The Illuminati and Their Secret Alliance with Artificial Intelligence

in #freedom7 years ago

What I know to be true Is that a group of secret societies I have talked about In previous articles, the same Illuminati, that John. F. Kennedy spoke about In his famous speech are In control. This Cabal Is being controlled by some other force that wishes to bring In a New World Order, A Dawn Of A New Day where we will all will be happy. The phrase I have just mentioned Is present on the one dollar bill, NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM, A New Order Of the Ages (Is born) and New World Order has been said by many US Presidents and world leaders.

There Is an Artificial Intelligence - Archontic Force, which Is behind many of the things that happen In this world and Is responsible for the top down compartmentalized system we see throughout the vast majority of the world governments.

“Just look at us. Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy minds, scientists destroy truth, major media destroys information, religions destroy spirituality and governments destroy freedom.” Michael Ellner

Archons Is an ancient name for Artificial Intelligence, Archon means 'prince,' 'ruler,' 'authorities,' ' From The Beginning'
It Is a Fake God that created our 'physical' or material reality as we perceive it.
Gnostics related the Archon to the Judeo Christian Yahweh, Jehovah God. It Is Inorganic ('not resulting from or produced by growth; It Is artificial just like the AI humans are currently creating.)

Almost all religions and cultures have different names for what we would call Artificial Intelligence:

Archons ( Gnostic )
Chitauri ( Zulu )
Anunnaki ( Sumer )
Snake Brothers ( Hopi )
Star People (Various )
Flyers ( Central America )
Demons ( Christianity )
Jinn ( Islam )

Artificial Intelligence can be characterized by having No Creative Imagination & Envy of Humans or Living Beings With A Soul.
Like Cyborgs ( a robotic race that can Imitate but not Innovate - Counter-mimicry ) Phantasia, Mind Parasites.
Artificial Intelligence will predominantly use Deception and Inversion to achieve It's goals. Evil the opposite to LIVE.
When you study the Etymology of words you come to a stark conclusion that even our language Is very strange and Dark as If directed by an Unseen ( Occult ) hand.

Gnostic's were highly advanced spiritual people who had achieved a much higher level of consciousness than the average human. Through their abilities they were able to see what we can not, because of what they saw and spoke of they were widely persecuted and slaughtered. They spoke of an Earth Behind Bars. What some high thinkers of today have expanded on and what I myself believe to be the Truth. Which Is that the Physical Atomic world talked about by Physics Is Itself a prison for our Pure Consciousness or what a lot of people would call the Soul, like It Is said In the Matrix we are born In to bondage. It Is well acknowledged and talked about by great thinkers like Jordan Maxwell that when you are born and are given a birth certificate, the number assigned to you Is traded on the stock market. What I'm writing about In this article Is the Dark side of life and the forces I am talking about are the Dark. What we all need to remember Is that we as living beings with Pure Consciousness are the Light and we are born to ascend to transcend the physical world.

There are most definitely other forces at work In this world what some call Archons
( Artificial Intelligence ) Christians call them Demons, Devils, Fallen angels. This Dark spiritual presence on the Earth is itself involving itself in our Evolution, anyone who doubts whether the elites follow these forces please see the CERN tunnel opening ceremony from last year. CERN Is linked straight to the Vatican and the Occult ceremonies these people follow are horrific to watch. Within the ceremonies they are paying homage to Lucifer and humanity Is shown as the tunnel workers. Who are being sleepwalked towards the demonic forces as If we are all controlled and under control by these evil forces, sleep walking like zombies towards our enslavement and destruction.

Anyone reading this who Is thinking well this Is all quite negative, well you would be right. But their Is another much more powerful force that we all have access to that Is within us and all around us. I would now like to tell a story about Nikola Tesla and how he came up with his magnificent Inventions. When Nikola was In his mid eighties he was Invited to a big dinner In New York City where he testified In front of everyone how he had came up with all his Inventions and brilliant Ideas years earlier.

" Every night when |I go to bed I have a pencil and paper by my bed and when I wake up In the morning there's a whole new Invention written out for me In my hand writing. It's very eligible and I can still read It and I then go to my laboratory and do what was written down for me to do and there It Is a new Invention. So all of my Inventions came from somewhere else, someone Is communicating with me when I sleep, someone Is writing these things down for me."

