in #freedom6 years ago

I want to thank @melanieswolfe for a recent post she shared.

Originally, I was just going to type up a reply to her post, but it seemed to be a lengthy one and worthwhile to share with everyone else too. For the long-time steemians or earlier followers of @papa-pepper, some of this will sound familiar. For the rest of you, a lot of this is part of the whole purpose and vision of my life and lifestyle. Also, by sharing this as a post, it'll get some "publicity" for @melanieswolfe, so that'll hopefully help. To read here post which inspired this one, click here.


The post that @melaniwswolfe shared is called Why The Walking Dead World is Easier Than Real Life and she makes quite a few excellent observations in her comparison. A lot of it resonated with me because I've had many similar ideas, although not in comparison to The Walking Dead, since I don't watch television and have never scene an episode of the show. Yes I know, poor sheltered @papa-pepper...

It was so simple. So easy to get their basic needs.

One of the first thoughts that stuck out to me was that concept above. Even though The Walking Dead is supposed to be a version of "hell on earth," @melanieswolfe makes the comment that she'd rather have to just deal with the basics of life and watch out for some zombies rather than deal with a lot of what the rat race of our modern societies and existence have to offer. While some may scoff at this conclusion, to me it made sense.

And that's what appealed to me; the simplicity of it all; find food, shelter and protect yourself. Period.

When we reduce life to necessities, we really do not have much to consider. I like to say that as long as we eat something and drink something today or maybe tomorrow and as long as nothing kills us, we will live to see another day. Yeah, not very complicated, is it? How in the world did get into the mess that we are in, and how then do we get out? That is that question that I wrestled with for a while before coming up with my "exit strategy."

In TWD world there are no bills, no debtors calling, no mortgage to worry about. You want shelter, go find it. Effort = reward. No middle man needed.

This section of the post touched on some of my conclusions too. The consumer needs to pay for everything and the debtor must pay his debt, with interest. Interestingly enough, being a consumer and being a debtor are both choices that many people choose to become...

We don't have to just brave the basic elements, we have to play by ridiculous societal rules, be at the mercy of people we have never met and if we don't bow and kiss the feet of the establishment, we don't eat.

Yes, the societies and the world in which we exist have many peculiar scenarios in which we exist that have been stacked against us for a very long time now. I believe that we can overcome, but it takes a lot of effort and work. So much so, that many will never put forth the effort or the thought necessary, and will instead continue for generations to come. As for me and my house, we chose to opt out.

I've just shared a few short sections from the post by @melanieswolfe, but please read the whole thing, as it is well worth it and provides more context for this post and response. Post linked here.


Personally, I am done being the peasant in the valley working to feed the king on the hill... But how do we do that? Where do we start?

That is the question, and one that I believe we should all at least consider. For me, I've spent years contemplating that very question and issue. I'll share what I've come to believe and what we are in the process of implementing.

Money is a tricky thing, and many of us will never have a lot of it. That said, "getting rich" may not be the best goal. I chose to head the opposite direction, and do things that would help us not need a lot of money. If I don't need much money, then it may be easier to earn "enough."

It sounds easy simple, but things are always more complex. Also, some sacrifice is often involved, which can prevent many from even trying. The biggest step towards not needing as much money is avoiding debt. Personally, we do not have any debt at all. No credit card debt, no student loans, no mortgage, no car payments, nothing. Many people waste a lot of years worth of their life just working to pay interest. Personally, I have no interest in that at all. It means shifting out of the common "fast food - get things quick and easy and pay extra for it the end" mentality, but I think that was a necessary step.

Since food is one of the necessities in life, finding a way to get free but healthy food is also a key component. That is why I garden. I've been told before that I must really like gardening. Honestly, I never had any interest in it until I realized how crucial it was to the type of lifestyle that I wanted to live. With some effort, I can grow my own healthy food at home for free. It's as simple as that.

Growing food, or raising animals for meat, eggs, or milk, requires space on this earth. That means we needed some land to exist and grow on. For us, we chose to move 750 miles away from our previous home in order to purchase land that we thought was reasonably "affordable," because debt was not an option. Now, we own land that we purchased out of pocket, and are striving to produce much of our own food. I recently stumbled across this man, "Farmer G" on YouTube, and his channel trailer resonated with me as well, so I'll share it here since it is fitting.

Every bill that we can cross of our list is a huge step forward. When you combine low bills with no debt, I think you've got a great recipe for success, at least for living out more of my version of freedom. Not everyone would even want to live a homesteading, debt-free, gardening lifestyle, but for us, it just makes sense.

