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RE: Waiting For The State To Control Itself

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

The more power anyone has, the higher standard they should be kept to.


What a perfect term! I've dealt with good cops and bad cops. I've dealt with honest lawyers (none of them so far have been in family law -- although I still hold a shred of hope to find one one day) and far more worse lawyers.

Those that know the system, know the loopholes. Those that know the loopholes find getting a taste of getting away with operating in those loopholes eventually keep doing, even if if they know it's wrong. Eventually -- they feel justified in doing it.

Testilying is probably the MOST RAMPANT violation in every single one of this systems across the board. People get a way with it on a rampant scale.

What if there was a way to verify what someone was attesting to before entering into the system -- on a report or pleading? Wouldn't that be somethin'?

@mhm-phillipines said:

To reinstill the confidence in our legal system, these folks in the higher echalons of government are going to have to be punished to the full extent of the law.

Although this is true, I know that it will never fully happen. Not in this lifetime anyway. I do know that one day those with authority will be held accountable before God for how they used it, however.

In the mean time, I believe the best course of action is to keep talking about it as much as possible; to keep raising awareness. We need to make it safe for other people to EXPOSE what has happened to them.

The more people come out, the more stories that are made known, the more awake people become.

The more awake people become, the more they will realize that we do have the power to change this, both lawfully AND legally, in a very healthy, non-violent way. It will take courage. Collective courage to stand up to the abuses. (For those of you who may not know there's a legal difference between the terms "lawfully" and "legally", I'm sure that @commonlaw can start pointing you in the right direction to begin learning.)