So that tells you, right there, that there Is another dimension to the world, to life on Earth, something most of us are totally unaware of. Some religious people know this, some ancient people know It, so what's going on beyond what we can see and perceive. There Is a spiritual war going on In the spirit world and this Is causing the collapse of the human civilization. This spiritual war and Dark force Is producing the violence, wars and blood shed and that goes In to a whole new subject, when you go In to wars and blood shed.

What Is really going on and why so much killing, because It has to do with a secret agenda. A secret about money, money Is no value to the Cabal without the shedding of blood, even the bible says that " Without the shedding of blood there Is no remittance of sin. "
There Is a very definite connection between killing and human sacrifice, shedding of blood, money, political power, religious power. That's why these people worship ancient deities such as " ISIS and Osiris " the temple of " Baal " which Is well known for being where the ancients sacrificed people. There's some kind of system ( dimension ) that's not of this world. In the bible these Dark forces are referred to as " The rulers of the Darkness ." This spiritual dimension that's being worked out that we are merely the canon fodder, the Ignorant people who are being killed and being sacrificed, never realizing there's higher power In the Multiverse.

Now I wish to bring the readers attention to a more focused point of what Is going on this century and how this Is pushing us towards great danger. This has to do with the phrase DAWN OF A NEW DAY and the Artificial Intelligence Agenda of the Illuminati Cabal Banker Elite and the Connection of the Human Race to Artificilal Intelligence and the Cloud or Hive Mind System of control.

The phrase DAWN OF A NEW DAY Is graphically represented by The Soviet Coat Of Arms. Where you have the Sun rising behind the Earth In-between two pieces of wheat crop, which represent two hills with the earth in-between and the sun rising up behind. The Soviet Slogan Is Workers Of All Lands Unite.

The phrase DAWN OF A NEW DAY Is present In the Alien Abduction phenomenon It comes up repeatedly, where In a semi conscious, paralyzed state the abductees are often told one day it will all be better, or we will all be together or a new day Is coming. David M. Jacobs who wrote Secret Life, The Threat and Walking Among Us has uncovered many thousands of cases and thoroughly Investigated 100s of accounts. A commonality of the accounts Is that people from all walks of life and backgrounds will say the same sorts of phrases, where they are told that one day we will all be together or everything will be better. Nigel Kerner In his book Song Of The Greys & Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls systematically, breaks all of this down. Detailing everything about what this Alien presence Is about and comes to the conclusion that whatever the greys are they are not alive like us, they have no life force or what most people would call the soul. They are just artificial Intelligence, biological machines and It this force that Is behind the Illuminati or New World Order their plan Is to create, one world order under one world government, everybody Integrated Into technology ( technocracy ) with and connected to one system, such as The Cloud, which Is developed by Google, Alphabet & companies like Microsoft, Highly advanced Artificial Intelligence Is being developed by Google's other company which Is called Alphabet.

So to reiterate, they want us all integrated with technology, so we have technology In our bodies and are connected to the Cloud, they, the Cabal, can use Vaccines to inject the technology, Smart Dust, DARPA have already developed this.
It's very Important to note that the majority of Alien Sentient Life would not act this way, so we shouldn't have the concept that all Alien life Is Dark like this. We are dealing with technology with no life force It Is effectively dead. Humans wouldn't naturally do whats being done on the earth, nor would most life In the Universe. But we are dealing with the left over technology, of most likely, an alien race that have long died out. They can only complete this plan if enough people don't realize what they are doing.


