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RE: Taxation is Theft!

in #freedom7 years ago

It still amazes me that people who acknowledge that if I stole from them, then gave them a sandwich, it's still theft. But if the government does it, it magically isn't theft. Why? Because someone with no authority over me can vote to magically somehow give that authority, that they never had, to someone over me to take my money?


Mind Control. Oops! Need I remember. Most do not believe in mind-control. Therefore it doesn't exist. After all, the sheeple have minds of their own. They think and decide for themselves, and of course it is rational and makes sense because it goes along with the beliefs of the status quo, and we all know, the majority is right, because what we believe, is true, because we say it is, so therefore stealing must be okay, sometimes, for certain people. Remember the book `Certain People'? Are you one of them?

The remake of Battlestar Galatcia ended their prayers with "So say we all." Consensus reality even in fiction...

Agreed. But people are coming around to the idea!