What's Stopping Me?

in #freedom2 years ago

Since I was a young man, I have wanted to live more free and to help others attain more freedom in their own lives. As an anarcho-capitalist (voluntaryist) I believe in absolute human liberty and independence for each individual; private property, self-ownership, peace, the mutual exchange of value, and the zero aggression principle.

At 51 years old now, I have seen the western world degrade. The degradation of the west has accelerated over the last 4 years, as I am sure you too have noticed, dear reader.

Perhaps like myself, you have kept quiet about it. Attempted to be left alone. Tried to live an life independent of the administrative state that lords over us as if we were cattle. The vaccine mandates here in Canada were enough to clearly show that Menchen was absolutely correct; "The government will treat you like a milk cow... until they treat you like a beef cow."

'What's holding me back?' is the title of this little blurb because I was just wondering exactly that?!?

I have known for a long time what a free society should look like. I have read the books and understand the basic principles... but why haven't I followed through and made real progress to initiate this change?

Maybe for myself, and a lot of others like me, the reality has to get just a little bit worse before we act...

It's just the beginning of the forth turning. The proverbial shit, is just prairie dogging out of the proverbial asshole, above the proverbial fan. There's a lot of real shit about to happen!

I hope that we both survive it, dear reader.

I hope that you follow me on HIVE and collaborate when you think it's time.

I see what's been stopping me; -> me.