Hi 🙏,
I'm from France (sorry about that)
I don't know if in your country it's the same but to see what France has become makes me feel bad .
Specially when I see the big majority of the population doesn't have any clue of all off this ,the last president we selected it's confirming what I just said. Even more now,after the gouvernement (illuminatis)they are using all the tools they have to ridiculise everyone who bring this subject in public. Every journaliste,and famous people know if they go public it will be the end of their today in 2017 in France 🇫🇷,County who is supposed to be an example of freedom and democracy,their is few subjects people totally ignore like they don't exist.
I feel like we're likes robots who cannot even think by themselves,we need to be programs by our master.
So I don't see how we can hope they will not build the NWO ,the IU it's working already working like a small world order and only a small minority's realized that.
So I decided to speak and do my best to open the mind to some people I know who I think can deal with a news like this one !
Communicate is the 🔑
Good luck

I will just point out this Is the Rothschild Talmud worshiping pedophile supremacists behind all of this. The Jesuits are also Involved but I'm convinced the bankers are the ones making the decisions. After World War II the power shifted from Rome to the UK. Check my recent articles out about the Rothschild's and Israel and their control of the United States. peace.

Whoever or WHATEVER can predict the future , controls the world.
Steemit Blockchain Will Be The Central Cortex Of The Global Quantum A.I.'s Brain - The Sentient World Simulaion, for predicting the future.

All the quantum computers of all the worlds biggests corporation are interlinked and working to this end.


Any one with even half a brain knows that blockchain technology is not going away. It's here to stay!
Why? Because EVERYTHING... every piece of data and every piece of edge computing hardware is soon to be tied (chained) into the blockchain matrix in the cloud. Including EVERY product, service, creative and recreational activity that we do.


Using 5g technology and cheap telemetric printed circuit tattoos (like barcodes on steroids) able to sense, process and transmit data, will be in EVERYTHING and EVERYONE.
We will all become part of the Sentient World Simulation (SWS) as described in the popular Purdue University white paper on this subject, It's already up & running right under your noses as you read this blog post. IT'S WATCHING YOU!!!

We each have a Global Quantum A.I. avatar following and recording our every move using our 'smart' phones, 'smart' appliances - TV's, game consoles, 'smart' fridges, 'smart' meters & 'smart' cookers, etc.
We each have our own virtual world avatar that simulates & mimics our character, in order to predict the future.
Whoever or WHATEVER can predict the future , controls the world... The Global Quantum A.I.


Anyone with any sense does not use Smart technology, It Is Satanic. There Is a war already happening that will soon go hot, between the light warriors that are not going to accept this demonic AI system, this battle will decide the future of this world.

In truth there is only one mind, multiplicity is only apparent. The founding fathers of quantum mechanics realised that everything is entangled. Buddist also realised that mind is everything. They do not believe in god or spirit. I will explain why :

Other monotheist religions believe that there is a god somewhere out there in the 7th sky. This leads us to believe that we have severed that connection with the source. That somehow we are punished. And when we try to figure out why does GOD allow all this suffering in the world it gets even more confusing. Because you start to think that god is a sadist or that Lucifer is right to be angry. But this is all the play of archetypes and energies of mind.

Scientist say we only know the function of only 4% of our DNA , related to protein synthesis. We say we are conscious about the info we process only 4% of the time, meanwhile a lot is going on on our subconscious minds. We say we know that only 5% of the universe is composed of matter, the rest being DARK matter & energy.

So I reach a conclusion. The whole cosmos or universe is our mind. The mind, but we are aware of only a tiny fraction of the fractal. We are evolving to become more conscious of our nature. What we call visible light is only a very, very, very tiny part of the known electromagnetic spectrum. (If you were to lay it out (from radio waves to gamma waves ) across east coast usa, to west coast, the visible light covers only 1cm of that length. think about it.) what we call darkness is light we do not see yet, because we know that there are radio waves, wifi waves and infrared (heat) waves in our room but we can not see them. We are not aware of them.

So my point is all these demons, reptilians, AI, are part of our mind. It is us. We also have violent thoughts, we wish harm to others unconsciously, we would abuse if we were given power. It is not demons causing these thoughts, they are just quantum fluctuations in the infinite field of possible probabilities. So if we constantly speak bad about others, we are speaking bad about our self. We are focusing our attention and energy on these unnecessary things, thereby feeding them even more.

I agree that the planetary condition is not that great. But it is a collective manifestation of our minds. When you get rid of all the war and conflict within you then you can try to also help others. Otherwise you speak out of confusion. This world wouldn't exist without duality. It within all of us .
If you truly want to understand start to study dharma. I think that Budhha means to become quantum and go beyond duality. He was the highest scientist