After trying out a handful of free but limited VPN services (namely Avira, Tunnel bear and in the UK) without finding the ease, security and freedom I was hoping for, I found ExpressVPN and haven't looked back. No doubt there are others, but I have no need to look any further! I now have completely private, unlimited, super fast and unrestricted access to sites and services previously blocked by my ISP (Internet Service Provider) and other regulatory bodies here (UK/EU,) in the US and elsewhere. I have secure and unfettered access to the global web effortlessly the way an open web should be 🙂
With the US Senate having just voted in favour of ISP’s selling our web browsing history without our permission, the abuses continue. A good VPN service seems increasingly an essential part of our freedom kit in a www full of covert censorship, controls of content, and privacy violations - why so many of us venture into the Steem-o-sphere in the first place.
You get what you pay for is true in this case. The free and cheap services did not deliver for me and I am therefore happy to pay the ±$10/month for a service that flies. My sis sent me a link which got us both a free month, so there’s always that route and you are obviously welcome to use this link if you want to get yourself and me an additional freebie! (Not the intention behind this article, but why the hell not!)
Express VPN offer a one month money back guarantee, so you have nothing to loose and everything to gain unless you are already sorted. Maybe you are able to recommend other services or have other thoughts to contribute?
Happy surfing!