Don't normally post much

This is fairly quickly written, I don't know if there is an audience or interest in these memes, this topic, or these adventures. If there is and you would like to see and/or hear more, please let me know