My Letter to Larry Klayman, Freedom Watch and the Justice League

in #freedom6 years ago

Dear Mr. Klayman,

First, I would like to thank you and Freedom Watch for being the first Truth-based organization to reach out to me in a private, secure, and honorable manner. My name is Abdul H. Muhammad. I am a non-violent, militant, Islamic peace activist concerned with the delivery of the Truth to the surveilled, propagandized, and ignorant masses about racism and genocide along with political, religious, and financial debauchery. These people (our people) are unaware of the atrocities that have been committed and are still being commtted by the corrupt powers in high offices that you, me, and Freedom Watch have declared war against. Even though I claim to be a peace activist, the bi-polar and ambiguous nature of this nation suggests a more fitting title of Peace Warrior. Does this bi-polarity put me in the bucket class of the "mentally deranged"? Or maybe I am just realistically naming myself a title appropriate for the times we are in now. You may judge me as you please.

I commend you, Mr. Klayman and Freedom Watch, along with your Justice Leage for striking powerful, well-aimed blows at the enemies of humanity which you identify correctly as the establishment swamp creatures. May Allah bless you all. However, I must take issue with your attacks against the leftist movement which has been corrupted by capitalist exploiting the financial illiteracy of the Left with their favorite weapon, Federal reserve notes or dollars. These debt-based notes, which your organization and other alternative news media sources yearn for and seek to fund your operations, are the root of all the evil that all of you claim a desire to vanquish. The Anti- Facist(Anti-fa) and the Black lives that matter(Black Lives Matter) are being financed by a racist, facist, George Soros, weilding the same fiat devil dollars to cause world destabilization that you would have as your means for a successful revolution against the global kacystocracy and their financial strip miners. And so you would use these Babylonian debt notes to save a Republic created by the same families who created trillions of dollars of debt for a nation blinded by the selfish interests promoted by laissez-faire capitalism.

The United States of America is, in fact, a tale of two cities controlled by one power, Satan. Satan represents the fear, distrust and envy used together as a tool for the division, conquest, enslavement, and genocide of both cities that make up the two Americas: The privileged white right and the oppressed dark left. Surely, we all know that this so-called republic is " incapable and unwilling to police itself". These are your words and I must concur. I would state that characterization represents the history of this country from its very inception anD many years before. From a Black person's perspective, the perspective of the Left, a strong, moral, and incorrutible government is necessary to protect the innocent from an ignorant, immoral, and insensitive majority. From this Black man's perspective, the White race, created by Machevellian principles for the benefit of the already powerful bankers, royal families, religious oligarchs, and military exploiters, must acknowledge to themselves that it is THE major pawn being played on the chess board of world domination. From the Black community's perspective, this so-called great country changed them from human beings of African lineage to a color associate dwith, using the English language, deragotory descriptions of life instances. So because of this so-called great country, the descendants of African lineage were forevermore the descendants of slaves. Exploited by capitalist wit powerful weapons and evcil minds, they were brought to this land and given a new name by the European conquistadors. The name was black or negro. Both have the same meaning. The proof that it was deragatory. The black in Black man was the same black used to describe the black sheep, the black market, the black swan, the black sheep and on and on and on. Plainly stated, black is bad. So I guess white must be good since it is the opposite of black. At the same damn time, Africans and Europeans were TOGETHER reduced to just a color. One by force. The other via propaganda. Can you guess which is which?

So how could a Black man, being black, envision this country as great in any way. The darkness, reflectedby the hue abundant in our skin tone, has been used historically as a mirrored image to the shaitan that has perpetually divided America and the peoples of the Earth. The Black man should be ashamed to be a part of this country because of the inhumane treatment he has endured historically even until this day. As far as many in the Black coummunity are concerned, the Republic, presented to its new citizens and subjects by the founding fathers, was dead upon arrival. How could they write that "all men are created equal"? Why did the say that everybody had the right to "life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness"(property)? They were not speaking to the aboriginal inhabitants or the now-Black slaves now were they? This proves, clearly, that the North American experiment we call the United States was built upon a bipolar, two-face hypocrisy of White Supremacy and subjugation of all else.

And so, the so-called Right of this country calls the Left lunatic yet fail to get to the root cause of the lunacy. They deny responsibility for being the cause of that lunacy nor do they have the ability to atone because of their lack of accountability. Hubris, arogance an privilege have created the illusion that we're a great nation and that our ideals are exceptional. Because of our exceptionalism, we go around the world enforcing our hypocrisy to the detriment of the entire planet and its inhabitants.

As a poor man of African/Philipino descent, I suffer from a disease diagnosed by my clinical therapist as "learned helplessness" This affliction shelters me from the demoralizing fact I must compete with the priveleged with little or nothing. As I watch the alternative news media deliver their message, usinG state of the art equipment, I sigh sadly, bemoaning the fact that I, too, have a message that must be communicated, but, without the equipment utilized by my priveleged counterparts. This state of mind called learned helplessness affects many people of the darker hues and has also permeated into the White race. As we all patiently wait for the United States of America to do the right thing as it pertains to freedom, justice, and equality, the priveleged class continue to ignore these issues and their relavence to today's global crises. They continue to neglect the dead branches and dried leaves that would soon become the tinder-box of racial relations that destiny assures us will form the basis for an all-consuming bonfire of the vanities. I am saying all this because, as you solicit support and contributions to assure your success as the Peoples Justice Department, I, and many like me, suffer from the debilitating learned helplessness along with a lack of resources or support for this cause. I have no one, save The Most Generous, to call upon to assist in supporting my success in my quest for judgement against 'members of the establishment swamp' As a Black man of the Left, what hope do I have of navigating Facebook hell and shadowbanning to reach my target market of ignorant Black sheeple? What chance does this Black man have to convince the White race that their cognitive dissonance to the entire subject of racial intoilerance, subjugation, and genocide stands as the ROOT cause of ALL of today's ills as well as those of tomorrow.

