Theresa May: Hoping to Take your Freedom of Speech Away

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)


In the Name of Terrorism

For those not within the British Isles or watching mainstream news for that matter, the name Theresa May very well may not matter too much to you. Those that use the internet though, starting with Britain and maybe the world, you may need to fear the direction this lady has in store for your freedoms of internet usage and even Crypto based software.

Theresa May is the new Conservative Party leader and the 2nd female prime minister for the great region of the United Kingdom, who has gained her position during such a harsh time in the UK's history. At this stage most of us have learned about the horrible attacks on London this week. This event does strike a huge concern for security measures to be initiated so terror threats and attacks can hopefully become a thing of the past. I commend the fact we should face the music in this area, get the world back on a peaceful track but at what cost will it take to turn things around? Well Mrs. May has plans you may not respect and could spell trouble for your basic rights to communicate.

The Theresa May Plan

Its been widely known through the UK that Prime Minister May's views hold a very stern conservative viewpoint on how people use the internet. She has been a lobbyist for stricter regulations on UK citizens well before these recent terror attacks and now it appears that she plans to use this opportunistic moment to spread her message for tightening the nooses on the fiber optic users of the internet within the UK borders.

Theresa May says that this weeks London terror attacks show proof that the internet cannot be a "safe space" for terrorists and furthermore any form of cryptography to hide users privacy must be banned in the UK. She further states that there should be no "means of communication in which we cannot read" meaning the authorities and Governmental agencies should gain access to everyone's communication online. Sadly due to her tactics of banking on the fears that people now have, many political backers are welcoming a change in how the internet is used and removing private access.


A Government "Master Key" to your Encryption

So what is the call to action that Theresa May proposes to keep citizens safe from internet wrong doings? A "Master Key" access like scenario handed over to security experts in Government agencies who can at any given moment crack and open any form of encryption a user may implement to protect their personal data. A basic back door system where your attempts for personal security can be infiltrated when agencies feel a need to snoop around at your activity.

To me this is a seriously asinine version of protection for UK citizens and blatant misuse of a current tragedy for personal political platforms to be put into action. To call this a safety net for citizens is clearly not well thought out because of one simple fact most security experts are pointing out. To instill a back door actually harbors a weak link in security measures for personal data and corporate data protection, that could very well easily gain access by outside hackers. You think the recent ransomware attacks was anything to worry about? Imagine a situation where hackers sort out those "Master Keys" and can now find easier ways in through that route. Say goodbye to your encrypted bank account, credit cards, and login information.

Now for Cryptocurrency

What protects your Bitcoin, your Altcoins, your Steemit account the most? Encryption, good old fashioned cryptographic technology that increases towards privacy and security every day. Imagine this scenario because this version of terrorist based cyber protection purposed could very well take a lot of heat on us Crypto enthusiasts all around.

If a ban was put in place worldwide starting with the UK to remove open source privacy, eliminate full control over our encryption status and back doors where made into law so outside agencies where would that leave the crypto movement? Well my friends the open source based GitHub could be very well on attack, your wallets could be Governmental play toys and you might as well toss out your belief in privacy and security for your finances because it will most likely have a few weak spots involved if this plan was to be a reality.

To me that is a serious removal of my basic rights to control my finances and my freedom of speech, to regulate my online activity and have a cold breath over my shoulder from strangers who could possibly be watching my every move does not sit too well with my belief system of freedom.


So what comes next?

As of right now this is all in talks, a lot of political banter thrown at the media and no delegation as of yet to implement this into action. Does this mean we won so far? Probably not, I personally will be keeping tabs on this as it develops because we already see the issues from China's "Great Firewall of China" usage to blockade citizens from freedoms of connecting with the free people of the world. I think this is something all internet users of the world should rally against and stand up for this last free avenue we have left. Censorship was never in place here and I believe most of us do not want that plus prying eyes on our finances and personal accounts.

If you have nothing to hide then why be concerned?

I see that phrase online a lot from the conservative side, and I get that mentality but its not about hiding anything when it comes to privacy and security. Its about the giving up the last few rights as humans we have in the realm of individuality. If we keep on caving and letting go of simple personal freedoms then where does the system stop and where do we end up beginning? I have nothing to hide myself but do I want any of you in my accounts and using my good name for whatever reasons you may have? Sorry to hold my personal internet activities to myself but I feel a strong need to protect my individuality there. I have felt intrusion anytime one of my accounts has gotten hacked, so why should i let a government betray my rights in this area and let them do the same thing criminals attempted before?

We are at a huge crossroads right now in human history. Major questions have to be answered before we can go forward together as a family of humans crossing the thresholds of time. If we do not get this right in this living slew of generations standing on this Earth, then we may lead destruction for the generations coming after us. Do we need to rid the world of terrorism, yes its just as asinine to let Governments take our freedoms to in turn allow men and women running around killing each other. But I tend to think the answer lies in human connections not taking that connection away. Maybe I am crazy but love tends to calm the beasts of this world and severing that love to use control on the average citizen of this world could be just as much a terroristic threat.

