While perusing Reddit tonight for a topic to enrage myself enough to get the creative juices flowing, I hit pay dirt on a topic close to home.
Unfortunately, that topic is how brain-dead and illogical the fundamentally Communist viewpoints of many of my generation-peers are. The horrifying ramifications of this trend will not be seen for many years, but there is still time to opposite it in the arena of public debate.

I guess I knew what I was going to get when I looked at one of the top threads in a subReddit for Communist shitheads. Given the attitude of certain Communists around here like (who believe "all property is theft", yet hold a large-ish Steem wallets used only for hypocritical self-voting), I certainly wasn't expecting to get a well-reasoned position from the opposition.
Frankly, I was expecting to be surprised if they could even properly explain their ridiculously inconsistent framework for an Orwellian nightmare-society.
I wasn't quite expecting advocacy for the forcible confiscation of private property by the US government "to give to the homeless", however.

Now, these people are capable of using an internet connection and reading. They have access to the whole of human knowledge and history on the internet. All the information they need to see that every assertion on which they base their arguments against private property are fundamentally unsound is available to them, and for free (which is relevant, as I'm sure most of these Commie adherents are broke losers.) Every attempt to institute their philosophy has created a terrifying, Orwellian nightmare. Communism/Socialism is the only philosophy that has ever produced a society that is arguably worse than Nazi Germany.

This isn't even a remotely debatable topic. Nevertheless, you will find an endless string of regressive, reality deniers within.

I didn't even have to cherry-pick the above comments. They are wholly representative of the subreddit. These people actually think their governments should forcibly confiscate property until all peoples outcomes are identical.
They want an entire species of interchangeable robots with no rights or individualism.

Now, you might think "Oh, Lexiconical, you just went to the hornet's nest to come up with a rant topic." Well, yeah, duh. But this level of support for murdering dictators would have been unheard of even a decade or two ago. This is the way the political wind is blowing. We must all (violently, if necessary) oppose views like this wherever we find them.
Publicly humiliate Communists and Socialists at dinner parties. Don't let them get a word in edgewise. Have a pocket take-down ready to deliver, wherein you can render their entire position and philosophy with the appearance of childlike idiocy. Make anyone near them scared to espouse their philosophy for fear of humiliation. Keep a copy of Animal Farm quotes on your phone. Get a concealed carry permit, you may need one when the Brown Shirts come for you.
Never, ever nod along with the "think of the ______" arguments used to steal your freedom.
If you don't fight this, you'll all be working the plantation while the mentally ill homeless people are living in what used to be your apartments.

We also have a Radio Station! (click me)
...and a 10,000+ active user Discord Chat Server! (click me)
Sources: Google, Animal Farm, Morons On Reddit, Communist Black Book
Copyright: SmartSteem, PALNet, SPL, tumfweko.com, Reddit, Animal Farm, Safiric2/deviant art, Me.me
I think liberalism use to be something else...could be wrong, but I think it was hijacked...sort of like the word "Justice." They hijack everything and twist it upside down and backwards. When they say freedom, they mean freedom for them, but "no soup for you." When they say racism, everyone is a racist, but they will use minorities for their slaves to vote for them, and keep them in poverty.
I think they're calling themselves "progressives" now. Which is ironic when you think about it.
Be careful who you hang out with!
100% upvote.
I'm shamelessly going to promote my own post here since its relevant.
It's relevant because countries like sweden and germany and I suppose my own country Norway and UK..and Canada and the entire west I guess, is starting to feel the consequences of being intellectually dishonest or at best lazy.
The boomers, who started this fuckery of diversity and we are all the same, colors of the rainbow, feminism, SJW bullshit and whitey is the root of all evil, are starting to feel the consequences now. Those who were the most lazy, who did not even think one bit about what the future might have in store for them are now homeless in the streets of Stockholm. Yes, that is Stockholm - Sweden. Not Stockholm -Mogadishu.
