Black Tyranny in South Africa

in #freedom7 years ago

This alone is sufficient reason for white land owners and their fellow whites in South Africa to declare their independence from black tyranny. It is time to separate from South Africa to form a new Nation, as it is clear that whites and blacks cannot live peacefully in the same nation for any significant period of time. The time is now for action, or will whites in South Africa face the same fate as whites in Rhodesia, or whites in Haiti? Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. It is time for whites to cease surrendering and pandering to those who would have them dispossessed, in servitude, or dead. Those who ignore the genocide against whites in South Africa, and even defend the actions of the genocidal blacks, also have blood on their hands. In the US, half the Nation will stand with you, those same people who once stood against the will of the financial elite that controls the media, would be your allies. It is time to stop fearing the hyenas and the sheep. It is time for the lion to rise in defense what is worth protecting, the lives and future of our people!