"There is no pleasure to me without communication: there is not so much as a sprightly thought comes into my mind that it does not grieve me to have produced alone, and that I have no one to tell it to.# ~Michel de Montaigne


Follow me @sflaherty


As far as cryptos are concered, not even Trump can beat what this technology has achieved. It's a save haven for freedom fighters online. Put aside criminals, there will always be crime, everywhere... But cryptos potential is it's mainstream adoption which causes fears to many greedy capitalists. :)

I strongly agree with you. Its usually all talks with these people, but it seems the internet is under a lot of attack lately. I hope the guys behind the IPFS system of crypto based internet get ahead fast so we can move onto a better platform they can't mess with lol. I just hate that they use tragedy to catapult their platforms, really criminal and immoral if you ask me. I get times are crazy but freedom must remain no matter what. Really appreciate the comment, glad to see I am not alone in the feelings I have against this nonsense they pull. Doubt anyone will kill crypto but we may have a few more battles ahead to retain them from screwing with the little guys. Followed you, hope to hear more from you and will check out your work in a few

It's all a stage play. Theatrics. Can't let a good tragedy go to waste. Now hand over the keys to your world, in the name of safety! Cmon man.

I agree, its always the game they play, take human tragedy...whether its a false flag or real deal and use it to their advantage to take more control. Who is the real criminals at this stage? I suggest those in power using grieving people's pain for their benefit, that is sickening and getting personally tired of this game they play. Great comment my friend, we see eye to eye here

That we do!

Lets just say I have had my dealings with the legal system and with the US Government in my past, some due to living wrong but clearly a situation I was actually innocent of. It really woke me up how screwed up the whole system is now a days. Grew me up a ton and probably ended up being a satiation I should have went through but now I pay close attention to how they run the show and definitely not going to be quiet when I see something wrong. Its always good to keep our right to our own views and voices and here I am just not a fan of the direction they want to take in the name of protecting citizens, seems less benefits in this one to help anyone other than the leaders of the world themselves.

I agree. Did you see the cops in London changing their clothes in the street just after the attack? Look rather suspicious. I tend not to believe the 'official' story in regards to most things.

Yea I seen something on YouTube about that with the cops, makes you wonder why the rush to change at that moment when its so out of the norm for anyone to be doing that. False flags seem to pop up a lot lately but yet everyone turns a blind eye and believes what the media tells them

The Tory party (and pretty much every other party ) are vultures of the highest order. They always use the protection of the vulnerable and the children as ways of implementing more and more control, just a shame their policies display a complete disregard for both?? They're intent on building an electronic prison wall around us all, if we allow this to happen future generations will be doomed to have their every movement and consumption controlled and viewed. For me the concept of crypocurrency offers a glimpse at a possible future where a technologically savy population wrestle control away from the centralised government and banking interests. Little acorns, but you know what acorns can grow into ;)

These powers that be just need to get off their asses and do their jobs, stop manipulating, toying with rights and cut to the chase and fix the situation. Honestly we have these rises in terrorism always after they go about messing around in that area, seems to me we are pushing their buttons and they are pushing ours like schoolyard kids fighting over nothing. Its getting out of hand the way both sides are playing this and bringing innocent people into the mix. Have a war and be done with it or back off I say, just stop taking rights of good people in the process because the average citizen is probably going to stand up eventually and God knows what more drama will come if that happens. Crazy world my friend, I just report it lol

The trouble is human nature is at play here and there are certain types of individual (not all) that gravitate towards the lure of power. The history of humanity and the rise and fall of civilisation show this to be true and I fear we will continue this dance of death until we enpower and educate ourselves to the realities of this world. Reporting is all that people like us can do, but if it changes the perception of just one person then it's a job done well my friend.

I agree and that is the power of free communication that we all have the right to. We should never be silenced or disallowed to speak up when we feel wrongs going on but right now that is in threat due to the monarchy above us waking up to the fact that people are growing tired of the way things are being handled. I agree too this is human nature, a little power over anyone seems to get into the heart of corruption fast in people and why we must evolve to the reality everyone on this earth has individual power for themselves. We will always need organization and a form of systems to gather for the good of mankind but I am starting to think we don't have many of them working in our world governments anymore. Hopefully we can fix this broken system and get back on track.

