Enjoying the present moment!

in #freedom8 years ago (edited)

Dear fellow steemians,
thank you very much for your attention!
Recently I had some reflection about which moments in life are the most enjoyable and interesting ones.
Well, I think it is not when we think a lot and definitely not when we worry about something.
It seems to me the really nice and sweet moments are when we drop all our issues of the past, when we drop all our concerns regarding the future and allow ourselves to really experience the present moment.
Well, it is not only experiencing the present moment but it should also have a quality of openness with a non-judgmental attitude. This seems important to me because everything we experience is coloured by our own perception and our perception is based on our past experiences, likes, dislikes as well as our character. Basically our perception is not a white sheet of paper, it is our own many-faceted personal creation and finally determines how we really experience our life.
So I think if we really manage to experience the present moment with openness without colouring it too much with our own perception then actually we might have a raw, alive and quite unique experience.
Let me give some examples.
Sometimes in life surely we have had some very cozy experiences, like meeting with good friends, having a very good conversation or listening to great music together. In these moments time is not relevant, actually we experience a timeless moment, an alive moment, a vibrant moment. In these moments we can feel the beauty surrounding us, the beauty of nature and the beauty of life. In these moments there is a sense of oneness and simplicity.
Well, I wish I can be "there" more often!
Then I ask myself, which is real? The amazing simplictiy and oneness experienced in the present moment or the time-based and often complicated thinking mode?
I think it is the former and this is amazing.
It is very encouraging. Because the present moment is always there and it will reveal itself in its beauty whenever we manage to break out of our self-created limitations of our own perception. It is our birthright!