And I have no sympathy left. My heart is only for those who share my values and people who are rational and at least try their best to be honest. For the rest my heart is only a pump.
As I'm getting older, I care less what people think of me. But since I have a son, I must guard my tongue. In Norway they will take your child (5,5% of all children are under the protective services) if your opinions are "hateful" and too different. Mine aren't that bad, but you just can't risk it. I have however evolved a tactic. And that is that I pretend to be on their side. I get excited by their arguments and I agree. Then I throw in some irrational totally absurd argument that support their insane argument. Or just ask questions like you have no clue, but twist it so they have to respond with a logical fallacy.
The issue is not diversity but rather the wholesale import of people from poor countries with a alien and hostile culture towards Christians, the West, gays etc.
Natural diversity is good. But its the forced diversity that kills. Once the state starts distributing and redistributing and make huge inter societal changes that are based on no research and no facts, things go to hell. Like..one should imagine theyd look a little bit into the past and probable outcomes of forced multiculture etc..but no. Its a desicion made without any real thought...no wonder there are conspiracy theories.
"The boomers, who started this fuckery of diversity and we are all the same"
Incidentally, they use their generational wealth to move to the 99% rich, white (in the USA, at least) neighborhoods.
It's always do as I say, not as I do.
We can only afford sympathy for those who show themselves to deserve it.
The disease of neo-Marxist post-Modernism is everywhere in the West today. Otherwise known as PC culture, Cultural Marxism, and the SJW crew. Schools are of full of them.
where's der fuhrer when you need him? :(
Or Vlad the Impaler...
or anyone with some cajones.
Der Führer was allied with islam and admired islam's strength so it is doubtful that he would have been any help in the fight against islamic extremism.
Do you have any opinion on native Americans? They were weak, so we gave them alcoholism and small pox. They were foolish. They had no concept of land ownership so they signed it on over to us. We used our guns and killed them, drove them off their own land, and called it ours.
However, they were not part of this fucked up version of communism that you describe. I wonder how they operated without a piece of paper that said, "This is mine."
The nice thing about capitalism is that it's self organizing. With many forms of communism/socialism/whatever you have to have someone in charge. "Who is in charge of your bread supply?" With capitalism the free market determines that without a corrupt central authority.
You say we killed the Indians and drove them off their lands...This is not true! We didn't do any of that...We didn't even exist. There were people who did some of this, and it happened to be of a time when not even our grand father was alive.
Irrelevant. You may have missed the entire point of my message if that's what you take away from it.
The topic revolves around communism and ownership.
Ok...Why did you say, "We?" Your whole argument falls when it is based on false premises.
My argument has literally nothing to do with "we".
I could have said the dinosaurs took out the Native Americans and my message still stands.
Are you trying out for the debate team or something?
LOL ok.
I was born and lived under socialism. It was a fair and peaceful time in Russia. Under capitalism this is not and never will be.
'If you don't fight this, you'll all be working the plantation while the mentally ill homeless people are living in what used to be your apartments.'
You are like Filip Filippovich Preobrazhensky from "Heart of a Dog" )))
I love freedom. This is it;
Although I am not an American, I often see the news, and I think America is getting worse now, especially this trade war between China and the United States, which is more likely to bring the United States into crisis.虽然我不是美国人,但是我经常看新闻,我觉得美国现在越来越糟糕了,特别是这次中美贸易战,更会令美国陷入危机。
First, don't believe the "FAKE NEWS." It is bad in some areas, but better in others. In CA, there are areas that have homlessness and poverty out of control. You don't see this on the fake news. But in other areas, people are living in peace and prosperity. The trouble makers go to big cities and stir up ignorant angry people to cause problems, then the news uses it to say whatever they want.
As an American, it certainly appears to be getting rapidly worse here.