There are many more pieces to this puzzle, but for me, this is where I start. It is a drastic change, but a move in the right direction as far as I'm concern. I don't just want to "make a living," I want to live a life... and I think that there is a distinct difference. I'm not of the belief that things will ever change on a major level, but I know that things can on an individual level, and if even individuals begin to think and live differently, maybe things will shift.

I've got a ton of work to do right now, so I'll wrap this post up and get back to my chores and tasks, but I'll leave you with two short quotes from some songs that I was listening to and thinking about yesterday. Give them a listen if you want and consider. Thanks for the excellent and thought-provoking post @melanieswolfe!

Joseph Israel - Jericho Walls

I said your system, is of no use for me. It's been a curse, I want blessing.

Those words have a lot of weight to them. If we find ourselves in a situation which we find to be a curse, we may want to do what it takes to opt out of that situation.

Jimmy Cliff - You Can Get it if You Really Want it

Rome was not built in a day. Opposition will come your way. But the hotter the battle you see, it's the sweeter the victory.

Life is a lot of work anyway. However, having goals and working hard to achieve them can be rewarding. If the goal is really tough and hard to achieve, it'll just be that much sweeter when you reach it. Don't give up!


If you are really interested in hearing some more, I've got a 10 part video series called "Why We Homestead" that you might enjoy. The playlist should start with that video above. Otherwise, you can click here. Enjoy!

Until next time…

GIF provided by @anzirpasai



"since I don't watch television and have never scene an episode of the show."

I stopped watching these "shows" a long time ago. The subtle leftist propaganda embedded in a lot of these shows was a big turn off for me.

Nice job picking up on that. They don't call them television programs for nothing!

This was an awesome post! And you wrote it in such little time! I'm very impressed.

I admire that you got a away from the rat race. I didn't come to this conclusion until deep in the hole. I just blindly followed the path I was taught. Now, I am so stuck I have no options to get out. Anyways, enough on me, I loved your post. I am happy for you and I hope more people will do as you did. I wish I could give you a bunch of Steem, you deserve it, but, alas, I'm broke! Just know the intention is there. My best to you and yours.

Glad that you enjoyed it! There is A LOT more to the story, but that is the general idea! Thanks so much for the encouragement!

I think there a few of who are joining the journey to get out of the rat race. Being completely free of the system is a little more difficult. As long as we are tied to government we still need to pay taxes and be part of the system although it will be smaller. We want to be as free as possible. Debt free is a really awesome feeling. Our goal is not to be rich in material things, but to live life to the fullest without incurring debt.

It is an interesting way to look at things and I get your focus on having a debt free lifestyle and being able to just depend on yourselves. I did a recent post relating to a lot of these topics where I mentioned you in there and embedded your video about how you drive and older vehicle and if it breaks down you will just buy another one and keep going.

It is titled. "I'm A Car Enthusiast Who Drives An Old Car That Isn't Worth Anything"

Cool! I missed that so far, so thanks for the heads up!

Freedom is EVERYTHING!...:)...

that's all very true, I totally agree with everything you say.
hope they all understand it.
success is always for you buddy.

Sir you've put up a set of nice points . 😊
This shows how observant you are and the deep thinking you carry is par best .

Wow! Thanks!

yup totally agree. Everybody have been chasing after earning more. But often, we failed to think about the largest expenses: food, water, electricity, and housing. If we can reduce those cost to a minimum then you'll essentially become free. Free from debt, of course.

Very good points! Thanks @dali.soh!

You have got some amazing points out there......They are very inspiring .

Thanks for checking it out!

I really enjoyed reading and listening. It has been so long since I heard Jimmy Cliff. I feel convicted to do more planting. I put in a few tress but the bugs are really serious. I need to find ways to keep the bugs down while not ruining the earth. Overall I am encouraged to pray and research the idea of growing more.

Great idea! It can be tough, but you can only reap what you sow!

Thanks papa. Yeah that's funny as I can relate to what @melanieswolfeas is getting at.

My Uncle used to kid me and my brothers that it won't be so bad when we eventually end up in jail ( as he liked to joke). Because we would have three warm meals and a place to put our heads and no other worries about the nuances of everyday Life in the real world. lol

Thanks for sharing my man. And some truth to that ;)

Jail - sounds like a socialist paradise!

Definitely a very interesting post. I'm still watching the show although I admit the quality has dropped. I have a different point of view indeed about the subject here, because getting the basic needs and protection against the zombies aren't the only dificulties the characters have to deal with. Actually the bigger threat to humanity in that series is still the man kind. No matter that society has fallen, men always manage to transform a "simple" kind of life into a mess. The last villain in the show, Negan, created a community of "saviors" to subdue and exploit other weaker communities through fear, violence and intimidation. That doesn't sound like a simple life to me hahaha