Any time a political faction wants to get involved in the story of Cryptocurrency its always to add regulations and restrictions and negatively impact it. I would rather these politicians remain a footnote in this story and to stay out of my affairs. The whole point of cryptocurrency to get away from the rigid constraints of existing systems. Urgh, just makes me soo mad. :)

I am with you 100%, they really need to nose off and stay out of our personal business. I pay my taxes, even on crypto gains, only because I rather not rock my freedom from going away lol but to watch me 24/7 and use that ideal that its okay off the tragedy of others as a political gain is disgusting. Cryptocurrency is no place for these people, its our individual right to view what is of value to us and if we want to self regulate something for once we should be able to, its not evil or immoral its actually the way it always should have been. I like your passion, see you just recently joined us...consider me the welcoming party...just followed you and wishing you great success with Steemit. With the comment you made here, I suspect you will do very well with us here

I agree with you completely and I think people are right to bring up Theresa May's attempts at internet censorship and control. However, I am worried that many people think this is a reason to vote for the left, especially Corbyn and all his Socialist and Communist friends.

We can deal with Theresa May and the right and we can do it peacefully, but I do believe that if the British let Socialists and Communists take over this country which is what will happen if the Labour party wins there won't even be votes on this kind of thing.

Don't be fooled into thinking the left gives the slightest shit these days about our civil liberties when they talk about this, they're much worse. I don't know what the fuck Theresa May was thinking when she put this out as an actual idea, she must be trying to appease evangelicals or some bollocks who hate porn and the people who just want to throw our right to privacy away.

With sites like Steemit though it will be a highly interesting experiment to see even if she does get her stupid regulations through whether or not she'll be able to stop us, I doubt it, but we'll see what happens.

I try to remain very open minded when it comes to political parties and sides. I think that is the hugest issue in the world now a days is the fact people label themselves left or right, liberal or conservative. In my opinion that is what is spelling a division and trouble right now. Reason I say that is a few things but mainly this, everyone should have a little liberal and conservative in their belief system. Liberal in the way enough to be open to change, call it out when something is not feeling right and should have conservative ideals when they have conviction for something of morality and firm stance on personal beliefs. The Governments seem to be using this division in favor of their own parties and ruling against each other when they should be working towards morality for their ruling. I agree it should not be viewed right now as a way in for communism or socialist views to take over....never should we let power plays ever dictate personal freedoms given to us naturally since birth.

I love this quote by John Q. Adams, he knew a thing or two about political parties forming and the trouble they could spell in the future, and here we are now with that very thing playing out, he said:

"There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution." ~JOHN ADAMS, letter to Jonathan Jackson, Oct. 2, 1789

This is the side I form the most in all of this, we need to get back to our roots as a people and citizens under government and turn it all back around before it derailed as it seems to have. Its not about sides its about doing what is right for the betterment of human kind and I think we are all fighting amongst ourselves over views even the guys in power don't really believe in themselves anymore, if they did these ridiculous laws and power control plays would not be going on.

I do agree with you a lot on your view, seriously think Mrs. May there is appeasing certain demographics and not the whole of her people.

Great post by you man, honestly....

As an activist who has been clearly targeted myself I can say this chat I have had, many times, like you said:

If you have nothing to hide then why be concerned?
I see that phrase online a lot from the conservative side, and I get that mentality but its not about hiding anything when it comes to privacy and security. Its about the giving up the last few rights as humans we have in the realm of individuality. If we keep on caving and letting go of simple personal freedoms then where does the system stop and where do we end up beginning?

They will always target the speakers of truth, reason I say that, if we were spreading lies why would they feel the need to mess with us if its false in the first place. No one goes defensive on something false against them, usually the truth of something that want to hide from the public eye. Sorry you been targeted but look at that as a sign you are speaking up right for the little guys out there.

Bulls Eye! @flaherty - "BIG.FAT.READ!!!"
It's right in front our eyes... -

One of my heroes! And believe my words, he's for real!

love that movie, needs to get that on Bluray now lol. That film speaks the truth and volumes

Good article Stephen!
The master-key idea in almost every case backfires, they tend to be leaked/sold very soon afterwards and are soon available on the open market.
Why is that a bad idea?
John Oliver summed it up pretty well:

So for a very uncertain gain in security against terrorism, she is willing to create an almost certain (and vastly bigger) loss of security against cyber criminals targeting economic targets.
Aside from the problems with security of dissidents, freedom of speech etc...

Fact is the Paris attacks were coordinated with unencrypted SMS text's, they did not even need crypto.

Also pertaining to cryptocurrency, there is no reason they need to abuse that to get funding.
Interestingly the Islamic world already had a very interesting anonymous and huge payment network which existed since the 8th century between Arabic and Muslim traders alongside the Silk Road .
This is one of the things that terrorists have been abusing to transfer funds.

Check out Hawala it is actually a pretty cool concept and worked for centuries!
From Wikipedia
"In the most basic variant of the hawala system, money is transferred via a network of hawala brokers, or hawaladars. It is the transfer of money without actually moving it. In fact, a successful definition of the hawala system that is used is "money transfer without money movement".

Who else isn't voting?

Not me, but unlike some of the twats out there I totally understand why you'd do it, I spoiled my ballot paper last election.