Freedom: The Feeling You Have When You Realize That You No Longer Need Fakebook!

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

Yesterday was a shocking day for me, had to dig through my email to find the details of my Fakebook account.

Don't ask me WHY?.... basically there were no other takers and it had to be done.

Literally feeling sick while logging in, remembering all the bickering and backstabbing all the frustrated shallow little people that killed it for me back a few years ago when I was on there using a "nick" as I like to call a fake user name..... prior to opening up one in my name, it just made me feel nauseous. No exaggerations, I was not feeling well.

However, today I tried to dig up details about the "Fanpage Likes" and found that they can be purchased, both bot likes and organic likes. Which to me kind of felt like it was useless even trying to figure anything out about it when people are buying "Likes" for everything and anything on Fakebook.

So as I watched videos about it all, even from some of the video youtube stars who are here on Steemit, not to name anyone in particular. Had a little voice in mead say the words "KILL ME PLEASE" over and over again during this ordeal. If were to go back to doing my old job, I wouldn't ask questions over and over again, I would put one of these videos on for a day or two with a repeat button, then walk in and they would spill their guts in no time!

Again, i asked myself, "WHAT IS THE POINT TO ALL THIS?", apart from having a new tool to torture someone without physically touching them!

What do those "Likes" mean to anyone anymore?

It has obviously become a market for people who are competing for fake "attention", nothing more than this.

I could understand a teen movie star or pop star wanting a few million likes on their fanpage. I guess that would be something that could make sense, as their likes, no matter how fake are an "in thing" with the crowd the generation of kids that suffer from complexities and frustrations such as "OMG my bestie didn't like my photo on Fakebook".

What I can not understand is why on earth any serious business person would want to spend effort and time on Fakebook fanpage likes, when there are so many other job specific sites out there, where people who are in a certain field/line of work get together and communicate without the "fake likes" and all the baggage that tags along with the "frustrations" of Fakebook.

So, after an entire day of watching videos, surfing sites, reading about how to get more "Likes" on a social network that has a manifesto and agenda that puts all the political ideologies to shame, after hours of verbal diarrhea, hours or regurgitated crap that ensured me a severe case of exploding stomach ulcers and constipation for the next few months, I finally stopped. No I obviously didn't commit suicide, although that would have been an easy way out, I just stopped.

Man, what a relief.

Not the fact that I stopped reading up on and listening to the endless crap about Fakebook Likes. It was the fact that I realized just how pointless it was.

No matter what anyone may think, but there is no point for "Fakebook Likes", not for me or anyone else who doesn't give a flying hoot (not to say the F word) about how many "Likes" a certain business venture has on Fakebook.

I mean, seriously!

Who on this earth would base a serious business decision upon the number of Fakebook Likes they have on a Fakebook Fanpage?

Come on man, seriously, think about it!

Maybe I'm wrong about this, maybe the mindless people who would invest their money based upon the number of likes a Fakebook fanpage has are the core to some serious business ventures out there.

They are important to and for Fakebook, after all, Zucki makes his billions off these zombies that he controls!

But seriously, would YOU base any of your down to earth, real life, business investments upon the number of "Likes" a Fakebook fanpage has?

So, luckily for me, I managed to survive this day, will spend a fortune on mineral water, laxatives and every tablet known to man kind for stomach ulcers, but it was worth it.

I have confirmed that I have ZERO in common with Fakebook and that crowd there.

Curiosity killed the cat, but this LEO is alive and kicking, might need to wear bum tampons for a while, until I recover from the consequences but I got through it.

The next time anyone suggests that a Fakebook fanpage is needed for something serious, all I am going to do is order an Iron Maiden from ACME with a message that reads > "It's less painful and there will be less blood afterwards, trust me!"

Love it. I can honestly say that I am a Fakebook free man!

Thanks for reading.


PS. I was 100% fair dinkum with the above post.


Who on this earth would base a serious business decision upon the number of Fakebook Likes they have on a Fakebook Fanpage?

A moron, that's who!

I never understood why people used Facebook, I've never used it.
It's just another government data collection agency frequented by the saddest losers society has to offer.

What a brilliant post! And those pictures kept me in stitches all the way through.
Those fan pages are absolutely a scam because less than 20% of the people will ever get to see the updates anyway.

true story

Without Facebook who would look at all the selfies? How would we know what the neighbor ate at McDonalds earlier? I call it FB, Jack. Really it should be called Feel Better By Comparison... 😆🔨

You know what they say...

Behind every successful person is a deactivated Facebook account


I agree man! Fakebook is a total waste of time

That's the short version!


