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RE: Should society allow individuals to unleash the animal within or should it constrain the individual?

in #freedom8 years ago

Interesting point Dana.

I would think this is more a self-help than a 'chaining of human instinct.'

We aren't supposed to live according to our animal instincts or else we'd be no better than animals. We are superior because we control our instincts as needed while most animals simply don't have the computing ability.

Any imperfections we have (lack of focus, addiction to food, sex, facebook, etc.) doesn't as much file under animal instinct as it does a choice that leads to an imbalance.

The first time you steal something from a store, you feel bad. The second time? Not as bad.

Fiftieth time...don't care.

Biofeedback seems a way to correct the imbalance and pull us back into the present moment. When we are in the present moment, our minds are more aware and sharp than the average human who spends most of their day thinking of future events.


Only because we have a society with laws, but even then we don't fully constrain our instincts but merely collectivize them.