It was learned that Trump’s Sino-U.S. trade war led to a very serious unemployment wave in the United States. You can look at my blog "China-US trade war" and hope to arouse your sympathy.听说特朗普发动的中美贸易战导致了美国很严重的失业潮。你可以看看我的博客“中美贸易战”,希望能引起你的共鸣。
thank you for giving very useful information. we all have to be careful.
thank you
Fight for what you are entitled to, Because those who survive and have the authority we only just how the best
why there is such a thing when it is not bannyak answer ole society a lot, unfortunately for future generations will come again ,,
That's okay, they obviously haven't looked deep enough into the history books to see just how all those Stalinists ended up. Thankfully they are sealing their own fate as Stalin turned on even his most trusted advisers, If he wasn't blessed with the opportunity of WW2 to have his serfs rally around him the whole charade probably would have collapsed around him before another General Secretary could have saved it.
Extreme views of any Ideology is always not acceptable to a sane mind..However one major contribution of communism is that, it made capitalists realise that they cannot exploit the working class.. Today if we have a concept of Minimum Wages it is because of the fear of spread of socialism...
Everytime I see a socialist/commie bastard it brings me back to a well known internet meme. Hitler did nothing wrong.
Mein kampf should be tossed on the required reading list so kids can learn the proper way to deal with these parasites.
Are you being sarcastic when you say, "Hitler did nothing wrong."? If not, I guess you believe in killing 6 million Jews because the Jews are to blame for every thing....right? You believe it is ok to Kill millions more....Who knows, maybe your a German, and look what is happening to Germany. Payback...invasion of the body snatchers. Get rid of Jews, and here you go...have some Muslims! LOL! Hope your joking because if your not...you sick in the head.
No I'm not German. I'm actually Polish and Slovak. No I'm not really being sarcastic. The 6 million number is a complete lie. They've officially changed the Auschwitz count 3 or 4 times and if Auschwitz was millions off of the actual count im sure the other camps arent too accurate, so it's not even close to 6 million. Hitler was a lot of things, but he wasn't an idiot. The gas chambers make no sense. How they were set up and the practicality of it all. On top of that it's a large waste of resources when you're fighting half the world. Just makes 0 sense.
Anyways, he was at war. They were POWs. War is ugly. Nazi POWs were treated far better than the ones held by the Japs. American treatment of Japs and blacks in that era wasn't much better either. And the whole eugenics BS started here in America. So saying hitler is any more or less evil than any other leaders at that time is pretty much ignorance imo. Germany today is absolutely pathetic. I feel bad for the people that live there. They're importing their own cultural death just like Sweden.
Haha! And Hitler wouldn't over extend either by invading Russia while he needed the troops in the West. He could have won if it wasn't for this stupid move. Hitler was a demon, and your....well something is wrong with your belief system. You believe a lie.
Thanks for giving very useful records Everytime I see a socialist/commie bastard it brings me lower back to a widely recognized net meme. Hitler did nothing incorrect.
As an European (living in one of the most socialist, thus poorer, countries of Europe, Portugal), I look to the US as the ultimate escape plan if things get worse. However, I feel strange winds blowing at that side of the Atlantic. I fear you become Europe 2.0. Maybe people like me will go to Switzerland instead. On the other hand, I feel a funny urge to migrate to the US and help fight that trend. At least there you have voices that speak out against it. Here nobody cares. People are zombies, slowly walking towards misery.
America is great! Most of what you see on the news is fake.
I can guarantee you the food is better in Switzerland.
The death toll of communism looks really scary, but at least we 'know' the numbers. What about those western democracies that did the same and we don't know about it, cos they were hiding evidences.
BTW there's a great movie from 2017 The Death of a Stalin.
American aren't free because it's representative democratic system. No one but five houndred people can vote for your president. And there darness become. The reason about marxism (and communism) existance is to fight against that kind of circumstances that avoid people be free and choice by itself. All this misunderstood by - even- the people who promoted this before rule with iron hand, doesn't mean that in marxism (socialism or communism) is the evilness...
