Most Americans Do Not Want Freedom! They Want Security, A Quote From The Oliver Stone's Movie SNOWDEN - The New Song VEIL by Peter Gabriel

in #freedom8 years ago (edited)

How about You? Food4Thought! Polls in 2011 showed that most Americans are willing to give up some privacy and freedom to fight terrorism. We accepted body scans at airports, surveillance cameras in public places but what else will we tolerate from our governments to give up our freedom to feel safe and secure.

The same Americans who are increasingly splashing their personal lives across Facebook and Twitter trace a meandering path when asked where the government should draw the line between protecting civil liberties and pursuing terrorism. [Source : By The Associated Press ]

"Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little of temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." This was first written by Benjamin Franklin for the Pennsylvania Assembly in its reply to the governor Nov 11, 1755 " Photocredit:Pinterest                                                                                                     


"But a constitution of government once changed from freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever.”– John Adams, July 17, 1775

What is the opposite of liberty? The answer is slavery. 

So, what is the opposite of safety then? In the context of the founding fathers and the american revolution, the opposite would be personal responsibility, to govern yourself, to be responsible for your behaviors and actions, following moral values. If security is the absence of danger, I assume that the most secure place would be in a locked place, being cared for 24 hours by professionals. Yes, like a prison! The only thing lacking would be freedom. (I read as similar quote but can't remember where) 

We jeopardise our privacy and share our lives with various social media accounts. We are looking for decentralised alternatives, learn about the blockchain technology, have hopes in platforms like steemit, like me as I wrote in one of my previous articles you can read here. How To Gain Your RIGHT For FREEDOM, The Tenability Of What You CAN Do Anywhere, ANYTIME.

Fast forward to September 11, 2016! What has changed? 9/11 has changed everything!

It for sure changed me, after experiencing New York City, the unforgettable sad day, a Sunday, 15 years ago when all our lives would be effected forever. I will not take this topic any further, which was discussed a million of times. I have my own story to tell one day how it was to be caught right in the middle leaving Bali to visit my home for many years back in the 90's, devastating to loose a friend on a floor to high up, where his office was. 

I am planning to leave Bali on Sept.20 to spend more time in Europe but I am quite worried about my home continent because last times visits it did not feel the same than in the late 80's when I left. People are not feeling happy due to the migrant crisis and constant terror threats.Nobody will stop me to travel but I am always uneasy and not as comfortable flying as usually and I always have my daughter who lives in Vienna in mind and hope she stays safe. The press and media did succeed also with me, to put fears in my mind and its hard to let go of those worries. 

[Source News Toronto Sun] : The 9/11 attacks changed the way we travel, the way we are governed, and the way we view, experience, and confront the terrorist threat, says author and York University politics professor James Laxer. What 9/11 did, he said, was end a brief “borderless world” of sorts that had emerged following the fall of Soviet communism and the end of the Cold War.“What 9/11 did was slam the door on that idea,” says Laxer. “What it did was to say the state exists. The borderless world was a brief and mythological moment, and that moment came to an end with 9/11.” The story as to why has been told countless times since — each time as chilling as the last.

America's Founding Fathers might say that Americans today are wealthy slaves, but still slaves. Slaves that enjoy security, tranquility and luxery but still slaves. Maybe some might still think that financial wealth is equal to our freedom. Of course, Governments want you to believe that they can give you safety and wealth. All you have to do is give up your freedom, especially the spirit of liberty, to quote Samuel Adams.


I suggest to read this excellent book by Judge Learned Hand observing law & liberty, published 1977, listen to Peter Gabriel's new song Veil ( Thanks to @yogi-artist to inspire me once again) and enjoy the movie I post below.

[ Source : Pitchfork ] News by Matthew Strauss Sept 8th,2016

Peter Gabriel :

As we become so visible in the digital world and leave an endless trail of data behind us, exactly who has our data and what they do with it becomes increasingly important.
Snowden’s revelations shocked the world and made it very clear why we need to have some way to look over those who look over us. With increasing terrorist attacks, security is critical, but not without any accountability or oversight.
I was very happy to learn Oliver Stone had decided to make a film about Edward Snowden and believe this is a powerful and inspiring film.
Oliver takes his music very seriously and I have always enjoyed collaborating with him and [music supervisor] Budd Carr. @radiosteem



PS : Thank you so much to make me very happy today @onetree with this article you wrote about me .


