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RE: Education, Activism, & Agorism

in #freedom7 years ago

b.a. Didn't you get the impression that the folks who inititiated "AnarchoForko" were aiming in this direction? Perhaps if they became more direct about it, rather than acting solely like a bunch of neoHippies, we might see something very impacting actually develop... and perhaps sustain, 51 weeks around Anarchopulco. eh? Imagine if Jeff Berwick and Adam Kokesh constantly promoted it................. with the spirit you are suggesting, of course.


No doubt about it. We had to miss Anarcopulco this year & were kicking ourselves in the butt once they booked the good Dr. Ron Paul, the man for whom our awakening is to be credited. Next year is going to be very different, however. We'll be there for sure & not return to Texas after. That's correct, we'll be joining the Anarcopulco Settler community, for the exact reasons you laid out. Agora or bust baby!!!

I'm lovin' it! What do you do as your Vocation to Christ? And you say "we", so I gather you are married? What is the wife's Calling? What do you think of this:

Thank you for the link. I've signed up for their email list. What do we do? You can check out our channel where we post our nightly BIBLE studies as a family. We go through the GOOD BOOK chapter by chapter, verse by verse & book by book. Grab your BIBLE & check it out. We'd love to hear what you think about our efforts. Thanks again!

Nice link for sure.

@fundposhprincess , It's a nice channel to use to keep you on a study plan. I don't agree with everything but it's a good tool to help keep me in the WORD.

I think we need some sort of forum for "ACA -- Anarcho Christians Assembled". I do see Acapulco becoming a world wide "mecca" for our type. ...and at present, 99.999% of this movement is either secular-humanist or pagan. This forum can be dedicated to: Ok... government is out of the way, now what? Anytime. Anyone.

We're planning the same move here. We'll see y'all there!!!