I also don't really think that voluntarism is synonymous with capitalism since it is possible to volunteer without commerce, trade or 'ownership' being involved.
I see this more and more these days, and it really bothers me. Voluntarism and Voluntaryists are not called those things because of volunteering. It seems some people are trying to change the definitions of the terms.
This isn't about volunteering.
It is about interactions between humans being voluntary opposed to forced. It is a separation between people who seek to control others and those who do not. I have no desire to control other people for any reason. That makes me a voluntaryist!
I do understand that, when I said 'volunteering', that is what I meant. Interactions between people being voluntary IS volunteering, to me - this is a somewhat rare case of differences just being semantic to me.
I've seen a lot of people on here using the term voluntarist or voluntaryist to mean volunteering to do community work as in feeding the homeless. If you ask them about why they are using that term, they will feign ignorance too. I have never heard of that type of volunteer work being called voluntarism before either.
Oh, I see, ok - we have inherited a mental boundary around what volunteering is that is quite limited and I can understand why using the word voluntarism to describe such a limited concept of voluntary action would be a trigger.