I understand completely why the government is unable to police itself. It never has. Because it hasn't, the culprits perpetuating the crimes roam about the Earth with no cares in the world except how to propagate more death and destruction to life on the planet. So just as the conspirators involved iun the assassinations of the 1960s go unpunished, counter-intelligence programs continue to infiltrate legitimate Leftist movements using illegitimate methods to corrupt today's policy makers and those of the future. And so today, we are faced with the fruits of the same old poisonous tree. Now, what hope do I have for the White folks and the Black folks to acquire discernment and abandon their dividing labels of color for the sake of humanity?

The most lethal blow that humanity can deliver against its global, satanic enemies is unity in the cause of freedom, justice, and equality. By discarding the many labels that divide us, we can begin to respect our differences and ponder upon ways to make each other better people together. Since this country has yet to take responsibility for the innumerable injustices it has committed throughout the course of history without punishment, it continues on in its path toward self-destruction. The so-called Blacks are being veiwed as a cancer by the privileged class rather than a self inflicted wound made possible through ignorance, propaganda, and mind control. This point of view seeks to vindicate the consequences of the policies produced and being produced and promoted by the unpunished lusters of power.

Why haven't the American people addressed the flaw in the constitution which talks about 3/5ths of all others. Why does the 13th amendment prohibit all slavery except fo one way? What were the consequences of Jim Crow? How did the Black community benefit from the Civil Rights Era of the 1960s? Well, we know who they were referring to in the constitution as "3/5ths of all others". Yes, they were referring to the stolen Africans being used and abused as chattel slavery and burden bearers. We can see that the the 13th amendment gave master a way to continue in his particular occupation well into the future. Jim Crow would normalize for the adherants of White supremacy death, subjugation, and segregation based on skin hue. As Blacks continue to suffer from collective PTSD due to the assassinations of Malik El Shabazz, Martin Luther King, Emmit Til, and many Black Panthers, there are even more Whites traumatized because of the Kennedy assassinations. Yet still, counter-intelligence programs continue to run amuck enhancing the cognitive dissonance while using silent weapons of war to genocide us all. Millions of Americans, Blacks, Whites, and Hispanic, rich and poor, Immigrant and aboriginal, are shell-shocked because a few so-called elite classes have been allowed impunity. These criminals have been using the Chinese Art of War, Machiavelli's recommedations for The Prince, and Willie Lynch's seminar on How to Make a Slave as the foundational cornerstones for their never-ending quest for global domination. We, the good people on the planet, are taking "matters into our own hands". We cannot expect success in our mission if we deliberately and continuously divide oursleves into warring factions using the labels du jour. We must educate ourselves on the strategies and tactics of the war mongers and genociders. We must heal each other and ourselves by acknowledging our sins and offering apologies for them. Only then will atonement and healing be possible for the nation as a whole. We need a whole nation not a divided nation. We need a moral country not an immoral one. We need an intelligent electorate not one that is manipulated and programmed to move, like a herd of sheep, toward extinction.

I accept the fact that I am a part of a herd headed over a cliff. As I remain close to the flock with the faith that my quest is not in vain, the learned helplessness, now ingrained epigenetically into my being, continues to taunt me. I applaud you again, Mr. Klayman and Freedom Watch for your success against tyranny. i appreciate you for your opposition to surveillance and censorship. Thank you for holding the mainstream media accountable to the People!

Yes, I would love to be able to support you and your organization, but I am poor. All I have are my perspectives, my acumen and the desire to do God's will. I am grateful that your case against Hillary for the wrongful deaths of many in Benghazi is headed to the Supreme Court. I am doing my part to hold her accountable. I have watched videos, read books, written poetry, blogs and letters with the intention of speaking Truth to power. I have been shunned and mistreated by my own who choose to ignore the facts AND the consequences for their children AND THEIR CHILDREN. The 13th amendment has made me a legal slave and hope for the future is but an illusion. Can you help a brotha out? My learned helplessness suggests probably not.

I have not developed this point of view because of osmosis. One of my You-tube mentors and now ancestor, Eustace Mullins, taught me the skill of exhaustive research to defeat opponents in a court of law. Because of this man of caucasian descent, I now have a string of victories over my white racist opponents whose discriminatory attitudes preclude them fromm seeing things from my oppressed perspective. The perspective of the Left. From this alternative perspective, I have trained myself to look at things from both sides or as many sides possible in order to gain strategic advantages that would allow me to achieve my objectives. The racial perspective that I have presented to you, Mr. Klayman, is to make it clear the importance of race and how its neglect is relevant today. I am equipped wit the required lenses to see it in this way and I offer these lenses to you. My prayers are that you would respect my diverse analysis of things and think about ways we, as a nation united, may conceive of a treatment plan for all victims of American hypocrisy, especially the Blacks, The Whites, and the Reds our native brothers. Either way, I am at your service in the cause of Justice. Thank you for contacting me and thank you for your time. Let us keep in touch. In sha Allah (If God Wills)

Yours Truly,

Abdul H. Muhammad

ALLAHU AKBAR (God Is The Greatest)