I personally haven't used Facebook is AGES (like years and years...). As soon as a company decides to put their bottom line above the rights of their users I instantly disconnect myself from it and find a better alternative (which is why I spend more time on Steemit then YouTube, and post more on Steemit then on other social networks). Facebook is one of the biggest offenders in this regard doing a lot of stuff most people aren't even aware of that blatantly go against your rights and overstep their boundaries. I am torn however as soon Mark Zuckerberg is going to be working to decentralize Facebook (at least on the surface) much more then it current is (which I strongly feel ties into something Litecoin is going to do shortly but I won't get into that right now...), so there may be hope for it yet in the long run, but for now I personally hate Facebook and its shady practices and selective censorship.

Oh and long live Steemit!

I don't think that the number of likes of a fb page could be a leading motivation to invest in a business, but it is just one of the many factors that work on an unconscious level. When I see the number of likes, if it is not too shocking I would not think of the option that some of those likes are bots. Thanks for reminding me that this is an option.

Bots, clicks on paid adds, general filling in the gaps when trying to make ones account full of "content" and "info"..... and not to mention the sheep factor.... "my friend liked it, so I will like it too".

When talking business, "Likes" on a site that offers that many "fake" options for these "Likes" just can not be taken into consideration.

As for the "subconscious", that could very well be the case, as I mentioned in the post in an unorthodox manner. Fakebook has definitely scarred many generations to come as far as the way they shall comprehend what they see in front of them.

Hollywoods propaganda machine has finally met its match!

Very well said :)

I subscribe to every word of yours. Face Book is a fake virtual world in which there is nothing. I'm sure that the future for such platforms as STEEMIT, because of our progress. And behind those outdated social networks - regression and degradation of the individual. Fake attention and fake approval.
Thank you, good article

The sad part of it is that this is a true story, I still have stomach cramps from it!

I read an article where Mark Z. was talking about trying to have a token or coin that rewards you. But it'll probably be bullshit. Because by that time, there would be sites like this and others that fulfill that better and theirs would be like what Napster became when torrents and torrent SITES came into play.

If they do it then the people who paid for the shares could very well feel very upset in a matter of days after the new tokens are released.


you're right, stocks on such positive news will grow up well ...
uniquely they will try to attract users by any means, so as not to lose their influence

I doubt that the stocks and dividends will go up, maybe.

My point is, that in order to pay Peter he needs to take the money from Paul.

Peter being the new Crypto and Paul being the current shares/market.

Excellent article. I only go to fakebook to keep in touch with real friends and real family who are far away.

I prefer Skype and Viber for that.

I feel exactly the same, I stopped using facebook I think than more than a year ago. I was sick of "Sucki" knowning so much about me. Why I was giving him and the US goverment so much info about me for no reason? Why was I engaging in pointless discussions with people of low intellectual caliber?

I wish that Facebook will die one day, but unfortunately it is one of those things that people love even if it destroys their lives and make them zombies, like soap operas, reality shows or TV series.

What is the point of it?

That is my point.

Who cares how many "Likes" someone has achieved via God knows what all "fake" means!

I feel the same way. Lately, I've been going onto facebook to try to pull some of my friends out of the Matrix that would probably do well here...but don't know about this. I don't try to pull EVERYONE because, just like myspace, when the people from myspace inflooded facebook, you see how much of a shithole that site is NOW. I still use it to strum up business, but that's only because there aren't enough of the type of people on here yet. I want to get to where I can strum up business on here LIKE I do on facebook.

Get the people here, so that they can start becoming individuals again and feeling respected for it.

Definitely. But the real challenge is to find the RIGHT people that won't turn this into a circus.

Your talk is Right
But what about Marc saying this year will fix your Facebook
Mark Zuckerberg promised to focus on this problem in 2018, although he confessed to having committed a number of errors.

It is set in its ways.

Everything about it has become "fake" from the likes to the non human contact and fake communication between "profiles".

Last night and today I just confirmed it all over again, trying to find out things about fanpages and then looking all over for info.

Reconfirmed this and have no illusions about it.

I think like this too thank you

What I can not understand is why on earth any serious business person would want to spend effort and time on Fakebook fanpage likes

The reason is simple - coverage. More likes you get - more people see your posts in Fb feed. More people read your posts - more $$$ you can get (selling your goods/services or just posting some advertising).

Moreover, as soon as Steemit will grow up enough to be interesting for big players - we will see tons of advertising and sponsorship packages. I'm sure

Like to facebook

Interesting post jack. You said it all. After steemit I dont use FB that much and if i do is to get in touch with people sometimes. When we talk about why people is attached to the likes Is because lack of self-confidence that feed theor ego too, some people started living a virtual reality because their personality is buil upon the comments and likes they get no realizing that is all fake. This point makes me sad, if you reckon that yoir virtual reality is better than you actually reality then is fucked.

True dat.

I guess a lot of people don't want to face the reality of reality, so chickening out is the easy way out of it!

Better that, then lets say suicide, so there is a bright side to it too!
