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RE: A free lunch with Edward Snowden

in #freedom8 years ago (edited)

Edward Snowden was an allowed leak to implement the Hawthorne Effect globally. In short, when people think they are being watched they change their behavior, this is also talked about as a Panopticon effect. If the powers that shouldn't be really wanted him dead, they wouldn't be making Hollywood films about him, while Snowden is tweeting from a verified account. The entire deification of Snowden needs to stop because he told us NOTHING that the likes of William Binney and countless others hadn't ALREADY told us. The fact the media gives him so much attention should have tipped you off by now. Snowden is 100% cointelpro, and was 100% an allowed leak. His "revelations" did nothing but make the public scared that they were being watched by the government. You need a new hero.


100% an allowed leak?? Yeah and this is why he lives in a Big House in Hawai and has all the freedom in this world right?

Lulz, did I just take down your personal hero? Too bad, the truth is the truth. Snowden is and was an allowed leak: Enjoy your Hollywood propaganda film... Snowden The Movie. ROFL.