First of all, this post really knocked my socks off. I loved your quotes and the diversity of influences. A genuine and original post, for sure.

During the Gulf War, my family was in Saudi Arabia and trapped near where SCUDs were destroying buildings. I saw a photo on television of a demolished house that might have belonged to one of my school friends.

When 9/11 happened, I was far from New York, and attending art school where students were sobbing openly, meeting for support groups. It hit me hard that American life, however challenging, has been lived in relative safety for generations. Was it the Civil War that was the last on American soil? The buildings that fell here demolished a American sense of safety that had been taken totally for granted. It was like seeing the earth from space, only instead of the earth, we saw our forgotten vulnerability. Our smallness became undeniable. Those effected seemed to collapse inward into powerlessness or else to aim outward, for revenge.

The opposite of safety is standing up. As you say, it's personal responsibility, self-governance. The extreme opposite might be heroism: running into the fire because you think someone might be trapped in there. I'm among those who think of Snowden as a hero. He risked. That's what distinguishes a hero from an activist. It's when, instead of falling apart and instead of picking up a weapon, someone takes that shock and uses it in the service of innocence.

Protection is a classic pretext for extortion. If we can be our own heroes, we'll have less use for it. We'll rekindle an original American identity and remember that what we have to lose is what we have to risk all for. Really great post.

I appreciate your thoughts so much and plan to reply very soon . I am on my Mobil at the moment and it's 1.30am here in Bali. Nice to meet you 🦄 Your comment really touched me and deserves a proper and decent reply ! Some might say the opposite of safety is danger ? I like yours better. Let's all be Hero's! Just for one day as Bowie sings 🙌

Oh, that is so nice of you to say. I'll look forward to your actual reply. :)

Where are you from ?
It's coming after a few more hours sleep :)

I'm an American who grew up abroad. It seems you travel too. Between Bali and Europe?

I am originally from Austria and lived in so many places but 90's in New York , Hells Kitchen for 15 years, took my 5 year old girl to Bali to start all over again. Vienna is next where she , now 22 studies. I miss her ! You see , life takes you in circles sometimes :)

Your life sounds like mine. :) Though I believe I have settled down and hope to live in this meadow for the rest of my days, for most of my life I moved yearly or even more often. I notice the circles too. I once realized I was walking the same path to my job in Seattle that my grandfather used to walk to his, only the other direction. But how lovely that you can visit your daughter in a place that you have history with! My mother used to hint that I should move to San Francisco so she could visit me there. Haha!

Usual dilemma between security/safety and liberty: I just think that the perception of missing security is well built by media to create an urge for less privacy and freedom

I want as much of both as possible. Why keep creating this false choice between freedom or security when the purpose of government is to provide both? Life and liberty!

Yes life comes first, but liberty comes second. Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness(or Property).

You can't have Liberty without a Life to express it. You can't have Liberty if you don't have Property (self ownership). So in my opinion, just think of it as rights which depend on other rights, but even in that case, saying we have to choose between Security and Freedom is like saying we must choose between being enslaved or being killed. Neither of these two choices are humane or acceptable if offered by our government and that is the set of choices a conquerer would offer the conquered.

Seems the United States was set up to provide the most protection for Life and Liberty as possible as is outlined in the Declaration of Independence.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,

I am not a constitutional scholar but if English means what I think it means, then it is clear what the purpose of government is.

Very well said ! You read my mind and completed those extended thoughts in this comment. I wish for a triple dose of ALL! 🙌 Thank you for stopping by. I enjoy your posts from day 1 .

Good post!
Thanks mamasitta

The level of paranoia that exists in the US today is completely disgusting. So many people are so afraid of their neighbors (and sometimes their own free agency) that they'll blindly follow government for anything, making themselves a perfect target for manipulation, control and other abuses of government power. I'd rather deal with the perils of freedom, thanks!

@relocait it's happening everywhere ! I was in shock how even my good friends in Vienna react on the migrant crisis and I'm sure you heard about our last elections in Austria ? Paranoia, fear of their own shadows it seems. Scared of mixing with other cultures! Sheeps driven by cheap propaganda. So scared that somebody could take away their little piece of fake security in their own 4 narrow walls.

Nice to have you here 🌴🍷

This was totally worth voting for @mammasitta.

