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RE: #389 - ADAM VS THE MAN: How To Properly Shut Down The Government (Call Flood Info Included)

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

Dude I love your passion. You are pissed and rightly so. I hope that you are able to round up your posse. It just might work. A show of force can be very effective. Just please be careful. They are looking for excuses to declare martial law. I don't believe that enough of the populace is awake yet, to not fall the the media spin that would inevitable come if an "armed mob" showed up. I think the most beneficial option would be to show up with a small army of live-streaming cameras. Then they can't effectively spin it. If the truth is mass streamed to the world. It will force them to be restrained and rational or else they would publicly expose themselves as the tyrannical abusers of liberty that they are.

I take it you would not be interested in flying me in from New Zealand would you? For the same cost you could prob get 15-20 other people from around the states.


I am so tempted but I don't have that kind of money but the offer almost made me cry. I am so tired of suffering, thinking of Adam in there for doing nothing separated from his dog in the NAME OF JUSTICE??? I am NOT going ALONE , they just pick you apart.

I was ready to be HATED for what I am saying but hearing you is killing me cause I am ready to give up.

Exactly what you said, I would swarm them with camara's and ANGRY FUCKIN people who ARE NOT ASKING ! Maybe I am just naive. I hope I get to bey them, I bet Adam wouldn't mind a bunch of people.. Thanks for your thoughts.

That seems to be the problem with the freedom movement right? We have leaders in the movement that wind up alone and then jailed. Then there is no one to help get them out. No overwhelming crowds to stand against the tyranny. We have no real organization like the dems or gays or republican party. Its getting someone super zealous over words then they wind up sacrificing themselves to find no real support. How can we change this? Where is our massive crowds of supporters standing unified in the streets causing an undeniable stir. It only takes 1 percent of the population to make significant changes. Where is our 1percent and why arent we coming together consistently forcing that change we desire?

Correct @raimoe.
A stubborn minority due to asymmetry wins in the end if at least a few percent of the population and organized. A well known fact.

If I could remain calm I would say EXACTLY what you said. I have a plane ticket for you sir if we can get 9 more 10 of us could be a start...

You ever want a resteem of your own post just let me know, I LOVE YOU.