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RE: Stacey Provides Update on Adam in Wise County Jail

in #freedom7 years ago

County Jail makes me think the arrest was by the Sheriff, is that correct? That would make it Total BS for the Sheriff to arrest Adam on fake charges! As a true constitutionalist KNOWS, the Sheriff is the only law officer mentioned and provided for in the US Constitution, and the Sheriff is also the highest authority in the County. Even the FEDS must get access for investigations in his county. I suppose Adam will be out soon, as they cannt hold him indefinitely w/o charges, at least they can't do it "legally"
This burns my a$$ Grrr....


Unfortunately there are charges:(

We all gotta entertain the possibility that he did actually have drugs on him. That seems a lot more likely than some random cops planting drugs on some guy just passing through. Those cops in his arrest video obviously didn't know who he was and the cops weren't even being dicks. I'm all for legalization and all that but if you're going to be driving through Texas with drugs, at least have your paperwork in order. God damn.

plant sounds very feasible, likely reason why they asked him to turn off the camera. the officer was walking around the rv, who know what happened after. they definitely had a lot of police around him, which in itself is very weird. I vote for a setup.

I agree that there is a lot of shadiness in the entire situation. Th fact that after 72 h they didn't present him any paperwork about his arrest shows that they are trying to come up with something to justify the unjust arrest.

Charges? Where? You have a link or just speculating?

in the video, Yoder

Ah the speculation is in the youtube video. Got it.

If there are actual charges, there will be a filing number, an appearance bond, performance bond, bid bond and bail bond (all public). Further, whoever is ledgering the charges is supposed to have an affidavit of obligation from the damaged party (which they don't have because if Adam, then there is no damaged party) and also the fiduciary is supposed to have a liability insurance policy to cover Adam's damages if the charges are vexatious. If someone got a copy of those numbers (especially the liability policy of the citing officer) you may be surprised how often they no longer want to proceed.

As a presidential candidate, he may have more luck than I ever did. I don't know about in Texas though.

I hope it is a speculation, I’ve been following Adam since dr Paul’s campaign, but the call sounds legit to me, there is also one more video on YouTube from another guy that called the county jail. I hope I misunderstood something.

1.19 starts the call to the jail

Yup, I think a felony CONVICTION disqualifies him for office. Bet they are looking for a guilty PLEA to reduced charges. Hopefully these are Preliminary Charges and his lawyer can whittle on that right away. What else in is the works?
PS: Thanks for the updates...

I believe it might be a setup. Even I know that you shouldn’t carry drugs(not even weed which I don’t consider a drug) in Texas and btw I live on the other side of the globe . Hope his lawyers can clean this mess up and that he wasn’t so naive to have had some with him. If you want to make a change and that change requires you stop smoking for some time, you should stop smoking for the greater good.

Absolutely, although it doesn't disqualify him, and as far as setup goes, it's very probable.

It actually doesn't disqualify you at all. Felons are able to be president as stupid as that sounds.

Article 2, section 1:
" No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States."

22nd Amendment:
" No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once."

Great Points Captain! I'm sure the media would try and amplify any arrest, and charges, to make it sound like Adam was a criminal. If he gains the traction of actually having a demonstrable following. I'm sure it will be measurable, but I mean 'provable' to the media talking heads. We all know how they tried to minimize Trump's support, and that backfired horribly :D

Most sheriffs are bought and paid for politicians. They are not much different from a county or city (corporate) chief of police. I used to have a lot of faith in them, but personal experience has taught me to not.