As per your request I will link; BackWordz & Outnumbered Presents: Rippa's Raps #3- AnCap Rap Pt.2

Oh ! Here you are and thank you so much to shower me with music , compliments , your vote and kind words . I followed you !

Great piece, loved reading it and I didn't know there was a Snowden film coming out. Looking forward to that

Thank you so so much! 9/11 got me thinking and that Music got me going, as usual :) Enjoy the trailer !

Another fantastic article, I enjoyed it. I often think of all our credit cards and store reward cards. There is just so much information on us.

We do not have any privacy anymore. Can you imagine that in 50 /100 and more years from now people will read our stories ? Just the way they are , with all my grammatically mistakes and wrong spelling . I think this is actually fascinating and that's why I write about the truth , my honest emotions , my life as it is and we all are in the same boat (blockchain) . So exciting!

Can you imagine that in 50 /100 and more years from now people will read our stories ?

I am quite not convinced... Until now the only working proven irreversible "blockchain" ... are handwritten books/papers... (think we are forced to live without "power" electricity etc... for a period... energy is not decentralized yet... )

You got a very valid point but let me just dream a little bit 😝@liondani

Ready to see the movie!
Thanks mammasitta! Good stuff.

Hope you also love the song VEIL 🎶

@mammasitta I love your blog posts. They touch on topics and personal experiences without delving so deep and getting so technical that it detracts from the intent of your writing.

It's crazy to think that I have had more years post 9/11 than pre. Flying will never be the same, and I barely remember what security was like before that fateful day.

I'm very interested in the Snowden movie and hope they keep it accurate and do not take liberties to "hollywoodize" major parts that add suspense, but don't show the reality of the situation.

Also I need to pick your brain about an app I'm working on with @jacor, but have had both my niece born and an emergency with a team member my Dad was working with (amongst other issues) in the past few days, but will message you most likely tonight.

Keep up the good work!

Welcome back Ben !
It means so much to get your valuable feedback even though it's 3 am agrrrr I think Oliver Stone is usually producing first class movies and it would be a shame to mess this topic up . I'm excited about it because he is for sure one of those respectable Hero's who took risks ...for all of us ! I let my heart out for my topics I feel deeply connected with. By the way check out @williambanks #nameinlights . I was so happy when I saw an article dedicated just to me from @onetree . Follow her if youu like to read about South Africa and also @mahekg who posted such heartbreaking story about her son . Nite nite ! It's a bit difficult to write on my iphone

Thank you! It's nice to be missed :) I saw @williambanks post via @jacor and think it is a brilliant idea. I made one for @andrewfoodist not too long ago. I like finding deserving people who do not give up and create great posts regardless of the rewards they receive. You have evolved a lot as a writer and receive far greater rewards than when you start.

While I am looking to get more rewards, I also have fun helping people without a whole lot of monetary gain. I try to make some helpful "how-to" posts even though they are not going to be voted on by whales.

I'm still a minnow myself (One who darts all over and is pretty visible, but a minnow nonetheless) and I know I would not have stayed if it were not for the support of others who shared and helped me as I found my voice and learned how to post and ways to improve.

Not exactly sure how I feel about this upcoming "vote balancing." Not just because I am a frequent commentor, but because I feel people may vote more sparingly for helpful comments if the target rate is 5 votes.

While I don't think 95% of people know exactly what the hard fork will bring, I do believe that if comments are not incentivized as much, a valuable input from readers will be destroyed.

I don't comment solely to get rewards, but if a comment is helpful< I hope that people will vote for it. If a whale has to choose between voting on a comment and voting on a blog post, I can't blame them if they choose the blog post 95% of the time. There is more chance for them to curate on blog posts than comments regardless of which offers more engagement (in my opinion).

I understand that I can slide the percentage of my vote down and vote more, but to be honest, that's a pain in the ass. I like the upvote because it is easy. I don't need a slider at all yet. I only wind up giving out a penny right now anyway.

Comments can take just as long to craft as blog posts and good discussion is one of many things that separates steemit from other sites. I will be very disappointed if this feature becomes less important as time goes on.

Hope you can get some good sleep and I look forward to talking with you soon and picking your brain about event tickets :)

Oh wow ! Waking up to your comments is divine :) I reply as soon as I get on my laptop

@yogi.artist I am so sorry but I just realized I spelled your ID wrong in this post but now I cannot edit anymore :(