I'm sure the empire builders of the world think that capitalism works fine for them too and might even think of themselves as altruistic - such as when Dollar Bill Gates 'gives billions' in toxic vaccines to otherwise relatively healthy children, but there is always another side to the story.. I am not comparing you to an evil empire builder, I am just pointing out that a way of living that involves capitalism cannot be properly tested until it is widely adopted.
Bill Gates is not a capitalist though, in the Voluntaryist sense of the word. He leverages state power and violent monopoly.
Free trade is simply nature. The ability to trade and be, freely. This is already happening worldwide, but is suppressed by the state. Any system which would work holistically must always protect the natural law rights of the smallest minority, which is the individual, whose right is self-ownership. I agree it should be allowed to function on a large scale, but regardless of how many engage in free trade, and whether they are able to or not, allowing free trade remains the only moral choice. Anything else would require the application of aggressive force.
I really appreciate that you are an advocate for vaccine injury awareness. I am as well. That is excellent.
As for the hippies, yes, perhaps I was lazy with my word choice there.