
Dear Mason, Can you give yourself to Jesus as the true savior and son of God.
Or does the Mason have problems with it?

Thanks for the valid question, I am a Christian and have given myself to Jesus, born again but that doesn't stop me from being a mason since Freemasonry isn't about religion.

Thanks for spreading the word and helping to clarify what the fraternity is and is not,

Unfortunately, thanks to the particular interests of a religion, attempts have been made to discredit from many remote time the great work of Freemasonry and its great value for society. It makes us laugh to hear comments about the demonic of our Rites, it is simply absurd. Unfortunately, not everyone has cultivated the art of discerning, researching and drawing their own conclusions. They are blindly guided by someone on TV or because they read it in the newspaper or because they heard told a doctor or someone wearing a tunic. The Creator gave us intelligence, a great mind, the power to think, to reason ... we must use it instead of being carried away by comments from uninformed people. In my Lodge there are Protestant Christians and Catholics and we all live fraternally, we support each other and help as true brothers and children of the same and unique Creator, called by us The Grand Architect of the Universe, the Supreme Being.

The Essence and Task of Freemasonry By Rudolf Steiner
Freemasonry and Human Evolution By Rudolf Steiner

The Essence and Task of Freemasonry By Rudolf Steiner
Freemasonry and Human Evolution By Rudolf Steiner