By telling the fact on Hitler and Musolini was left wingers (just because one of them are considered 'social nationalist') is to forget they didn't believe in Karl Marx. At all.
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Openly suggests violence +7 points
Been a while since I read Animal Farm or 1984. Pending trade wars got me thinking things could morph into somewhat of a realality, isolated combat that thins the heard. Winners will take the majority of the best property and everyone else will survive with what remains. Maybe its divided equally, ...not really. Kind of a dark view... I know. But ... I do have hope that if we can endure, keep trying to be better, then perhaps there will be some global unity. Then a peaceful world of people might find a way to co-exist and focus on individuals to find their paths to joy and success.
The irony of consistently using George Orwell to critique the Left is lost on many.
George Orwell was a Marxist. Though a critic of Stalinism, he remained a Left-wing Social-Democrat till his death.
He fought fascists in the Spanish civil war, under the banner of the POUM, the Party of Unified Marxists. This is all well documented and Orwell writes about it himself in his fantastic book Homage to Catalonia.
It's there that his criticism of the Soviet system, specifically, Stalinism and their reactionary political line of class collaboration, solidified. After being shot in the neck by a fascist sniper, Orwell was hospitalized. He eventually had to flee Spain, not just from the Francoists, but from the Stalinists who considered him 'ultra-left'.
Orwell believed in self-organization, as all true communists and anarchists do. The Stalinists at the time wanted to stop organizations like the POUM or the anarcho-syndicalist groups like FAI or CNT. These groups wanted self-organization of the working class to create communes throughout Spain, as the social structure to fight fascism. Instead, the Stalinists followed a line of class collaboration with the national bourgeoisie against the Francoists. You can see where that got them. They attempted to force the same thing in China, which led to the nationalist KMT slaughtering all leftists.
Animal Farm, like 1984, was a critique of Stalinism, hypocrisy and bureaucratic state-capitalism. It's not a critique of communism. Orwell died a leftist.
Thank you for that wonderful reading experience. Smiles!
Bella Soseray
Turning to extreme left or right in many countries is caused by the disappointment with current leading politicians. It includes Trump's self-centrism, or EU's arrogance. Solution is to make democratic parties do their work in favour of the people, their voters and citizens. Not supra-national interests or fantasy-themed projects.
I don't understand "Trump's self-centrism." I don't know why Trump is the bad guy always...He is draining the swamp, and putting America first... Liberalism wants globalism. Globalism is like saying we need a leader to rule the world. And we have seen this before...Does Hitler come to mind? He wanted to rule the world. Being for your own country is the best thing....
I meant his personality. In presidential elections, people don't vote exclusively for program. They also want a kind person to represent their country. If he did not reach models (I hope it's correct English expression), speak in a good way about them without arrogance, he would have his 60% easily.
Ok. I see your point. But, "I" don't want a "kind" person...I want a fighter. Politicians deceive with kindness....Have you ever heard the phrase, "killing with kindness?" Well, we have too many politicians. Now we have Donald Trump, who is not a politician.
And don't confuse arrogance with confidence. And don't confuse fighting with arrogance...He is a fighter. If you look hard enough, he attacks when attacked...and its ugly...but a fight is ugly. I want someone who will get in their and draw blood from the entrenched "nice" politicians who are killing this country, and enslaving the owners of this country. That would be the citizens.
What about the Socialist (as some would call them) Nordic countries?
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Its sad to see what this country has come to nowadays. I used to be as red white and blue as any American. Actually, I still am but I dont trust the leadership and our youth gets dumber and dumber with each commoncore lesson and "news" story that is drilled into their heads. Great post. Upvoted and followed.
I thought that this discourse does not matter anymore in the world of digital technology and quantom physics...
Relevance: Give Marxists Hell Wherever You Find Them(After reading Gulag Archipelagos I find myself randomly shouting "McArthy Did nothing Wrong!!!")
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