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RE: I Am Finding It Hard to Breathe: Freedom Friday Melancholy

in #freedomfriday6 years ago

Hey! Missing the regular #FreedomFriday prompt but I'm liking your question

In what tiny gaps and spaces do you get chance to feel free?

The most I feel free is when I take the time to just wander and explore in the forest, with no time restrains. I can get totally absorbed into the many facets of the forest, from the majestic towering pines to the miniature worlds of the moss and lichen in the under-story.

I think it is when I can get totally absorb in something that that feeling of freedom arises. Whether it is playing a song or tending the garden or being totally absorbed in meditation, it is then that I am free from any worries or cares or other worldly constraints.

I feel for you losing that freedom you had on the beaches with the increase of population. We have a beautiful beach close to us that when we first moved up here, on lovely days, we'd just say to the kids "let's go to the lake" and pop up there to enjoy the day. Now there is an entrance fee to go to the beach - $5/day! They are developing this area more for tourists all the time.


Oh my gosh I can't even imagine being charged to go on a beach. It's not too bad in winter and there are still deserted beaches we can find that we know about and the tourist don't go too so much full stop so we can definitely find little gaps to be free. I find when the surf is really good of course it gets much more crowded.

I definitely agree that you can find little gaps of Freedom when you are fully immersed in something that you love doing and there are no other things that crowd your head and pull you away from the task at hand.

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